Donnie Profile picture
Building a web3 MMORPG @Dremicaofficial
Jun 19, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read

Winged EXO passes sent out.

Carnage today 4pm UTC. We spent the week working on improving scaling/stability. Fingers crossed.

Lots coming for Pondsama this week. Move list/info released tomorrow + AMA at 2pm UTC. 2/n

EXO is going to blow people away via the standard of artwork alone, irrespective of utility.

There is nothing I've seen in the entire $ETH NFT landscape and beyond that comes close.

Think of League of Legends/MTG splash art, everything hand painted.
Jun 9, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Few obvious things you might not realise:

1. Loads of crypto events going on right now, everyone's there to shill their bags, but no one will buy their bags because they're there to shill their bags.

Event organises must be loving life with the inflated ticket and advertising $ 2. Most projects exhibit the "slow rug" as the number of liquidity blackholes entering crypto outshines the liquidity entering the system.

Successful projects are better artists than Picasso himself with how they paint their charts and take liquidity seriously.
Jun 8, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
People had played Minecraft for years, even "pros" joined in, steep learning curve.

Pondsama however is brand new, purely strategy based, no one even knows the meta (most effective tactic available).

Going to be interesting to see which big brains dominate this one. First thing I'm looking forward to is sacrificing my resources to an ancient God and minting my NFT fish.

Their base stats, move, passive, breed and nature are all generated randomly.

Some people gonna get lucky with high rolled fish, can't wait to see the flexing
Jun 6, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read

Currently on @Polkadot and even in the blockchain space, there's a huge focus on NFT "projects" and not enough support for 1/1 arts and artists who simply want to create.

On $ETH its the same but they have platforms like SuperRare and Foundation.

Let's change that. Image 2/

We're working on a community-governed initiative to bring in 1/1 artwork from $DOT $KSM community artists.

Artwork which we will integrate into our upcoming browser based metaverse (Pondsama) and the work we're going to do with @MomentumXYZ

Apr 29, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
1/ Here's a glimpse at one of the original @battlefornova MVP's we were working on.

It's changing completely, since EXO is being completely revamped along side our "petsama" plans.

We need a "multiverse" focus, not just another Axie-type. Explained below. 2/

My new vision is simple, we know the future is both multi-chain and multi-verse.

What if we could bring our blockchain "game" with us into OTHER metaverses?

Something akin to a "Moonsama Battle Engine" that hooks into different metaverses.
Apr 26, 2022 7 tweets 6 min read

Moonsama 2.0 is getting ready to launch.

The leading blue chip #NFT project on @Polkadot is getting bigger and better.

Evolving, multi-chain, equippable NFTs with multiple metaverse integrations and endless utility. Image Equip and evolve your NFT 2.0s with NFTs crafted in different metaverses.

Not just limited to one chain. Equip NFTs from $ETH, $GLMR, $MOVR and beyond.

Not just limited to @Polkadot / @Kusama parachains.

The future is multi-chain. Image
Apr 7, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read

We are discussing a potential move for EXO that hasn't been done before on $DOT $KSM

Made easy due to @MoonbeamNetwork utilising native 0x $ETH addresses.

Modular/composable NFT 2.0's with the core avatar on $ETH

Expect chaos. Expect @opensea. Expect @rarible. 2/

This will be discussed in the community call tomorrow.

Our multiverse bridge that aggregates our dotsama EVM chains and NFT assets allowing everything to happen with ease.

So why not put the core NFT asset on the chain with the highest NFT volume?
Apr 7, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read

Our team is developing a "gganbu" lookup tool for rewards calculated during @MoonsamaNFT carnage.

All 481 players from Sunday can view their gganbu calculations.

Expect 1000's more players and increased resource utility after @ExosamaNFT launches… 2/

If you didn't know already, "gganbu" was a term coined from Squid Game back when the world was stuck binge-watching it.

The concept of sharing with your BFF's, Moonsama shares their metaverse with their new gganbu's and they share their resources.
Apr 5, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read

Here's another one of my favourite $DOT $KSM altcoins right now.


What I consider one of the most important projects in the dotsama ecosystem spearheaded by one of the top global minds on NFT and metaverse @bitfalls

And it's potentially about to "pop off". Image 2/

Hinted at last night, it seems that the land auction announcement for the upcoming Skybreach metaverse is coming this week.

A catalytic event as people rush to acquire land in a historical metaverse deployment on Dotsama.

Land priced in $RMRK = increased token demand
Jan 20, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ Here's a big problem that's going to occur with all of these "metaverses".

Who's gonna keep things civil? The Zuck police?

Nah no chance, they will all be centralised systems banning anyone for even uttering words that go against mainstream narratives. 2/ 99% of the Metaverses I've seen are just glorified chatrooms anyway, some touting amazing graphics which will not prevent them turning into ghost towns.

The good ones however, will need on-chain democratic systems to regulate their inhabitants rather than corporate employees.
Dec 4, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
1/ I'm "down" 8 figs today and don't feel anything.

I'm numb to volatility now after 3 years of this without a day off.

Game plan is always the same. Long term holds and moving into opportunities with conviction.

