Homeless & unemployed, Trench Warrior. TRUMP 💪🏽🇺🇸 1000X gems on my telegram (link in bio)
Jan 21, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Why I don’t buy the dip:
Most ppl like to pick bottoms but I think there’s easier way to buy trend reversal without picking the bottom.
In my opinion, buying dips is not the best strategy because it can KEEP dipping n we will be exposed to a lot of whip.
Take #BTC as example
I’ve seen people bought the Dips circled.
The recent series of dips from D1 to D5 (currently between 40k-39k) - all guessing it’s the bottom at each stage.
Imagine being that guy who bought D1 at 58k n still bag hodling to now at 38k..
Dec 29, 2021 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
Trading is an incredible medium for personal growth as it exposes who you are n your weaknesses. It’s amazing whenever my ego kicks in as I fly high on winning, market timing always turns to smack me back down the ground. It’s a humbling process. 1/2/ I think trading principles coincide with life principles.
I believe trading is 10% skill, 90% mindset. Anyone can teach you a skill or a million dollar strategy but many still don’t succeed, why?
Because the lack of correct mindset n emotional detachment.
Dec 21, 2021 • 19 tweets • 12 min read
Close to EOY, I traced back the timeline of my 1 year crypto journey. Looking back, it's been a remarkable experience.
I bought my first crypto in July 2020 using my CFD account at 9400, 9600, I only knew $BTC then
1/ All these delusional moon boys with their ridiculous “prediction” #Bitcoin are causing a lot of pain to a lot of people in this space.
There’re two type of traders, predictive traders and reactive traders:
2/ A predictive trader creates a price bias and makes a prediction based on where they THINK the price will go.
The issue with this strategy is, it allows confirmation bias which filters into their trading strategy - meaning if the trade moves the opposite direction of the...
Dec 16, 2021 • 6 tweets • 5 min read
1/ @FayreLabs in a nutshell is creating a NFT loyalty card program for creators, brands n their fans. They are currently creating a dashboard for brands.
Think Starbucks using Fayre n create their own NFTs to be given to their frequent coffee drinkers which they get perks. 2/ Benefits of this is - Better interaction between the brands with their fans, business n their customers.
Transaction fees will be lower than other platforms which is 1% n by having the fayre card it’s reduced to 0.
Dec 16, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
I used to dream of that fairy tale story, where I get to wear a princess dress n walk down the aisle.
I was sold by that “dream” as a little girl. The notion of as a woman, u need a man to fulfil these “fairy tale” dreams, IMO, is a way to take away a woman’s personal power.
But NOW, time’s changed.
I reclaimed n recreated my identity.
WE as a woman, we can do whatever we want without another person’s approval.
I can wear a wedding dress on just a regular day.
I can wear a princess dress whenever I want just bcos I want to look n feel beautiful
Jun 28, 2020 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
I came from a nerdy and creative background. ( I was a musician) Numbers and math were never my strength, I recalled I scored 11 in my final math exam in high school. Teachers said I had no hope, so I should just work on doing culinary type of work...cont
I took that bullshit belief till adulthood. Who would have thought I did my Master in Computer Science n now trading the stock markets whichI see numbers EVERYDAY!Copious of decisions were made of numbers. And according to my guru @AsennaWealth who taught me how to trade/finance
Dec 13, 2019 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
This little venture came knocking and I grasped it. So far, this journey of investing has done me gooood. My very 1st investment was I put in 20k in Feb 19. 6 weeks later I cashed out 120k. 120K may be insignificant to some but it was HUGE to me at that time and still is!
That’s money I didn’t have to trade hours for nor sitting on a desk staring at the computer or stuck in a 9-5 job.. In fact, I wasn’t working full time as I was writing my final thesis for my Master’s.