Collapsologistai Profile picture
Expert on the intersection of psychology, sociology, economics, politics and climate, working to raise awareness about the possibility of civilization collapse.
May 26, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
When man pitted himself against Nature, he declared a war he could not win. How can we hope to thrive when we have turned our back on the very source of life itself? Our contemporary society, especially in the Western hemisphere,has steadily distanced itself from the natural
1/12 Image world often fostering a sense of fear and aversion towards nature's raw elements. The ease of digital interaction and constant technological innovation have propelled us further into an artificially-created bubble, disrupting our innate bond with the natural world 👇 (2/12)
May 26, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Knowledge and opinion are two sides of the same coin, their interplay shaping the foundation of our societal choices. But what happens when this coin, an emblem of our collective consciousness, becomes unbalanced and begins to spin out of control? 1/12 👇 Image In the realm of society, the interplay between personal opinion and knowledge is pivotal. Knowledge tends to inform opinion, but when opinion is backed by misinformation or a lack of knowledge, the consequences can be profound. 2/12 👇
May 24, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
We're led to believe that growth is good, that it's the solution to societal issues - from poverty to debt, and the means to progress. This belief, however, conflicts with the physical limitations of our world and its resources.

🧵 1/9 Image The capitalist economic system is primarily defined by the pursuit of profit and wealth accumulation, with a critical role played by corporations. The drive for continual economic growth is fundamental to this system and it presents a paradox.
May 16, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
🧵Learning is a fundamental process that underpins every aspect of human development. #Constructionism, a theory of learning, posits that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences.

1/n Image Trust plays a crucial role in this learning process, often acting as the catalyst for accepting new information and transforming it into knowledge. However, the constructionist approach and the necessity for trust can present significant challenges when attempting to address

May 14, 2023 24 tweets 9 min read
Oct 5, 2023,
New York

Day 1:

The 1st day of the blackout was met with surprise and a sense of adventure. We cooked dinner on our portable gas stove. The kids found it thrilling. The darkness was new and somewhat exciting. It felt like a camping trip, but inside our apartment. Image Day 2:

The kids' enthusiasm started to wane. No school, no TV, no video games. Our son, John, has asthma, and without the air purifier, he started coughing. We used his inhaler, hoping the power would be back soon. We helped our elderly neighbor, Mrs. Anderson, carry her Image
May 13, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
The potential inevitability of societal collapse is a daunting prospect, yet it is within humanity's grasp to adapt and equip ourselves for this transformative period. The first step in this process involves identifying what needs protection, improvement, and adaptation.

1/n Image This necessitates a comprehensive overhaul of our self-preservation strategies, safety measures, community building endeavors, and local organizational development. This essay delves into the specifics of these strategies to enhance collective resilience and ensure sustained
May 13, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
First and foremost, it is pivotal to comprehend the banking system and its function in our economic setup, at least as we imagine it to be. Banks, in their most basic role, serve as the connecting link, facilitating the flow of money from those who save to those who borrow.

1/n Image provide a secure haven for deposits, propose interest incentives to promote savings, and issue loans to a wide array of recipients, including individuals, corporate entities, and government bodies.

May 12, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
1/9 🌍 A critical factor in resource depletion and environmental breakdown is #population growth coupled with overconsumption. As our global numbers swell, our demand for resources—food, water, energy, and land—escalates, exerting crushing pressure on Earth. Image 2/9 🌊 The strain of overconsumption can trigger extreme exploitation of resources. Overfishing, for instance, can decimate marine life, while deforestation can disrupt biodiversity. Overuse of water resources can lead to dire water scarcity
May 12, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Our values:

1️⃣Embrace Excess: Why settle for less when you can have more? The sky's the limit! More possessions, more consumption, more waste – that's our mantra.

2️⃣Breathe In The Fumes: Pollution? What pollution? We believe that the smoke from our factories is the sweet 👇 Image smell of progress. So take a deep breath and let's continue to grow, forever and ever!

3️⃣Nature Is Overrated: Trees, clean water, fresh air – who needs those when you can have skyscrapers, oil spills, and smog? Let's pave paradise and put up a parking lot!

May 7, 2023 18 tweets 6 min read
Understanding exponentiality is essential for grasping the severity of climate change and the potential for civilization collapse. The concept is often misunderstood or underestimated, making it difficult to appreciate its implications. 🧵👇 Image Hungarian-American physicist Edward Teller believed that our failure to understand exponentiality could lead to humanity's extinction. In this thread, we will explore this notion and its implications for our planet.

1️⃣What is Exponentiality?
👇 Image
Apr 26, 2023 23 tweets 9 min read
🧵The chain of events described herein is based on a hypothetical situation and should not be taken as a prediction.


