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Political content. Cutting through the distraction. Focusing on what's broken: the system, the media and the economy as well as on the climate crisis.
Oct 15, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ Understanding that “we have no legal opportunity of effectively influencing the conduct of wars waged in our name” explains the trauma that many of us feel. Our government is actively backing a genocide. They and the media are whitewashing, making the victims.. 2/ the guilty, and making the perpetrators the victims. We protest, march and campaign to stop the genocide. Yet not only has the genocide got worse, it’s expanded to another country and now they’re planing a major regional war to “stop escalation”.
Aug 23, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
1/ Labour didn't promise much during the election campaign. The only firm promise they made was on energy prices. Yet none of the media reporting on the energy price hike mentions this or questions Labour on this. Nothing is failing this country more than the #BrokenMedia
2/ This is typical of what Starmer and Labour were saying when they were in opposition looking for votes. A big difference to what they're saying today...
Aug 7, 2024 23 tweets 6 min read
Massive response across the country to counter the hate "protests". The real Britain reasserting itself against the tiny minority trying to terrorise us. Highlights on this thread.
1/ Newcastle 2/ Sheffield
May 7, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
That old myth about the royals and tourism has done the rounds like crazy. It never gets fact checked, so here some data
1/ UK sites: No royal site, free or paid is a top 10 tourist attraction by visitor numbers ImageImage 2/ Countries: 3 of the top 10 most popular countries for tourists are monarchies. Not one sensible person is saying people are going to Spain and Thailand to see the royal palaces and not going for the beaches (nowhere near the royal palaces). Same applies here (see 1). Image
Apr 20, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
Labour have been consistently been making two claims about their NHS plans:
1) They will scrap the non dom tax
2) They will use it to fund the biggest expansion of the NHS workforce
As the media can’t be bothered to, I’ve fact checked this on this thread
1/13 Image 1) Labour ISN’T scrapping the non dom tax loophole it’s replacing it with a new tax break because they want “to attract top international talent”. In no understanding of the English language are “scrapping” and “replacing” the same thing.
Source… Image
Mar 14, 2023 16 tweets 7 min read
1/ For the #Budget you'll hear both Tories and Labour as well the media say things like "we haven't got the money". The truth is we do have money, lots of it. The Tories alone have burnt through hundreds of billions, pure waste. This thread lists some of the worst wastes. 2/ £50 billion wasted on Cameron's NHS reforms. They found the money for that but not for fair pay rises for NHS staff.
Jan 4, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
1/ I'm pulling my hair out with the crap, disingenuous media reporting of the #NHSCrisis. I've seen the BBC, Sky and ITV all cite the Tories plan to give health and social care £14.1bn more over 2 years with NO CONTEXT. So let me do it:
Thread 2/ Total spend on health and social care is c£180 bn a year.
With inflation at c10%, to stay level they would need an extra c£18 bn a year.
The Tories plan is c.£7 bn a year, ie £11 bn, c60% less than is needed to stay level.
So in practice this extra money is a real terms cut.
Jan 4, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ Thread: The next big Tory lie - Inflation
Sunak says “he’ll halve inflation this year” at his press conference.
No reporter asks him how exactly is it that he can control inflation and if he can why hasn’t he done it sooner? 2/ Inflation will fall ALL around the world this year. It’s a relative measure between two points in time. Prices spiked up last year because of the hike in energy prices especially after the Ukraine invasion. Unless there is another spike like that, inflation WILL go down.
Jan 3, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
1/ The massive #NHSCrisis we're now suffering is only a surprise to the Tories and the mainstream media. The warnings of this crisis were there in JULY, well before flu and the winter COVID surge. They were ignored then as they coincided with the Johnson meltdown.
Thread 1/12 2/ a) Source for the July warning:…
b) A more detailed report on the July warning:…
Dec 31, 2022 18 tweets 6 min read
1/ The #NHSCrisis is at a dangerous peak. Yet there's more on the TV news about hospitals in China than here. So, I pulled together some stories on it from just the last few days to show just how bad things are. More people need to know this, we can't rely on the TV media.
🧵 Image 2/ Critical incidents declared in a number of health authorities with all staff being called in.
Sep 12, 2022 22 tweets 6 min read
Thread 🧵 - Now is the time to stand up, yes, that includes you!

