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What’s seen/heard at Enbridge's unneeded gas compressor built on toxic coal dump in most densely populated area ever. #NoWeymouthCompressor #NoProjectMaple
Feb 14, 2021 • 12 tweets • 19 min read
14 Feb 2021

@TedMcIntyre100 @MassClimate discussion with Alice Arena President of @FRRACS_MA with an update on #NoWeymouthCompressor. We urge u to go to the Climate Minute Podcast for uninterrupted listening. #mapoli 1/ .@TedMcIntyre100 @MassClimate @FRRACS_MA Alice Arena discussing #NoWeymouthCompressor on The climate Minute Podcast
#ElfonSite #mapoli #receipts 2/
Feb 22, 2020 • 6 tweets • 5 min read
An elf went off site to visit an active compressor station in Charlton by @Kinder_Morgan friend of @Enbridge #ElfOnSite ImageImageImage Elf was scared by the signage "DANGER, no smoking, matches or open flames" "WARNING GAS PIPELINES: HIGH PRESSURE NATURAL GAS" #ElfOnSite Image
Dec 15, 2019 • 10 tweets • 9 min read
Some folks not heavily involved w/ the fight have asked why we want to stop Enbridge from digging (on top of stopping the compressor itself). They don’t know the history of that bit of land, and they also don’t know @MassDEP is rubbish at actually protecting the environment. 1/n @MassDEP The North Parcel should've been categorized as a superfund site long ago. The entire spit of land didn't exist b4 50 years of dumping industrial coal waste, which contains arsenic. Within that toxic mess are burner bricks. The farther they dig, the older the bricks. 2/