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Jun 10th 2020
1/ Here's how Waleed Aly, Peter Helliar and The Project undermined Heritier Lumumba when he came forward with his experiences of racism while playing for Collingwood. It’s important because this ended public discussion around Heritier’s case. #RacisminAustralia
2/ The Project had an opportunity to use their platform to stand with a Black player who had survived years of racism. Instead, they followed Collingwood’s playbook and effectively killed his story. This is a long thread. Like LONG. Receipts and all.
3/ Recap. Heritier was a player at Collingwood for 10 years starting at the age of 18. 199 games including a premiership. During his time there, he was given nicknames like ‘chimp’ and ‘slave.’ There was no support within the club or the league to deal with this culture.
Read 26 tweets
Jun 8th 2020
#RacisminAustralia - a thread

I've been living in Australia for almost 6 years. During that time I've seen & experienced a staggering amount of #racism.

Here are some examples. Hoping sharing this will make people accept racism is a problem here and that it needs to change.
1) 2nd day in Sydney, met 2 white Australian women in a bar

Me: where should I live? Redfern?

Them: no it's full of Abos

Me: what?

Them: Aboriginals

Me: what's wrong with that?

Them: we're up here (gestures to head) they're down here (gestures to waist)

2) Met an English guy at a festival. He introduces me to an Australian friend and tells him I'm from England.

His response - 'bullshit, he's a black c*nt'

3) Walk out of my apartment building, guys driving past make monkey noises.

Read 10 tweets

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