Diversity in Artificial Intelligence @ AAAI 2022 Profile picture
2020-2 @RealAAAI+ @FAccTConference @iclr_conf @CVPR @aclmeeting @icmlconf @NeurIPSConf @COLING2020 @IJCAIconf @eaclmeeting @AIESconf @blackinxnetwork @kdd_news
Mar 1, 2022 69 tweets 41 min read
3rd workshop on Artificial Intelligence Diversity, Belonging, Equity, and Inclusion (AID BE I) at #AAAI: a livetweet thread by @banazir

#DiversityInAI #DiverseInAI
@RealAAAI @WiMLworkshop @black_in_ai @_LXAI @QueerinAI @AiDisability #IndigenousInAI
@wimlds @BlackWomenInAI

1/🧵 Screenshot: Zoom attendees ... Welcoming remarks from @banazir:

There will again be a special issue of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (#PMLR, an imprint of @JmlrOrg's Journal of #MachineLearning #research) on this workshop.

Video recordings of the workshop will be at DiverseInAI.org.
