Space Goebbels Has a Teeny Weenie Profile picture
May 10, 2023 31 tweets 7 min read
If I was living in 1930's Germany, I would have helped the Jewish community and risked my ass. If I was alive during the 1960's I would have risked my ass to protect people of color and fight for their rights. I now live in 2020's Florida and I refuse to 🧵? be part of the racists and homophobic doctrine that flooding Florida. I refuse to stop treating Trans kids appropriately and I will NEVER participate in the anti woke policies that #TropicalHitler has initiated. I am willing to risk my license and my life to 🧵/
Jun 24, 2022 16 tweets 8 min read
Thread on Row Vs Wade:
This decision effects more than just women. It effects all of us. Our body autonomy has been stolen and we have seen the blueprint for the removal of many more.
#Anonymous #OpJane #Op0H8 #OpLove It is ok to be angry and scared. It is ok to want to run and hide or stand and fight. It is ok to hate the government. It is ok to want to throw feces at the face of every lawmaker. They did not protect us. They did not do what they promised and they were duped by the .@GOP .
Apr 29, 2022 73 tweets 12 min read
Psychology of War #OSINT

When you become stressed, your body undergoes a series of changes that are designed to protect you. When exposed to a perceived or real “danger”, your Sympathetic Nervous System becomes Activated. cont. During activation, your body begins releasing stress hormones designed to increase your ability to fight whatever is attacking you, freeze to avoid being attacked or the ability to run like hell away from the “danger”.
Apr 27, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Hey guess what .@GOP your prince .@GovRonDeSantis simply managed to violate the Florida State constitution by repealing the .@Disney municipality and simply made a way for lawyers in Central Florida cont. to make money suing and wasting the precious time of the judicial system and the money of his constituents. This was entirely for show and will cost tax payers thousands of dollars just to show...cont.