Dr. Rob Davidson MD, MPH Profile picture
Executive Director of @ctphealthcare. Dad, husband and ER doc. #MPH ‘22 @umichsph. All people deserve affordable healthcare.
27 subscribers
Oct 31, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
As an ER doctor for 2 decades, I have seen the #ACA transform the lives of my patients. This week, one week before the election, @SpeakerJohnson told us that he and @realDonaldTrump will “deregulate” healthcare and that there will be “No Obamacare.”

What does this mean? 🧵 1/10 Before Obamacare insurance companies denied coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. Diabetic patients would come to the ER in crisis because they could not see a PCP. One man waited 5 days having chest pain during a heart attack and ended up in heart failure. 2/10
Oct 4, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
As a doctor whose wife experienced 4 miscarriages amongst the 3, now healthy adult children we have raised, I can’t stop thinking about @JDVance’s answers on abortion during the VP debate. Here is the problem with his and Trump’s “leave it to the states” approach. 1/13 He claimed that the US is a diverse country, and the views of California may differ from the views of Georgia or Arizona, etc. I couldn't agree more — we ARE diverse — but that diversity does not end at state lines. 2/13
May 11, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
As an ER doc and health care advocate I couldn’t care less about @SenKatieBritt's cringe performance in this video that many are roasting. It is the substance of the bill she is pushing that makes me truly cringe. Here’s why: 🧵1/7 The MOMS Act is a GOP ploy to pretend they’ve softened their extreme views on abortion in a critical election year. To have a senator from a state with a near total abortion ban introduce the bill is fitting for a party that is completely out of touch with everyday Americans. 2/7
Nov 16, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
As a doctor, Trump's announcement tonight sends a shiver down my spine. Medical professionals are still burned out, still dealing with the fallout of Trump's presidency. In case anyone forgot, here's a list of how he harmed our patients and attacked health care access (🧵): 1/10 Data show as many as 40% of COVID-19 deaths (nearly ¼ million) during Trump's presidency could have been prevented had he handled the pandemic like wealthy peer nations. We still mourn the loss of our patients and neighbors. It didn't have to be that way. 2/10
Apr 19, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I am genuinely pissed that a know-nothing Federalist judge lifted the travel mask requirement.

I'm not pissed for partisan or personal reasons, I am pissed as someone 11 days from receiving my MPH (#GoBlue)

Here's why: A 🧵

Masks should never have been political. They're a simple, risk free method for lessening the risk of COVID19 and yes, saving some lives.

But for a thin skinned, vane, know-nothing former President, this would not be partisan, and many more people would now be alive.

Jan 25, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
After seeing more and more unvaccinated COVID19 patients coming to the ER and having to be admitted to beds that are miles away and hours away from being available, I get more and more pissed at the offensive display of anti-science and anti-Semitism in DC yesterday. 1/9 And today, @SenRonJohnson held a "hearing" with some of the same anti-vaxxers who spoke at the rally, and whose disinformation has led to hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths since the vaccines became available over a year ago. 2/9
Dec 23, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Well #COVID19 has finally hit my house. My oldest tested positive a few days ago, and being vaccinated and boosted, she is isolating in the basement with minor symptoms. But even for a 2-doctor family, navigating this has been a challenge. Here is what we're doing>> 1/8 She is a college student in NYC, and learned of an exposure after she returned home late last week. With a mild headache and sniffles, home testing ensued over the weekend, and a positive PCR returned Tuesday. She is isolating in the basement, and having only minor symptoms. 2/8
Oct 20, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
A 🧵👇

Another heartbreaking day in the ER.

A healthy 40-something dx w/ COVID a week ago.

So was their spouse.

Both unvaccinated.

My patient came in today with an oxygen sat of 64%.

Their spouse has a mild cough.

1/10 We can predict who will more likely than others get very sick from COVID19.

The elderly.

The immunocompromised.

Those with underlying lung disease.


It's not a guarantee, but those folks are more "at risk."

Sep 17, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Some observations from the ER over the last few weeks in a low vaccination rural part of Michigan where COVID cases are again on the rise. 1/12 The feel is eerily similar to the wave in December/January and the wave in March. We have again seen several weeks of slowly rising test positive rates followed by several weeks of rapidly rising test positive rates. 2/12
Sep 11, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
I ordered a #COVID19 test on a patient who refused the test because he heard we could “give any result we wanted” and that they weren’t reliable. Also heard the vaccine would “make you sick” 1/7 My initial, visceral reaction was to be pissed off. I exited without any fuss and proceeded with the rest of his evaluation. After everything was back and he was ready for d/c I went back in. 2/7
Jun 24, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
As you may have heard, NV & CO have been leading on health care policies lately, passing public options & an Rx drug affordability board. They faced RECORD backlash from the industry, but physician-advocates w/@cmteetoprotect didn't back down. Here's why this fight matters (🧵): Drug and insurance corporations went to great lengths to protect their ever-growing profits. In Colorado alone their dark-money front groups BROKE RECORDS to try to block the #ColoradoOption. (2/13)
May 31, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
My ER is now offering #COVID19 vaccinations. The conversations are long and somewhat non-conducive to ER visits, but I am trying.

