C, Game design, Story telling, and progress. Work @quelsolaar
Apr 27, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Here are a few ideas I have for a gameplay engine: Multi threading: Each entity, runs a main loop, and can read the previous state from all entities, but only write to its own state, the can however send messages to the next frame of other entities.
This mean that every entity can theoretically run in its own thread. Messages have to be order independent in order for the game to be deterministic. Everything is integer math and lockstep, for networking.
Nov 18, 2021 • 10 tweets • 1 min read
My best career advice:
1 -You will never find an obstacle as big as yourself. If you can just overcome your own apathy, and be relentlessly driven, most things can be overcome.
2 -Don't focus on looking for opportunities, focus on being an opportunity. Beyoncé didn't get the opportunity to record an album, The record company got the opportunity to record an album with her. Be Beyoncé.
Dec 6, 2020 • 18 tweets • 3 min read
Android is a truly terrible software development platform. I often have trouble understanding it, because i cant imagine anyone would design a system so poorly. Here are some baffling discoveries:
Installing a development environment and connecting it to a device is a mess of broken links, poor integration and company turf wars. I managed to get a working environment on the third computer I did a clean install on.
Dec 19, 2019 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
(1/7) After Disney bought the rights to Starwars and started making new official movies, and revising earlier works, I predict we will see a wave of new official art works. #Maclunkey#starwars
(2/7) Harlequin publishing will acquire the rights to Shakespeare and hire E. L. James and Dan brown to write Romeo & Juliet 2: Antidote, and the kids spin off Macbeth jr, throne snatcher.
Sep 9, 2019 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1/4 I'm trying to teach myself to avoid falling in to the trap of #gamedev symmetry. Not all dungeons have to end with a boss. Not all tri-force parts have to be in dungeons. Just because one unit has 3 spells doesn't mean other spell caster have to have 3.
2/4 Just because you use a d-pad to change grenade type, doesn't mean there has to be 4 types of grenades in your game. Make an Ice level if you have a great idea for one, not because you have a lava level. Don't decide in advance how many levels your game needs.