FCDO Pol,Conflict,Humanitarian Research Profile picture
@FCDOGovUK's research commissioning team for #governance, #conflict, #humanitarian. Research, evidence-into-policy, commentary (≠policy). RT/follow≠endorsement.
Mar 12, 2020 25 tweets 11 min read

Family & friends send me links about innovative tech solutions for #globaldev. I disappoint them with my muted enthusiasm.

I 💖tech. We fund brilliant innovation- e.g. in humanitarian w/ partners like @Elrha & @FldRdy bit.ly/2TNtEdX
1/25 Image UNFINISHED BUSINESS #LeaveNooneBehind

We also fund research tackling enduring, complex problems: extreme poverty, disability exclusion, VAWG, corruption.
There are some openings for tech, but few ‘solutions’, & the need to tackle Tech AND Political constraints is clear.
2/25 Image
Dec 18, 2019 11 tweets 4 min read
NOT MOPING, BUT MOOPING (short thread)

Farewell Migrating Out Of Poverty: 10 yrs of exceptional research.

🐣joining @DFID_RED_GCSD in 2014 I became DFID #SeniorResponsibleOwner (SRO) for MOOP & learnt loads about rsrch, partnership, policy uptake.

some reflections... 1.A CONTINUUM: NOT BINARY

Quant+qual rsrch in Asia/Africa/MENA showed
- dynamic continuum between licit & illicit migration;
- agency & exploitation within a single migrant journey;

Debunked simplistic policies that see migrants as <either> wholly innocent <or> wholly bad.
Oct 4, 2019 19 tweets 8 min read

As well as the hype and gory of a string of sport world cups, there is some brilliant new #globaldev research on using sport as a vehicle for something even better than cardio fitness (and slightly odd smelling synthetic fabrics).

My interest in sport-in-dev began in trying to use a football tournament to promote WATSAN, West Bengal. Paying for tea & biscuits gave me a flash of my own mortality: the tiny trophy was engraved

<Peter Evan Memorial Cup>.

WATSAN effects? unknown.

Jul 30, 2019 22 tweets 7 min read

It’s been a few weeks since we were last called the R-word but it set us thinking about a summer holiday thread.
Plse forgive the mix of B-movie pulp & serious research. But if it helps to retire <Randomista> it was worth it🤨
peter, gcsd
1/21 🤨<low quality pastiche begins>

That cry is rarer now. In the worst times, any research conference could be disrupted by shouted denunciation. Or by rumours and unease - Randomistas had been spotted in the lobby, with offers of ‘gold standard’ evidence.
Jul 11, 2019 26 tweets 12 min read
Thread: the public vs. procurement

<HUGE> development spending hides in plain sight.

Do you ignore it? Think someone else has it covered?

In LMICs upto 50% of all government spending is via <PUBLIC PROCUREMENT>

Myriad contracts: roads/bridges/hospitals/drugs....
1/24 (hand) Pump Primer:

India 1999: I worked in WATSAN. Over 1000 new handpump tubewells would replace contaminated shallow wells & rusting pumps that often stood in puddles. You paddled to collect drinking water, and the puddle seeped into the well.
Jun 21, 2019 21 tweets 10 min read

Prof Heather Marquette (@hamarquette of @iddbirmingham & @DFID_UK Senior Research Fellow for Governance & Conflict) thinks through how to bring 'Serious & Organised Crime' into future 'Development Research'
1/n I’ve been doing research on corruption in #globaldev for well over 20 years. But what some might not know is that I started out my PhD with a proposal to do research on serious & organised crime. SOC in Boston linked to the IRA, to be exact. bit.ly/2KYOq7w
Jun 7, 2019 15 tweets 12 min read
@RClarkeDFID tweeted this week about @LSHTM innovation to help people with disabilities access quality eye-tests (huge unmet need).

Want more on @DFID_Research 's new work..?
1/14 DFID has long supported DID research - starting long before DFID was DFID.

If you like your research methods ‘old skool’ head back to 2001 (SocSci&Med) for ODA-funded research on Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) in urban India in '90s.... bit.ly/2wGKCj2 2/14
May 24, 2019 27 tweets 9 min read
‘Doing’ governance & (self indulgent) thoughts on #governance & #evidence & #health

I joined DFID on 9/11 (11/09/2001) as a Social Development Adviser.
Not drunk on the MDGs, but slightly merry.
I had never heard of governance. 1/25 I started work in 1993 in health research (Tz, malaria; drug prescribing), then disability inclusion (India) & consulting in health, WATSAN.
After 6 yrs in Kolkata I heard that DFID was recruiting regional specialists.
I fancied myself as a DFID South Asia specialist! 2/25
May 17, 2019 12 tweets 4 min read
We use @ukaid to commission governance/conflict/inclusion research.
We are ‘Mission Driven’- research on policy/operational priorities where evidence is thin. Let through competition, all research is #OpenAccess.
We want people to read & use it!
1/11 We support research engagement & uptake in pursuit of real world impact (impact is where Value For Money bang is biggest) though understand that pathways to impact take time & not all research has impact. Research engagement may be digital/virtual (e.g. this tweet)… 2/11
May 10, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
@DFID_RED_GCSD spent 2 days in Bristol last week with massed DFID Governance Advisers; & guest researchers including #SamHickey, @mushtaqkhan100 , #MickMoore (quoting Aristotle), @hamarquette , #TomCarruthers - talking governance, politics, & pol-econ. .1/6 ...& @DFID_RED_GCSD now trying to reconcile the various different levels of Political Economy Analysis (PEA) / Thinking & Working Politically /Political Settlement research....
Does this stuff matter?
YES! we use these tools to inform £££ millions of public spending. 2/6