A brief thread on how the conversations are going broken down by the type of resistant patient with whom I am speaking. 1/10 First are the folks who want to be vaccinated, but have barriers to getting the shot(s).

In my rural area, the barriers seem to be transportation and getting time off of work to get the shot(s) and for the day after for those who need it. 2/10
Mar 2, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
As an ER doc, here's why the #AmericanRescuePlan must be passed right away: I’ve seen 2 of my sickest #COVID19 patients ever in the last 2 weeks. It's great that 3 safe, effective vaccines are available, but we MUST get shots in arms ASAP. Without this plan, we can’t do that. I know #Pandemicfatigue is impacting the most ardent supporters of public health. But getting 70-90% of Americans vaccinated is the light at the end of the long tunnel through which we’ve travelled over a year. The final % needed is time sensitive. We haven’t a moment to waste.
Feb 15, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Here's a little pep talk for those experiencing Pandemic Fatigue. First off, this is a real thing & you shouldn't be ashamed. I’m hearing from patients, family & friends that you’ve been doing your best to follow guidelines for a year, but are simply sick of it! I get it. But... Help is on the way. We have an amazing, miraculous scientific advancement -- a vaccine that is helping us return to normal. We just need to hold on a little longer, get our vaccines, and continue to follow safety protocols. There is light at the end of the tunnel! I promise you.
Jan 20, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
As an ER doc who's spent the last year of my life trying to stop a deadly virus from killing my neighbors, 6 words in @joebiden's speech lifted me up for the 1st time in months: "I Will Always Level With You.”
Here's why that's so meaningful to me & more importantly, our nation: As the next 4-6 months unfold, a herculean effort will be needed from the government in the midst of a pandemic & millions of Americans without health care. There's so much we don't know. But it matters that we can *trust* our government to do their best & shoot straight with us.
Nov 20, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
I see @fmanjoo has decided that traveling to see distant family this Thanksgiving is “worth it.” Reading his contact tracing experiment👇 is enraging. As an ER doc in a region getting decimated by #COVID19 right now, I have a slightly different take. (1/9) The missing component of his article is where he considers how his actions & writing about them impacts those outside his bubble & family. Each time a person interacts with those not in their bubble, the odds of getting the virus goes up. It may be small, but it's additive. (2/9)
Nov 3, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
As an ER doc for 20 years, I have only ever wanted my patients to get the care they need. Like many, I have been critical of @realDonaldTrump’s lack of a plan to control #COVID19 & his desire to eliminate health insurance for 25 million. Here’s why I voted *for* @joebiden: (1/11) It’s not just that he isn’t Trump, although I can’t think of anyone worse that could be President in this moment. Not being Trump isn’t enough to stand in line for hours in a mask just to vote. Biden may be especially suited to lead us out of the darkness at this time. (2/11)
Oct 25, 2020 8 tweets 5 min read
I can’t believe it’s come to this: The head of the president’s #COVID19 task force, @Mike_Pence, has an outbreak in his inner circle. As an emergency physician, I can tell you this: The Vice President is putting many lives at risk & must quarantine right away. Here’s why: (1/8) As doctors we routinely tell our patients and their family members that if they are a close contact of an individual who tests + for #COVID19, they must quarantine for 14 days. We’ve learned that members of @vp Pence’s staff have tested +, yet he’s on the campaign trail. (2/8)
Oct 14, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read
As a doctor who cares for #COVID19 patients the idea #HerdImmunity through infection is alarming. It's been rejected by the head of the NIH as "fringe," but is being embraced by the White House and @realDonaldTrump. Just what is herd immunity? 1/XX nytimes.com/live/2020/10/1… Herd Immunity is an epidemiological phenomenon achieved when enough of a healthy population is immune through vaccination so that an infectious organism can no longer spread in a population. 2/XX
Oct 14, 2020 11 tweets 4 min read
As a doctor, it's beyond bizarre to see a potential #SCOTUS justice say she'll make decisions about healthcare (eg, denying it to millions) based on #Originalism-what she thinks people in the 1700s would have intended. How different was medicine back then? Read on... (1/11) In the 18th century, barber-surgeons were still doing blood letting, a common (deadly) practice that gave rise to the barber pole with red & white stripes representing bandages & blood. It'd be 11 yrs before surgeons would separate from barbers & perform medical procedures (2/11)
Oct 6, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
As an ER doc who admitted many new #COVID19 patients on my shift yesterday, the idea that @realdonaldtrump left the hospital early is disturbing & alarming. He's not only putting himself in serious harm, he could kill many others. Here's how: (1/5) The president wants his fans to think the virus is no big deal. Well, 1 out of 10 COVID patients in his age range die of it. If people his age listen to him & don't take it seriously, that's a huge number who will get the virus. And a huge chunk of them will die of it. (2/5)