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Oct 19th 2019
Action alert!📢Remember the Leslieville crash where a driver struck a young woman in the #Dundas bike lane, critically injuring her with horrific head injuries? Her name is Julia and SHE NEEDS YOUR HELP NOW. Please go to:…
#BikeTO #TOpoli #TODeadlyStreets
Here's the story if you don't remember:… Julia was riding in the bike lane, doing nothing wrong, when a speeding driver struck her, nearly killing her. Maddeningly, no followup re driver's name or whether charges laid. #BikeTO #TODeadlyStreets #RoadViolence
Enabled by #TODeadlyStreets and lack of any physical protection, this driver inflicted: "two skull fractures, brain hemorrhaging, two arterial dissections resulting in multiple strokes, broken ribs, a broken collar bone, fractured bone fragments in her cheeks, a punctured lung...
Read 13 tweets
Oct 17th 2019
Two years ago today, a hit-and-run dump truck driver struck Clayton Barnard, dragging him 25m and killing him. Witness: "He...was gasping for help and air. I think he wanted to just have someone hold his hand…and he died shortly after.” #TODeadlyStreets #RoadViolence #WalkTO
Clayton was 36 with a loving family, wife, and bright future. He was going to apply his paralegal degree to help immigrants. He did not deserve to die like this. His family did not deserve to lose him in such a senseless, preventable way. #TODeadlyStreets…
The driver, Roshan Navacodi, 38, of Toronto was charged with fail to remain causing death, and careless driving. Fail to remain can be fined $500-$2500, possible license suspension less than 2 years, possible prison sentence less than 6 months.…
Read 12 tweets
Sep 11th 2019
Hey @NACTO #NACTO19. Before you fawn over Toronto's leadership, we have seen MANY pedestrians preventably killed in recent weeks. This woman, killed yesterday, might have been someone's mom.…
This one, Friday, someone's grandpa?…
Imagine sitting for days by the side of a dangerous arterial, holding a sign hoping for the hit-and-run driver who killed your vibrant, beloved daughter to come forward? Knowing there is still no crosswalk planned to address the TTC desire line? #NACTO19…
#RoadViolence is so rampant and destructive that many have called for a state of emergency.…
#RoadViolence is unquestionably a clear, urgent #PublicHealthCrisis in this city. #NACTO19…
Read 24 tweets
May 20th 2019
It's been 4 years today nearly to the minute since the driver of a 300HP 4,600lb SUV made a negligent left turn and slammed her oversized, overpowered vehicle into my body while I was riding my bike to work. I have been living with the fallout ever since. #BikeTO Image
She inflicted a broken spine, brain injury, severe soft tissue damage to my left side. I developed a deep vein thrombosis in my left leg, and later a big piece of that clot broke off, chewed through my heart, and landed across both lobes of my lungs. That's often fatal.
This driver's actions nearly killed me TWICE. She was fined $300 and received ZERO demerit points. Compare: if you cut down a tree without authorization in Toronto, you can be fined $100,000. She got to keep driving like she didn't nearly just kill someone. No justice for me.
Read 20 tweets

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