Dinesh D'Souza Profile picture
Author, Filmmaker, Host of the Dinesh D’Souza Podcast. Follow me on Locals: https://t.co/UDFY7UCJDc
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Feb 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Thread: Here are 5 little-known facts about black history that you will NOT learn about in any #BlackHistoryMonth presentation. For complete references and documentation see my book “The End of Racism.” Buckle up! 1. American slavery didn’t last for “400 years” as the #1619Project and so many others contend. From 1619-1776 America was under British rule. American slavery was 1776-1865, which is 89 years
May 13, 2022 24 tweets 5 min read
If you want to see how abusively @TuckerCarlson and his @FoxNews team deal with people, read this thread. It's an exchange between me and Tucker's executive producer @justinbwells I'm releasing this exchange because it's the backstory to understand why Tucker recently had on Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote. She was instructed not to mention "2000 Mules" even though the movie was out and the whole discussion centered around the material in the movie
May 3, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: Seen in major cities! 2000Mules.com 2000Mules.com
May 16, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
1. Trump is a patriot. This means he cares about American interests, about what's good for America. It seems incredible we must spell this out, but Obama was just the opposite. His goal was to take down America #RealHistoryatHome 2. Trump showed he knows how to turbo-charge our economy. He is a quintessential capitalist, and he knows how to make capitalism work. He'll do it a second time, and this time Obama won't be able to claim credit for it #RealHistoryatHome
May 16, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Okay, I'm not going to get into the transgender thing. But a good starting place to understand Michelle Obama is to read her Princeton thesis #RealHistoryatHome To quote Christopher Hitchens, this is a thesis, written for an Ivy League university no less, that is in "no known language." The woman was virtually illiterate. Affirmative action at its worst! #RealHistoryatHome
May 16, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Obama is the first truly anti-American president we have had. Not because he's black! Because he viewed America as the apex of evil in the world. Electing him was like putting a mafia chief in charge of the U.S. Treasury #RealHistoryatHome If you do that, is it any surprise that he'll try to rob the country blind? Obama did what he set out to do. Many Americans viewed this uncomprehendingly, because they could not bring themselves to believe he actually intended harm to his own country #RealHistoryatHome
May 9, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
(1) I want to highlight two things here: first, the spirit of invention and second, the moral ideal of equality given by our Creator #realhistoryathome (2) Both are stupendous ideas. Of course America is responsible for the vast majority of inventions over the last several decades. In fact, there are so many it makes other countries look stupid #realhistoryathome
May 2, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
(1) Any myth acquires its plausibility from a grain of truth. So let's start there. Blacks, who were once Republican, did become Democrats. Also the South, once Democratic, did move largely into the Republican camp #RealHistoryatHome (2) But blacks didn't switch parties because of civil rights. That's what progressives want you to believe. The black switch occurred in the 1930s, when Democrats were manifestly the party of segregation, lynching and the Ku Klux Klan #RealHistoryatHome
Mar 15, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: As I think about #Coronavirus, I’m re-reading William McNeill’s classic “Plagues and Peoples.” McNeill shows how the native Indians in the Americas died in very large numbers due to diseases, brought by the white man, for which they had no immunities (1) This of course refutes the crude “genocide” theory perpetrated by progressive historians like David Stannard and Tzvetan Todorov. Genocide implies an intention to exterminate a population. Viruses aren’t racist, nor do they exhibit intention in this sense (2)
Jan 20, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
1/Martin Luther King’s core message—that we should be judged by the content of our character and not the color of our skin—is now flatly rejected by the Left and the Democratic Party #MLK2020 2/King’s color-blind vision has been displaced on the Left by identity politics which embraces racial reparations, affirmative action and the affirmation of racial and ethnic differences—the opposite of what King represented
Jun 24, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: Unable to prove the Dixiecrats became Republicans @KevinMKruse and his sidekicks have shifted to claiming they were “conservative.” This is a distortion that slyly exploits an ambiguity in the meaning of the term Now one meaning of “conservative” is being opposed to change, holding to the status quo. Yes the Dixiecrats were conservative in this sense. They wanted to keep segregation. But this is not what modern conservatives mean by the term. We oppose the staus quo; we want change