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Friends and Families for Safe Streets works to end #RoadViolence in TO. Monthly in-person #PeerSupport meetings have resumed! More: https://t.co/Io5qhbpfI7
Oct 19, 2019 13 tweets 11 min read
Action alert!📢Remember the Leslieville crash where a driver struck a young woman in the #Dundas bike lane, critically injuring her with horrific head injuries? Her name is Julia and SHE NEEDS YOUR HELP NOW. Please go to: gofundme.com/f/julia-rehabi…
#BikeTO #TOpoli #TODeadlyStreets Here's the story if you don't remember: toronto.ctvnews.ca/cyclist-suffer… Julia was riding in the bike lane, doing nothing wrong, when a speeding driver struck her, nearly killing her. Maddeningly, no followup re driver's name or whether charges laid. #BikeTO #TODeadlyStreets #RoadViolence
Oct 17, 2019 12 tweets 7 min read
Two years ago today, a hit-and-run dump truck driver struck Clayton Barnard, dragging him 25m and killing him. Witness: "He...was gasping for help and air. I think he wanted to just have someone hold his hand…and he died shortly after.” #TODeadlyStreets #RoadViolence #WalkTO Clayton was 36 with a loving family, wife, and bright future. He was going to apply his paralegal degree to help immigrants. He did not deserve to die like this. His family did not deserve to lose him in such a senseless, preventable way. #TODeadlyStreets
Sep 15, 2019 19 tweets 10 min read
Ah yes, @RDiManno and @TorontoStar. Quite insightful. #RoadSafety advocates are fighting for *convenience* for vulnerable road users. After all, if planning an unexpected funeral isn't a bit inconvenient, we don't know WHAT is!

#RoadViolence #BikeTO #WalkTO #VisionZeroTO Our member Kasia sometimes still thinks of how inconvenient it was to be handed her husband Tom's possessions in a paper bag, and then not only have to struggle against crushing grief herself, but also help her two children grieve their father. thestar.com/news/crime/201…
Sep 11, 2019 24 tweets 21 min read
Hey @NACTO #NACTO19. Before you fawn over Toronto's leadership, we have seen MANY pedestrians preventably killed in recent weeks. This woman, killed yesterday, might have been someone's mom. cp24.com/news/woman-str…
This one, Friday, someone's grandpa? toronto.citynews.ca/video/2019/09/… Imagine sitting for days by the side of a dangerous arterial, holding a sign hoping for the hit-and-run driver who killed your vibrant, beloved daughter to come forward? Knowing there is still no crosswalk planned to address the TTC desire line? #NACTO19 thestar.com/news/gta/2019/…