Here's a quick overview. 2/ I've had some killer entries on things like $KSM under $2, $EWT $0.20, $DOT $1.25, $OCEAN $0.015, $MOVR crowdloan etc

Never touched shitcoins. Never shilled an IDO.

Ain't been easy, 99% wont hold through volatility for the multipliers.

This shit has been BRUTAL at times.
Nov 12, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
1/ I have invested heavily into $RMRK @RmrkApp this week.

I consider it one of the most undervalued projects in the $DOT and $KSM ecosystem.

With Coinbase's upcoming NFT platform and Facebook's foray into the metaverse, I will NOT be missing out on this vertical. 2/ The biggest mistake I've made in crypto so far was ignoring the NFT ecosystem.

They just a mechanism to represent ANYTHING on-chain as a non-fungible asset. But the potential use cases are endless.

And could even overtake cryptocurrency trading:…
Oct 17, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
1/ Canary networks are a new concept that's difficult for retail to grasp.

Multi-billion dollar networks. They're not "testnets".

Rococo = DOT/KSM testnet
$KSM = Mainnet
$DOT = VIPnet

Moonbase Alpha = GLMR/MOVR testnet
$MOVR = Mainnet
$GLMR = VIPnet

2/ Kusama can be classified as a mainnet. All code deploys there first. It moves fast, it expect chaos.

It allows us to test code in a real world setting, with real value and users.

Things like governance CANNOT be tested on a testnet. (0 value)…
Sep 24, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
1/ One of the important utilities we want to bring to the Moonsama NFT's will be their ability to act as a governance NFToken.

We are working on a snapshot voting system, 1 NFT = 1 vote.

Easy to implement since there are multiple governance solutions built on $ETH 2/ This will give the community control of important decisions going forward that shape the evolution of the project.

For instance, we can have the community vote in new skins/models/NFT's into the marketplace.

In addition to the unannounced utility the NFT provides in game.
Sep 9, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
@0xtuba 1/ Apps don't run on Polkadot as it's a layer 0 protocol. Same as Kusama.

Kusama right now has 7 blockchains running ontop of it.

One of them is $MOVR (kusama version of Moonbeam).

This is a layer 1 blockchain, fully ETH-compatible smart contract blockchain. @0xtuba 2/ This of course has brought "smart contracts" to Polkadot/Kusama before ADA even work out how to do theirs.

Now right now, there's multiple dex's running ontop, including anon degen shit (a sign of how easy it is to get dapps up and running)
Aug 1, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read

I heard this week the @Polkadot team are going on a coders retreat this month, where the big brains meet up to come to consensus.

They did this just before they launched parachains on $KSM

I speculate after this, they'll get the next round of auctions started What they're doing hasn't been done before. It's the only layer 0 meta protocol in existence and Kusama now has 6 blockchains (parachains) running on top of it.

Fully fledged domain-specific blockchains, interoperable and backed by the shared security of the entire network.
Mar 13, 2021 18 tweets 5 min read
1/18 Everyone's saying "wen lambo?" but no one realises that @energywebx just literally partnered with them.

Lamborghini is owned by Volkswagen Group, who also own Bentley, Porsche, Audi and Bugatti.

But will the next generation of electric vehicles use the $EWT token? 2/18 Unless you live under a rock you'll realise by now that electric vehicles will replace gasoline ones on a global scale.…
Dec 6, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
$XRT @AIRA_Robonomics research has started.

They WON the 2018 – 2019 MOBI Grand Challenge which was sponsored by $OCEAN @oceanprotocol

The work was carried out alongside Decentralized Technologies ( and Chorus Mobility ( Spotted this within the $XRT github, the code used for the winning MOBI submission.

"In 2018, the mixed team of developers from Airalab, Decentralized Technology and Chorus Mobility won the hackathon MOBI Grand Challenge."…
Dec 3, 2020 15 tweets 6 min read

FOMO'd into $XRT @AIRA_Robonomics

- 10m mcap

- One of the oldest $DOT projects

- Insane developmental and academic history.

- Lowest mcap project that's ACTUALLY going to get a parachain on $KSM

- Putting @kusamanetwork on Mars.

- Literally the internet of robots. Image You've probably noticed $KSM @kusamanetwork going completely bonkers right now.

It's $DOT's wild cousin. Noobs call it a test network. Degens know it's the REAL @polkadotnetwork

I'm predicting the hype to carry over to the first parachain projects. $XRT is one of them. Image
Nov 6, 2020 22 tweets 9 min read

$OCEAN is going to lead the bull run.

It's not just the Central Bank of Germany that's going to moon it.

It's time recap on why @oceanprotocol will be the biggest token of 2020.

THREAD TIME. Image So the biggest news recently that has transpired is a tender online with Deutsche Bundesbank, the central bank of Germany.

The bank said in their tender, that $OCEAN has no competition.

Nov 3, 2020 15 tweets 5 min read
It's #Trump vs #Biden today.

I'm not a USA citizen, I don't care for politics but I've been thinking about who will pump $EWT @energywebx the hardest.

I've come to the conclusion that both of them are gonna pump it.

Thread [1/15] Well I think everyone on telegram right now wants @realdonaldtrump to win. No doubt he'll keep that money printer flowing, only prolonging financial collapse and fulfilling $BTC's destiny.
