Dr Gaetan Burgio @gaetan_burgio@mstdn.science Profile picture
Group leader, Australian National University ANU, Australia. Geneticist working on infections & #CRISPR. Opinions and views ....
Kabir Brar Profile picture Patrick D. Profile picture Samuel Foucher Profile picture ∂≈∞ --- ∫∫∫∆∏∑∫∫∫ π⃜÷⃜×⃜•⃜|⃜¶⃜∆⃜$⃜%⃜|⃜+⃜ Profile picture 4 subscribed
Apr 29, 2020 10 tweets 7 min read
Two results came out today on Remdesivir treatment for #COVID19 infection.

The first one is a double blind controlled multi center clinical trial on 237 patients in China

The second one 5 versus 10 days treatment in severe #COVID19 patients

Let's have a look -> thread The first study is a double blind placebo controlled multi center clinical trial in China in 237 #COVID19 patients. We have now the published result of this trial. Please remember there was a leak on this trial a week ago

Apr 18, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
Another study on #Hydroxycloroquine efficacy in #COVID19 patients from a Brazilian team has been shared widely this evening. Unfortunately I have to comment it because well it might have some public health implication & this study is atrocious

dropbox.com/s/5qm58cd4fnee… This study is not a clinical trial but a cohort study on 721 patients, recruited by telemedicine. Incl criteria Flu symptoms, OK to be treated > 18 y/o. Probable diagnosis of #SARSCoV2 but RT-PCR or X ray not compulsory. We don't even know if those patients had #COVID19 😳 😡🤦‍♂️
Apr 10, 2020 13 tweets 8 min read
A question I often get. Why Lupus patients that have taken Hydroxychloroquine for years have no side effects whereas severe adverse cardiac side effects are described #COVID19 patients under hydroxychloroquine treatment? Let's have a closer look Let's start with #COVID19. Does #COVID19 causes cardiac effects? The answer is yes from 2 published surveys from Wuhan hospitals. First one reports on 416 hospitalized patients -> 19.7% with myocardial injury + ⬆️cardiac troponin & high mortality rate 51% jamanetwork.com/journals/jamac… Image