Kamran Ahmed Profile picture
Psychiatrist | Writer @guardian @smh @sbs | Founder @medfest @rave_reviewz | Punster
Jun 8, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
#RacisminAustralia - a thread

I've been living in Australia for almost 6 years. During that time I've seen & experienced a staggering amount of #racism.

Here are some examples. Hoping sharing this will make people accept racism is a problem here and that it needs to change. 1) 2nd day in Sydney, met 2 white Australian women in a bar

Me: where should I live? Redfern?

Them: no it's full of Abos

Me: what?

Them: Aboriginals

Me: what's wrong with that?

Them: we're up here (gestures to head) they're down here (gestures to waist)
