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Jun 16th 2023
Make no confusion.

We are in the midst of losing our municipal democratic rights in Ontario.

Here is a list of some of the services your municipality is responsible for that will no longer be democratically-controlled:


#ONpoli #TOpoli
🚇 Public transit

🚩 Traffic management

🚓 Police

🚑 Paramedics
🚒 Fire services

đŸ—ïž Land use planning

đŸšœ Sewers

🏡 Community housing
Read 6 tweets
Jun 6th 2023
Here's the thing politicians and their strategists need to understand about "winning" Scarborough.

Show the fuck up.

#Scarborough #ScarTO #Toronto #TOpoli
Like the bar is so fucking low that all the Ford's have to do is have an event a few times a year.

What does that say about YOUR campaigns?

That you're being outmaneuvered by dipshits because they make appearances a few times a year?
The fact that "progressives" will not put time in the region where over 70% of the population is racialized is actual bullshit and your arrogance tells you that Scarborough residents are too ignorant to not see that.
Read 4 tweets
May 6th 2023
A wonderful day for a mayoral debate at the beach with @Hydraulist @CuriousPenguins @thexyz @ONPlace4All @BorpCloud Image
Here's @SarahC_Toronto speaking at the mayoral debate. Sarah swam to Toronto Island with us during the 2022 Toronto Municipal Election.

#SwimOP Image
Read 19 tweets
May 2nd 2023
The cause of Toronto's traffic congestion is too many people driving cars, rather than taking transit, cycling, or walking to their destinations. (1/3) #topoli #toronto #cdnpoli #biketo #walkto #stopsprawl
(2/3) One source of this problem is people who'd prefer to use active transportation being outbid by affluent committed motorists for scarce homes in neighborhoods like mine, where car-free living is already practical & convenient, even for families with kids. #topoli #biketo
(3/3) The main source of this problem is Toronto's unwillingness, for decades, to plan transit & housing on the basis that car-free living should practical & convenient in every corner of the City, even for families with kids. #topoli #biketo
Read 3 tweets
Apr 22nd 2023
Thanks to @FriendsofBerczy for organizing today’s #EarthDay2023 clean up.

It’s always great to see people come together to take care of our communities - even in the pouring rain! Olivia and some volunteers ...A volunteer sweeping the sq...
Most of the litter today was #SingleUsePlastics and takeout containers. It will return again and again, unless we take action to reduce this waste at the source.

Our city needs solutions like #ReusableTO containers, sustainable packaging and small business supports to go green.
And there is so much more we can and must do to protect our environment and act on the climate crisis.

We can have reliable public transit, safe streets for cyclists and pedestrians, thriving green space, clean rivers, climate-ready communities, and good green jobs!
Read 4 tweets
Apr 20th 2023
.@metromorning Talking to Professor Summer from UofT about Science Centre being torn down & moved to OP, notes the Moriyama designed Science Centre shouldn't be torn down. Newer isn't always better. Let's repair and creatively reuse what exists. #topoli #Onpoli
If we thought of cities the way we do these heritage buildings, every city would look like Las Vegas. Neglect has led us here, it's worth investing to keep buildings like these. Prof doubts the Science Centre at OP will be better.
The Science Centre has interesting relationships with its surrounding, a symbiotic relationship with the buildings & landscape which will be very hard to recreate. (Sounds like the current Ontario Place!)
Read 7 tweets
Apr 19th 2023

Carmine Nigro, who is in charge of Ontario Place:

- Developer (35 Years)
- Attended Ford daughter's wedding
- Received MZO for Walmart/burbs project

Patronage Appointments:
- LCBO Chairman
- Invest Ontario Board
- Runnymede Hospital Board (gave Ford's daughter a job) ImageImageImageImage

LCBO strategy for Carmine Nigro:

1) Sell off the LCBO headquarters for condos

2) Privatize alcohol distribution - lobbied by Ford strategist and now Conservative MP Melissa Lantsman

