Think knowing English is enough to pass the IELTS? Think again. Many doctors fail simply because they don’t understand how the exam works.
Avoid that mistake—here are 12 PROVEN steps to ace your IELTS!
1. Understand the IELTS Format
The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) assesses four key skills:
✅ Listening (30 mins) – Understanding spoken English
✅ Reading (60 mins) – Comprehension of academic/professional texts
✅ Writing (60 mins) – Structured essays and reports
✅ Speaking (11-14 mins) – One-on-one interview with an examiner
For doctors, the IELTS Academic version is required. Understand how each section is scored so you can prepare effectively.
Jan 31 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Ebola is back in Uganda. And this time, it’s in the capital—Kampala.
A nurse is dead. Dozens are being tracked. The virus is moving. And in a city of over 4 million people, this could spiral out of control fast.
I’ve been following the story, and it may be worse than most people realize.
Here’s why. 🧵👇
It started like any other illness.
A nurse at Mulago Hospital, Uganda’s largest public hospital developed fever, chest pain, and difficulty breathing. Nothing unusual in a country where malaria and respiratory infections are common.
So he went from one hospital to another, searching for answers.
He even visited a traditional healer.
He had no idea he was carrying Ebola.
Jan 28 • 17 tweets • 5 min read
Yesterday, I stumbled upon a study that analyzed the causes of death for over 8,000 doctors and examined how their specialties influenced their life expectancy.
The findings? Shocking, even my own specialty is implicated 🤯
Here are 12 key findings (A MUST READ for every Doctor!)
Before we delve in , here are some insights.
This groundbreaking study, published in the BMJ, explored the mortality data of 8,156 doctors from 1997 to 2019. Researchers used web scraping and natural language processing to examine obituaries, giving us a glimpse into how medical careers can influence life expectancy.
The results are eye-opening, and it is quite glaring that not all specialties are equal when it comes to health.
Let's break it down.
Jan 27 • 19 tweets • 5 min read
I’ve been teaching IELTS for 4 years now, mostly to doctors and nurses aiming for the PLAB or NHS pathway.
Here are 15 of the most common misconceptions about IELTS that are holding candidates back—and what you really need to know.
1️⃣ "If I speak like a foreigner, I’ll ace the Speaking Test."
❌ Wrong! IELTS doesn’t reward you for how British you sound. Trying to fake an accent often leads to awkward, unnatural speech.
✅ Focus on:
-Clarity: Speak clearly and enunciate.
-Fluency: Keep your sentences flowing without long pauses.
-Coherence: Organize your answers logically.
🌟 Remember: The examiner wants to understand you, not judge your accent.
Jan 21 • 22 tweets • 6 min read
On Day 1 of his 2nd Term as POTUS, Donald Joseph Trump pulled the U.S.A out of the World Health Organization (WHO). He had tried to do it before during his first term, but it was reversed by Joe Biden.
What does this mean for the WHO and Global Health?
Here are 20 things you NEED to know- about China's Involvement, the new global health order and the deep problems this move has created.
Let’s break it down 🧵👇 1. The WHO Just Lost Its Biggest Donor
Last year, The U.S. funded almost 1/5th of the WHO’s budget—more than any other country. Without that money, programs fighting malaria, polio, and TB are at risk.
👉 Picture a hospital suddenly losing its largest donor. What happens next? Chaos.
Mar 18, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
A man had an accident. He had head injuries and lost consciousness
He was taken to the hospital
The Neurosurgeon treated him, and he regained full consciousness and control of his body.
He jumped fence and escaped 🙃.
The man who absconded with the bills is an OFFICER of the Nigerian Army
Story Continues👇
It is not enough that he was given specialist care, and regained full health, he absconded and refused to pay his bills
After intervention and “calls” were made, he paid some and was let to go based on “recognition”
He got home, called his friends and they went to kidnap the Neurosurgeon.
All of this happened recently in Anambra state
Jul 9, 2021 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Dear Under 30 Twitter.
Here are some HABITS that you must develop, to ensure your later years are healthy. #IssaThread
Please RT
1. Stop Smoking.
This gets harder to stop as you grow older, and really does damage to the Lungs and the Airways. This is quite important.
2 . SAFE SEX!!!!!!
Yes, No one is having sex with condoms anymore, when they really should. STI's are rampant and are a major cause of Infertility for Men and Women alike.Untreated STIs can block the tubes
You want to have Children dont you?
Aug 18, 2020 • 19 tweets • 5 min read
This is a brief overview of the IELTS exam and a few tips to help preparation.
RT, someone on your TL needs this.
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) measures the English language ability of people who want to study or work in a country where ...
... English is officially used as a language of communication.
It uses a nine-band scale to identify levels of expertise, from non-user (band score 1) through to expert (band score 9) in 4 skills namely Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking.
May 25, 2020 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
On Doctors and Migrating,
1. Not everyone can , not everyone should. Not everyone is better off Abroad.
2. If your plan is to "leave". Just to leave the country and Practice Medicine outside. The UK is your best bet. The US is much more expensive and longer
3. It is possible to get into training in the UK. Infact, it might be easier than matching in the US. Know the Options and start working towards it.
4. If you are in Residency in Nigeria, it is a "Plus" when you are relocating.
May 20, 2020 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Dear Under 30 Twitter.
Here are some HABITS that you must develop, to ensure your later years are healthy. #IssaThread
1. Stop Smoking.
This gets harder to stop, as you grow older, and really does damage to the Lungs and Body. This is quite important.
