Gareth Enticott Profile picture
Animal disease social researcher @cardiffuni: bovine TB, farmers' decision making, vets' behaviour, vaccination and AMR @roadmap_h2020
Mar 15, 2020 11 tweets 4 min read
A version of the street calculus for #covid19 might include face masks, hazmat suits, hand gel as well as physical signs 1/ Paul Slovic uses this cartoon in their paper on risk perception and the heuristics (mental shortcuts) we use to take decisions under uncertainty. You can read it here 2/…
Mar 14, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
A thread on "behavioural fatigue". This letter calls for more evidence on behavioural fatigue in relation to the management of #COVID19. This is welcome, but to me at least, seems to suggest its a novel concept that no-one has heard of in health studies. 1/ This is surprising, because, well, its a cornerstone of approaches to understanding health behaviours and decisions. Its just not been called behaviour fatigue before as far as I can see 2/