3) Put booze in corner stores and cannabis in private stores

The wedding photographer captured lots of photos showing Carmine Nigro with a seat at Doug Ford's table (with Cortellucci and Madeleine Bodenstein) at the reception, and right in front of Ron Taverner at the ceremony.
Read 13 tweets
Apr 19th 2023
#topoli #onpoli Of all the many disingenuous claims made y'day by @fordnation and @KingaSurmaMPP re: Ontario Place & the Science Centre, the most egregious involve money/transparency. A great deal of public funding will be spent, and there has been zero transparency to date. 1/n
@fordnation @KingaSurmaMPP #topoli #onpoli The premier claimed the govt will release all the figures at some point -- I'm not waiting up! -- but I'd say that between the two sites, all in and accounting for the predictable under-estimation of capital costs, we're looking at $1b, not incl. private $$. 2/n
@fordnation @KingaSurmaMPP #topoli #onpoli What we don't know: the actual cost of site remediation; the murky financial arrangement btwn @ThermeCanada & the province, which is enabling side-loading of expenses; lease terms; and the source of the $100m the spa company claims it w/ spend on public realm. 3/n
Read 6 tweets
Apr 19th 2023
.@KingaSurmaMPP and @JonBurnside_DVE coming up on @metromorning shortly to discuss the Ontario Government tearing down the science centre and moving it to Ontario Place. #topoli #onpoli
.@KingaSurmaMPP up now, why move the Science Centre to Ontario Place? Usual PC government claim the Science Centre is in “disrepair”. We thought it would be appropriate to jam Science Centre into OP. Surma won’t confirm cost of repairing Science Centre. #topoli #onpoli
Surma ducks questions on when they will share cost of repair vs. Move of Science Centre. Mentions broken bridge at Ontario Place. Reporter notes they’d like to see business case soon, asks about value of OSC to community. “You don’t matter” is how they feel.
Read 14 tweets
Apr 18th 2023
Tuned into the OP to Science Centre press conference. Ford responds to a reporters Q. about how the science centre will fit, Ford notes that it will go into the pods, Cinesphere and a multi storey building. #topoli #Onpoli
Are you going to bypass the city if you don't get your way there? Ford implies yes. Goes to his favourite "little red apples" quote.
Ford repeats the lie that nothing is happening at Ontario Place. The million annual visitors would beg to differ. Ford notes province will pay for Ontario Science Centre move (add it to your tab, Ontario Taxpayer).
Read 19 tweets
Apr 14th 2023
#ONpoli #TOpoli

Did Doug Ford tip off developers to Ontario Line plans, just like the Greenbelt?

The De Gasperis family purchased the Celestica property across from the Science Centre less than a month before Doug Ford announced the Ontario Line would extend to that location! ImageImageImageImage
To do some math on this:

10,000 units planned

Average of $600k per unit (examples shown)

New Ontario Line adds say 10% more value (probably an understatement)

That is 10,000 x $60k = $600M in value added by the Ontario Line

The property was purchased for $137M initially ImageImageImageImage
Correction: 5,300 units plus commercial
 still a lot of profit from the Ontario Line design. Image
Read 3 tweets
Apr 14th 2023
#TOpoli #ONpoli


Kinga Surma announces that she and Doug Ford have been working on a plan to move the animals from the Toronto Zoo into Riverdale Farm to allow developers to build condos with Ana Bailao.

The Ontario Line will also go there now, for some reason. ImageImage
#TOpoli #ONpoli


Kinga Surma announces that she, Ana Bailao, and Doug Ford have been working on a plan to move all of the bodies from Mount Pleasant Cemetery to a new underwater Therme Mausoleum at Ontario Place and build 100,000 condos on the cemetery property. Image
#TOpoli #ONpoli


Kinga Surma, Ana Bailao, and Doug Ford announce yet another amazing plan. They will be digging up Roy Thomson Hall and porting the entire building over to the middle of the Woodbine Racetrack. The Ontario Line will also go here now, because why not? Image
Read 7 tweets
Apr 13th 2023
#TOpoli #ONpoli

So, to recap:
- Toronto's Downtown Relief Line planned from Danforth south
- Doug Ford replaces with Ontario Line, extends to Science Centre and Exhibition
- Ford demolishing the Science Centre, meaning billions in transit would be built for a few condos???
#ONpoli #TOpoli

If Kathleen Wynne was run out of town over $230M in costs to move 2 gas plants... why on earth hasn't Doug Ford been run out of town for BILLIONS in ridiculous waste on bad transit plans?
#ONpoli #TOpoli

Doug Ford is spending $10B to $20B on a subway to NOWHERE!

This is quite simply the most wasteful spending in the history of Ontario.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
Here is a very serious list of people you run into on campaigns since #TOpoli is heating up. To be taken 100% literally:
Phone Call Phantom:
⁃this person is always on the phone and usually walking quickly
⁃never leaves a meeting with action items
⁃they look busy but you’re unsure if you’ve seen them do any work
⁃confident, loves hierarchy as long as they’re at the top of it
Small Favour Salamander
⁃full of seemingly reasonable requests
⁃give an inch, they take a mile
⁃love to go outside official processes
⁃every time you think it’s gone, the favour grows back, just like a salamander’s tale
⁃you know THEY know what they’re doing
Read 6 tweets
Mar 19th 2023
Ok so I went deep into the archives for personal examples of “Privileged Politicians and Pundits Can’t Comprehend Community Organizing Existing”. A #TOpoli đŸ§”:
In early May of 2016, Women in Toronto Politics was still active, a small by-law change from Denzil Minnan-Wong landed on the radar of myself, @ClaireMcWatt, and other activists.
We spent an evening on the floor of an empty office after hours eating cold pizza, while Claire wrote an op-ed and I phoned allies and proof-read.

Read 22 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
My column on the Toronto mayoral race: housing is everything.
In an uncharacteristically bold move, Tory just announced some YIMBY planning reform. This must continue.
Unfortunately, city staff aren’t up for it. Today: planning agrees that the new downtown waterfront Villiers neighbourhood can be 30% more dense. In fact it should be 100% more.

Read 6 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
Recap for those not following the story: #DougFord had electronic flyers sent out to lobbying groups, developers, groups with dealings w/ Ontario’s gov’t, “browbeating” them into buying $150 raffle tickets for his daughter’s stag & doe party. IN ADDITION to $1K/person “donations”
If this story doesn’t expose the grotesque #cdnmedia double standard of coverage of #Conservatives, I don’t know what does.