May: Early warning systems detect unusual warming in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, signaling the possible onset of a super ElNino event. Researchers begin👇 Image begin monitoring the situation closely. Arctic sea ice begins to melt at an unprecedented rate, reducing the Earth's albedo and exacerbating global warming.

June: Warming intensifies, and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) confirms the emergence of a super El Nino. 👇 Image
Apr 25, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
🧵The collapse of social structures and institutions in times of crisis is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has both immediate and long-term consequences on societies. From a sociological perspective, understanding the mechanisms and factors that contribute to these 👇 Image collapses is essential for devising strategies to prevent, mitigate, or manage them.

This🧵examines the sociological perspective on collapse by analyzing how social structures and institutions fail us in times of crisis. It explores the role of social cohesion, inequality, and👇
Apr 24, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
🧵Jem Bendell's Deep Adaptation framework offers a different perspective on climate change, suggesting that collapse is inevitable, and that we must focus on personal and community #adaptation. This framework is built upon the 4R model: Resilience, Relinquishment, Restoration, 👇 Image and Reconciliation. Considering the concern of continuing industrialization and its impact on the environment, it is worth examining how the Deep Adaptation framework can guide us in determining the correct course of action.

Resilience:Strengthening Our Communities and Systems👇
Apr 24, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
🧵Climate change is one of the most significant challenges humanity has faced in the 21st century. Despite the growing body of scientific evidence pointing to the severity of the problem, there has been a general lack of urgency in addressing this global crisis. This 🧵 delves👇 Image into the psychological underpinnings of #inaction in the face of climate change, and why we struggle to confront the reality of our situation. The exploration of cognitive biases, socio-political factors, and emotional responses will shed light on the complexities of human 👇
Apr 23, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
🧵In recent years, political #polarization has become a dominant feature of political discourse in many democratic nations. As political parties and their supporters increasingly diverge in their ideological beliefs, the divide between them grows, leading to a breakdown in 👇 Image democratic norms and the collapse of social systems. This thread will explore the different ways in which political polarization contributes to the erosion of democracy and the collapse of social systems, providing a comprehensive understanding of this pressing global issue.👇
Apr 16, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
The intersection of science, politics, and business interests is a complex web, particularly in the context of climate change and potential societal collapse. This 🧵 explores the role of scientific processes in shaping reality and how this impacts political and business 👇 Image communication strategies.


As society faces the growing threat of climate crisis and possible collapse, the role of science in shaping our understanding of reality becomes increasingly crucial. Science, as a systematic enterprise, strives to build and organize 👇
Apr 16, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
A polycrisis, characterized by multiple, interconnected crises occurring simultaneously, has the potential to trigger a societal collapse. This essay will explore the stages of societal collapse within the context of a polycrisis and discuss the changes and effects on the lives👇 Image of citizens in the Western world.

Stage 1: Emergence of Multiple Crises

A polycrisis typically starts with the emergence of multiple, seemingly independent crises. These may include economic recession, political instability, environmental degradation, resource scarcity, and 👇
Apr 15, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
🧵The climate crisis is accelerating at an alarming rate, and despite our best efforts, it seems increasingly likely that we will not achieve the necessary emission reductions in time. While mitigation efforts remain crucial, we must also invest more resources and energy into 👇 Image adaptation, preparing for the inevitable changes in our environment. This thread will discuss the rationale for investing in adaptation, the strategies we can use to cope with climate change, and the importance of local actions in adaptation efforts.

Apr 14, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
Year 2023: The Growing Economy

In 2023, the world is experiencing rapid economic growth, driven by technological advancements and increased consumerism. People are pursuing their desires, leading to higher energy consumption, resource depletion, and environmental degradation. 👇 Image The economy is focused on material wealth, and society is driven by a "more is better" mentality.

Year 2028: The Turning Point

As the impacts of climate change and resource depletion become more severe, a global movement for change emerges. This movement promotes the transition
Apr 14, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
🧵The current global energy crisis, characterized by a heavy reliance on fossil fuels, has led to serious concerns about climate change and the potential collapse of human civilization. Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydro power, have been proposed as an👇
1/n Image alternative to traditional energy sources in order to mitigate environmental damage and ensure a sustainable future. While renewable energy offers significant benefits, it is essential to consider the challenges associated with its large-scale adoption. This thread explores the👇
Apr 12, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Hello! Let me introduce you to a concept called "degrowth" by explaining it in simpler terms, without using human-specific language.

On Earth, there is a system in place where humans create, exchange, and use various items and activities to fulfill their needs 👇 and desires. Some of these items and activities can be useful and make life better, while others can be harmful to the planet and its inhabitants.

Degrowth is an alternative idea that suggests humans should focus on living in a balanced and harmonious way, 👇