We need to stand up right now to what's going on in this country. I didn't get to this recommendation strictly by political analysis. I get to it by life experience. If you don't stand up for yourself against bullies, they'll keep coming back and it'll be worse each time they do. Right now we, the overwhelming majority in this country, are being taken for granted by a powerful but tiny clique at the top.
Sep 12, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I know many people laugh off the idea that this country is heading towards fascism. Look at this thread, watch the clip. Then explain to me how the police approaching a man for holding up a blank piece of paper isn’t a scary example of an authoritarian state..
1/ongoing 🧵 Example (2) Arrested for shouting “dirty old man” at Prince Andrew.
Sep 12, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Bored of non stop royal tv? If you're streamlining, I've put my choices for sci-fi shows here. I've left out big franchises like the Star Wars spin offs and the Star Trek reboots (which are good). I've picked the stand outs which don't get as much attention. 1/ War of the Worlds (2019+) - Disney+
Not just for sci-fi fans, I think anyone will like this. Acting, script, story line, the look all good and compulsive viewing. Many "what would I do?" dilemmas. Way better than the earlier Cruise and BBC reboots.
Aug 15, 2022 14 tweets 7 min read
1/ #PrivatisationFail - Water Industry
The bare fact about each water company. All of it shocking. The differences between the private companies in England vs the public ones in devolved nations on CEO pay is stark.

Each frame of this clip follows on this thread as a pic. 2/ #PrivatisationFail - Water Industry

Thames Water
Aug 15, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
We are suffering from privatised energy, water, rail and bus services. Not only are they adding to the #CostofLivingCrisis but they've given us sub standard infrastructure that will buckle under the #ClimateCrisis. Yet there is NO discussion of the failure of privatisation.
🧵1/7 2/ Privatisation has gone further in the UK than any other rich developed country, including the US. We are paying the price for it everyday and that price will grow as the #ClimateCrisis worsens. Both mainstream politics and media simply refuse to even discuss it.
Jul 6, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
1/ The Tory leadership race - what’s likely?
Ignore current resignations. With the exception of Javid and Sunak, the big players in the Cabinet won’t act before the 1922 Committee. That could be a delegation going to Johnson or a successful rule change. Game on after that.
🧵 1/7 2/ The Tory leadership will be come down to two types of candidate: Continuity Johnson, ie carry on as is, (Patel, Raab, Truss) just do what he was doing without illegal parties, free passes for sex cases and less lying.
Jul 5, 2022 51 tweets 23 min read
Sajid Javid resigns from the Cabinet. Game on!
Come on Tories, get Johnson gone. 2/ Paragraph 5 is the killer in Sajid Javid’s resignation letter
Jun 20, 2022 43 tweets 10 min read
Thread - Labour MPs who will be supporting #RMT strikers and picket lines.
Labour MPs who don't support this and the other strike actions for fair pay should have their union sponsorships cancelled immediately.
(NB thread is no particular order) 1) Jon Trickett
May 26, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
It’s truly amazing and unique that the Tories have been more generous than Labour. Sunak’s package for the #CostOfLivingCrisis is bigger and wider than Labour’s proposal. For every Labour leader in my memory, Foot, Kinnock, Smith, Blair, Brown, Miliband and Corbyn
2/ the opposite was true. Labour’s financial proposals have been fairer, wider and more generous than Tory proposals. For the first time under Starmer, Labour is behind the Tories on this. For the first time, Labour cannot legitimately say “you haven’t done enough,
May 18, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
In dealing with the highest level of inflation since 1982, many comments on unions being stronger to protect their members before the Tories took their rights away. There were other big differences (see Thread). Any analysis of the current crisis has to include all of these. 1/ Housing: most renters were in council homes (effectively rent control). Right to buy introduced by the Tories effectively destroyed council housing and boosted the private rental sector. There is no control on rents.
Feb 11, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
In 2017, abusive comments made by a Labour MP 13 years BEFORE he became an MP in 17 were a continuous rolling story on the TV news channels as he was seen a "Corbyn supporter". Labour suspended him quickly. Compare that to the media and Labour NON reaction to the Coyle's racism. 2/ Details on the O'Mara abusive social media posts and the reaction to them…