This is corruption & abuse of the office of Premier, on its face. #ONpoli #NeverVoteConservative #TOpoli #DougFordResign #DougFordCorruption
#DougFord’s daughter & her right wing cop husband, set up with thousands & thousands of dollars, courtesy of abuse of the office of Premier. #DougFordCorruption #DougFordResign #ONpoli #NeverVoteConservative #TOpoli
Read 5 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
đŸ§” I’m seeing some confusion about what happens now that John Tory has announced he will resign.

1. Tory hasn’t resigned yet. Once he does, Deputy Mayor McKelvie becomes the Head of Council and assumes all of the powers of mayor until a new mayor is elected. #topoli
2. Once a member resigns, Council must declare their seat vacant at their next meeting, per s. 207 of the City of Toronto Act. This could happen as soon as Wednesday but depends on the timing of Tory’s resignation.
3. Once the Toronto Mayor’s office is vacant, the new provisions for filling the vacancy from Bill 3 (strong mayor powers) apply.

Notably different from the past: Council can’t choose to fill a vacancy through an appointment. Bill 3 requires that a by-election be held.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 9th 2023
Hello all you engaged #TOpoli folks. Overwhelmed by the complex document that is our city budget? Trying to explain it to a friend? Here's a stab at demystifying Toronto's budget; first up: Operation vs Capital budgets. Demystifying Toronto's Budget: Operating vs Capital
Someone, I forget who, told me a while ago to consider "operating" as the "keep the lights on" part of the budget and the "capital" as the "ok now let's take care of the rest of the house" budget. Which I found helpful! #TOpoli Operating Budget: This is the "keep the lights on"
They are funded from different sources, but one piece of nuance here is that taxes can sometimes indirectly influence capital funding since city programs contribute to the city's reserves. #TOpoli Operating Funding: Over a third comes from property taxes wh
Read 4 tweets
Jan 9th 2023
We're here at the TTC Board Meeting this morning, January 8!

We will be live tweeting this meeting!

Currently, we are going through a slidedeck about TTC data from 2022 and the operating budget and priorities for 2023 /1
as a reminder, we have covered the changes happening in this operating budget on our website including service cuts, fare hikes, and increased policing budget - seen here:
Deputations have begun!

Adam Cohoon says "the TTC is not really invested in all in trying to figure out a path to get the TTC to work with new technology" - that buttons used to connect riders to customer service and staff during emergencies are not accessible for everyone /3
Read 30 tweets
Jan 9th 2023
With upcoming service cuts, you could be waiting up to 30 minutes for the 57 Midland Bus! New crowding standards could mean more crowded buses and longer wait times for riders /1 Graphic: You could be waiting up to 30 minutes for the 57 Mi
57 rider Ryan Wong uses the bus to get to popular food places and essential shopping trips. He says "Even before the latest service cuts, I have found myself taking alternatives because the Midland bus was already so infrequent" /2 Graphic of Ryan Wong's quote, a 57 Midland bus rider: "
Potential cuts under the new crowding standard could mean that Midland bus service could be reduced from every 22 minutes to every 30 minutes in the late evening /3 a graphic showing current service versus potential service a
Read 9 tweets
Jan 8th 2023
The more conversations around the #TOpoli budget ramp up, the more some old misconceptions come around. Here are 5 myths about the municipal budget and what you can say when someone brings them up: Myth Busting The Toronto Mu...
1. There's no such thing as being "allowed" to speak on the budget, it affects all of us

#TOpoli Image
2. Renters not only pay property tax (its part of how your rent is calculated) but they historically disproportionately pay MORE in property tax than homeowners - with less protections! Here's a good explainer:

#TOpoli Myth:  Homeowners get more ...
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Dec 9th 2022
Sharing some early observations after flipping through the 2,272 pages of the development application. First of all, the private spa is big! It's all you will see from the water and will dwarf everything else at Ontario Place. #topoli #onpoli ImageImageImage
We're paving the lake! West Island will see more infill in an attempt to make public space after the spa takes over most of West Island. #topoli #onpoli Image
All the red dots are trees that will have to be removed. Image
Read 5 tweets
Dec 8th 2022
Ford is destroying our local hospitals. Together we can force the Ford gov’t to stop privatizing our hospitals and take urgent action to address this unprecedented crisis.

Join @OntarioHealthC and allies at events across #Ontario over the next few days -đŸ§”with details: 1/6 Poster that says "Ford is destroying our local hospital
On Friday, Dec. 9th at 12pm, #Ottawa is turning out to Faircrest Heights Park (550 Smyth Road) to help #DefendHealthcare

2/6 Poster that says:  "PROTEST IN OTTAWA. Ford is destroyi
On Friday, Dec. 9th at 12pm, #Niagara region is turning out to Fourth Ave and First Street South (across from St. Catharines General Hospital) to help #DefendHealthcare

3/6 Poster that says:  "PROTEST IN NIAGARA REGION. Ford is
Read 6 tweets

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