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I handle must-win tax audits and litigation. Shartsis Friese Tax Partner. Former DOJ Tax Honors Attorney. Crypto Enthusiast.
Nov 9, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Did Democrats in big cities steal the 2020 election?

We previously looked at Wisconsin and Michigan, to see if Biden's margins spiked more in blue counties.

They didn't. In fact Biden improved on Clinton's margins more in red counties than in blue! Now let's look at PA. With more than 99% of precincts reporting, we can see how each candidate did throughout the state. Biden leads Trump 49.8% to 49.1% in Pennsylvania (+0.7).

How did Clinton do? In 2016, Trump beat Clinton 48.2% to 47.5% (+0.7). So Biden completely reversed Trump's 2016 edge.
Nov 6, 2020 17 tweets 4 min read
Did Democrats in blue counties steal the 2020 election?  

As a #YangGang member I wanted to see if #math might help to answer this question. So I looked at red and blue county data in MI and WI from 2020 vs. 2016. The numbers do not seem to support the fraud claim.

A Thread. First, every credible allegation of voter fraud must be taken seriously.  Fraudulent votes disenfranchise all voters who have cast their ballots legitimately, and as a country we must vigorously guard against threats to the integrity of our system.