2 . SAFE SEX!!!!!!
Yes, No one is having sex with condoms anymore, when they really should. STI's are rampant and are a Major cause of Infertility for Men and Women alike. You want to have Children dont you?
Untreated STIs can block the tubes.
Apr 22, 2020 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
Everyday tips that could Save your Life, Literally.
1 - Never walk down Stairs or Run with your Hands in your Pocket. If you slip and fall, you can use your hands to break your fall. You really don't want a Head injury, especially in Nigeria
2 - Learn CPR.
200,000 people die yearly because no one around them could start CPR immediately.
To get certified, you need to take a course. but you should have the knowledge and help save lives.
Information about this is everywhere. There really isn't an excuse not to know
Apr 3, 2020 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
A Resident Doctor in Irrua has tested positive to the Corona virus.
Let me explain to you why this is a REALLY bad thing.
When a Doctor (Read Health Worker) is infected with the Virus, a cascade of events happen.
This reduces the number of Doctors available to care for the patients.
If there were 2 doctors caring for 6 patients, it is now 1 caring for all 6
Aug 14, 2019 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Amina and Aisha are roommates,
Yesterday they both started having diaorrhea and vomiting, so Aisha went to the hospital today.
Aisha told the doctor her complaints and was given a prescription and counselled.
Aisha went to the pharmacy and bought the medications, ..
..spent less than 1k in total.
Did as she was told and felt better by the 3rd day
Amina didn't see a doctor. And by the second day she had worsened and was now vomiting everything she ate. By the 3rd day she was so weak, . Aisha had to take her to the Hospital.
She was then ..
Aug 5, 2019 • 25 tweets • 9 min read
Here is some special advice for the week.
I watched a TedTalk by Tim Urban on Procrastination - and it succinctly illustrated a battle I had fought for a long time.
I noted some similarities between his points and mine, hence the thread.
His Talk was fun and brilliantly described what goes on in the mind of a procrastinator, and pointed out a few pitfalls to that approach.
I found it enlightening and an easier way to illustrate the solution i have devised to curb procrastination
I hope it helps someone. 🙂
Jul 19, 2019 • 29 tweets • 4 min read
Recieved this on WhatsApp, I think it is worth a read.
It was a cold and rainy morning sometime in April, when one of the OPD nurses on duty knocked on the consulting room.
*Nurse KC:* Doc, are you free? There’s a new patient that will like to see you.
*Me:* Okay, Please send her in.
*Me:* Good morning Ma’am, how may I help you?
*Patient:* Good morning Doc, I am about 3 months pregnant but still seeing my menses monthly and I am worried.
Jun 18, 2019 • 18 tweets • 4 min read
Dear Young Professionals, read this.
Peter graduated to be the best and finest surgeon in the world. At age 30, he became married. The joy of marrying a successful young person attracted, his wife, to him.
After the Honeymoon, he hardly spent some quality time with his wife.
Their relationship began to go sour.
Not that Peter is flirting around with other ladies.
Not that he now had a bad friend.
But, at his work place, he was seen as TOO IMPORTANT.
Every patients craved him. The Nurses wanted him to handle the surgeries at hand.
May 11, 2019 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
“So you can’t take a bullet for me?”
Orin teased as the blood started flowing into the bag. “Its small needle you are complaining about”.
John smiled. He would actually take a bullet for her. He wondered if she realised that was how much he loved her.
“How long would it take?” He Inquired.
“10 to 15 minutes”.
That wasn't so bad, he always imagined the process to take at least an hour.
All in all he had been in the hospital less than 30 minutes.
Jan 11, 2019 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
Short Question Thread on Male Fertility!
So much emphasis is placed on Women in Sexual and reproductive health, that sometimes we forget Men are responsible for up to
To encourage the discussion please answer the questions in the Thread
RT for others.
Alcohol can reduce Sperm counts and motility #DrJohnAfam #MaleFertility
Aug 21, 2018 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Hello Sister?
Yes ! You should pee after Sex !
Its significantly reduces your chances of getting a UTI, especially for people who have recurrent UTI's.
The Urinary tract is made up of Kidneys, Bladder,....
....Ureter (Kidney to bladder) and Urethra ( Bladder to "outside"). Most Infections affect the Lower part, i.e Bladder and Urethra, but it can sometimes ascend to the Kidneys.
A variety of Microorganisms can cause UTI. And UTI's are quite common.
Women are more prone to UTI's..
Aug 10, 2018 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Something a Little "Mature" for the Evening.
Sex could improve memory in women.(Aerobics can too, but Sex is way more fun)
Sperm is Fast (For its size, Imagine a Fish, swimming 5000mph)
Women are more likely to Orgasm when they wear Socks (Keep the feet warm)
Drinking Water will make you "Wetter" (3L!!!)
Sex can help with Headaches and Migraines (Not everytime Paracetamol)
Aug 6, 2018 • 23 tweets • 6 min read
"We need to do an Operation"
Those "evil" Words that no pregnant woman wants to hear..
But why is it so bad?
Why is it "not my portion"?
Why do we need to do an Operation?
What are the complications?
What are the other options?
Ladies and Gentlemen...
#IssaThread #DrJohnAfam
Ceaserean Delivery ( C-Section, Surgical Birth, Abdominal Delivery) is the delivery of a baby or babies, through an incision (cut) in the abdomen, and the Womb. This is often indicated when a Vaginal birth ( Normal delivery) would put the mother or baby at risk #DrJohnAfam