Brittani James, MD Profile picture
Family Med Physician & Medical Director of @imancentral in inner-city Chicago. Christ seeker. Good Troublemaker. Blerd. @Cornell @UMich alum
6 subscribers
Jul 9, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
I woke up yesterday morning, looked out my window and saw the neighbors had hung this flag on their children’s playground.

Pull up a seat, and join me, friends, for The Chronicles of Being Black in a Rich, White suburb

A thread 💀 I believe there is a no insignificant change this move was intentional - to send a message.
Jun 8, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Ok, can my fellow #Millennials collectively admit that the American School system FAILED US ALL by not teaching us about the #TulsaRaceMassacre when we were coming up?

It's really messed up. I had to learn about Tulsa on my own, in my late 20s--despite attending a well-funded Public School system 👀

...Then there's the additional 11 years of Post-Graduate Education during which I never heard a peep about Tulsa 👀
Jun 6, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Let’s be clear.

#Hustle culture is just #capitalism repackaged to be acceptable to Millennials.

🧵 2/ The current set of power elites are trying to sell us the idea that if we just work ourselves to DEATH until we’re 65, then we will have finally “earned” the right to rest and happiness.


We are all worthy of those things TODAY.

Especially Black women.
May 27, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
BREAKING: Unsurprisingly, some fragile white male SNOWFLAKE members of the @AmerMedicalAssn, are highly triggered by the racial progress represented in the AMA’s strategic plan on health equity.

And now they are in the midst of a full blown tantrum 👀🙄


🧵 2/ The good news? The white supremacist element of the AMA has FINALLY showed their hands.

Spoiler: the issue is not just in JAMA leadership....

It’s everywhere.

These toxic ppl have control of our field and will fight to keep it at any cost.

...That’s what this tantrum is.
May 25, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I don’t know who needs to hear this but doing the same thing “because we’ve always done it this way” is not a legitimate reason to keep a broken system in place.

Especially if the way “you’ve always done it”....


- A message from the frontline for today’s “leaders”

✌🏾 I’m looking at you in particular healthcare c-suite/managers/supervisors or anyone in positions of power in healthcare orgs/med schools/residencies etc 👀👀👀

This stance is ubiquitous in healthcare. And it’s killing innovation.
May 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Minding my own business shopping and a middle-aged white woman asked me if I work there.

When I looked at her blankly and answered back in a deadpan voice “no”, she giggled it off and said “I was just wondering where to put this shirt back”.

But I’m a bad person if I go off. Kicking myself for not saying “I’m a physician” and letting her die of embarrassment.

But something tells me she wouldn’t even have the decency to be embarrassed.

Most of these types don’t.
Apr 6, 2021 18 tweets 5 min read
Get this.

Last night I, along with a coalition of Black physicians, met with the President and Senior Leadership of the AMA.

Here’s what went down:

A thread. 2/ They held their cards close. They started on the defense.

I expected that.

Most white folks clam up when Black folks enter the room meaning business.

They tend to assume the worst of us.

An MD doesn’t stop that.
Feb 26, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ You know it really is a trip that Black folks understand the racism of white folks more than white folks understand it themselves.

And yet here we are.....

A 🧵 for white folks. 2/ FACT: We know you better than you know yourselves.

Wanna know why?

Because we have to survive your racism every single day.

It sucks.
Jan 14, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
PSA to white people who claim to care about (so called) “Diversity and Inclusion” or #DEI

Do us Black people a favor and STOP calling it diversity and “inclusion”.

Just stop!

Ya’ll are racist as hell + clueless about your racism.

Let me break this down for you:

(🧵Thread) I don’t want white people to simply “include” me.

I reject the entire premise.

I reject the implication that white people are the norm.

I reject the fact that white people see their disproportionate power in society as natural and acceptable.
Jan 5, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
Science has delivered a lifesaving vaccine against COVID.

Sadly, only 3 million of the 14 million available doses have been given out...Why?

Because knowing the right treatment is just the start of the battle in Healthcare.

Welcome to my world.

A thread. 2/ What we are experiencing right now is a systemic failure of healthcare in real time.
Dec 3, 2020 18 tweets 3 min read
Let’s be honest.

Many Black person will refuse to take this COVID vaccine bc most of us don’t trust that white people or the government mean us any good.

And when that happens, know that the hesitance is not some baseless paranoia. It is completely rational.

Let me explain. 2/ Black people’s mistrust in Medicine and Public Health is well-deserved and completely rational based on what you all have done to us, and continue to do to us.

Let me say clearly: I will 100% get the vaccine. I believe in it. I trust it.
Oct 6, 2020 15 tweets 2 min read
Our vulnerability is a gift most white people take for granted.

A thread. 2/ White rage is real. Speak racial truth to white people and you summon it.

We invite it when we are vulnerable to white people. Black people know this very well.
Jul 9, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Can we officially do away with the phrase “implicit bias” in 2020? Please? Pretty please?

Can we FINALLY just call it what it is? It’s racism. Can’t we finally just say racism when we actually mean racism?

It’s sad that having this stance in academia makes me “radical” 🙄 Part of institutional racism is white supremacist power demanding that we don’t actually say the word “racism” when it’s what we’re actually talking about.

If hear me say the phrase “implicit bias” in person, know that I’m codeswitching/in performance mode 👀😂 #BlackintheIvory
Jun 30, 2020 25 tweets 5 min read
1/ Although I do whatever I can to flatten power hierarchies with my students, this is one place that my Blackness and my woman-ness won’t let me go.

A thread.

I CANT give you license to call me by my first name if you are a learner. Why? 2/ Because my Blackness and woman-ness mean I am not respected by those around me at baseline, despite being Ivy League educated and a physician.

Despite playing your game for over 30 years and relentlessly grinding and hustling and pushing to get your accolades so you see me…
Jun 28, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
(1/12) Getting emotionally close to liberal White women is exhausting. I need a break.

They draw you in with calls of shared womanhood and you relax your guard with them.

But then, the inevitable bait and switch. That’s the problem.

A thread. (2/12) Progressive White woman racism is the worst of all in my opinion. Theirs is the sneering, arrogant certitude that “I’m not the problem”.

Theirs is the “you can be liberated but only after I get mine” type of racism.