Eli Mitchell-Larson Profile picture
Carbon removal @CarbonGap | Associate @OxfordNetZero | Formerly @Carbon_Direct, SunFarmer, New Island Capital | Recovering paleoclimatologist
Apr 4, 2022 20 tweets 8 min read
The @IPCC_CH #WGIII has released both its full report, along with a page-turning "Summary for Policymakers"! Some preliminary thoughts from @CarbonGap on the implications for #CarbonRemoval follow.


1/x Image First a reality check: emissions are outrageously high, STILL haven’t peaked, & continue to reveal massive gaps in ambition, development, and progress (e.g. North America per capita emissions 50% higher than the next highest region, 5x South Asia).

Is there any good news?

2/x Image
Jul 2, 2021 9 tweets 8 min read
We cannot deliver #NetZero with emission reductions alone. Carbon removal can play a complementary role to:

1) Eliminate some very hard-to-reduce emissions
2) Balance emissions from the Earth itself in a warming world
3) Restore the atmosphere, removing our past emissions

1/x Image And we'll need to consider a wide array of carbon removal techniques: storing carbon safely in forests, soils, oceans, mineralised forms above/below ground, and even long-lived products & building materials.

Neither nature nor technology can do this alone-we'll need both.

Sep 29, 2020 19 tweets 11 min read
Are carbon offsets still hot air? They don't have to be. Offsetting can be a powerful tool to achieve net zero emissions.

Introducing: the Oxford Offsetting Principles

1/🧵 Two justifiable motivations for offsetting:
1) Taxing yourself - paying a "shadow carbon price" to disincentivise your emitting behavior. Only works when offset price is HIGH enough to motivate change. And...
