Susan DuFresne Profile picture
Mixed Media Artist, Stencil Designer, Author, Illustrator, Retired Kindergarten Teacher, BLM, #VoteBlue💙 🌊🩵Block MAGAs + DMs from Weirdos
Nov 9, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
Here’s the thing. There were very few GOP candidates after Jan 6th who were ready to prosecute DJT, even fewer ready to prosecute the Congress & Senate insurrectionists. So the Harris campaign didn’t just imagine the outrage to Jan 6. Many progressives remain outraged. 🧵 2. That said, Biden & Harris worked so damn hard prior to the Harris campaign to keep themselves separate from the DoJ. This left Merrick Garland to give an APPEARANCE that he was actually going to meet his commitment when he said, “No one is above the law.” It NEVER happened.
Oct 10, 2021 5 tweets 6 min read
Why Plexiglass Barriers and Face Shields Are Dangerous — They give a false sense of security while drawing Covid-air towards the person trying to protect themselves. Scientific links in 🧵 below via @JimRosenthal4 @CorsIAQ @JoshuaCAgar + #CovidIsAirborne #tbats #Covid19Edu 🧵⤵️ Image “Positive airflow going toward the barrier will ALWAYS create negative flow behind the barrier drawing particles to that space. This applies to schools, stores, offices and the debate stage. This is not debatable - it's physics.” — @JimRosenthal4 #COVIDisAirborne #Covid19Edu
Mar 16, 2020 19 tweets 11 min read
Thread: 1/x #COVID19Washington Story from someone I know personally, [ I know the teacher. ] a gut-wrenching story from Washington State:

“Here is our story. My father who is blind and non ambulatory was at a nursing home in Issaquah,WA. Thread: 2/x #COVID19Washington

We were notified he had no symptoms, but residents have tested positive and one person had died. I asked why everyone was not being tested and they stated only those with symptoms of corona would be tested because test are not available. #COVID19
Mar 10, 2020 11 tweets 7 min read
Kindergarten Circle topic today was on #COVID19, because daily 5-6 year olds have been expressing anxiety, fear and sadness.

“I feel sad because other people got hospitalized and 1 person died.”

#COVID19MentalHealth [thread] 2. Kindergarten Circle topic today was #COVID19 in response to students’ sadness and fear.

“I feel scared because people died and they are spreading the Corona Virus out. People will get the Corona Virus.”

Feb 22, 2020 8 tweets 14 min read
@taylorwestc @nhannahjones Get better soon. 💗 I am curious about specifically mortgage/derivatives/stocks & bonds markets using Black & Brown/immigrant human capital to enrich investors. I know @BillGates invests in @GEOGroup.... more in thread. @taylorwestc @nhannahjones @BillGates @GEOGroup @BillGates brought us #CommonCore and with it all the increases in standards+high stakes testing. #PARCC & #SBA are based on standardized testing created for Eugenics, promoted by former philanthrocapitalists. This alone directly adds BIPoC youth to the school to prison pipeline.