Tobias Profile picture
Regain and Optimize your health | Interested in Mitochondria & Quantum Health | Treat causes not symptoms | Not medical advice. **Will be back to twitter soon**
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Aug 10, 2023 28 tweets 7 min read

Stop wasting your money on expensive sleep aids.

Here are 22 zero-cost tips to sleep Sooner & Better: Image 1. Eat a nutrient-dense diet.

Your diet plays a major role in both mental & physical health.

Nutrient deficiencies have been strongly correlated with insomnia and generally worse sleep quality.

Particularly vit C, D, E, B6, B12, Iron, Zinc and Magnesium are important.
Aug 2, 2023 46 tweets 11 min read

A free and powerful tool to improve your health.

let's look at the science, health benefits and best ways to do it: Image We'll talk about

1. Science breakdown
2. Health benefits
3. List of Studies
4. Best ways to Ground
5. Roadblocks

Let's dive in:
Jul 25, 2023 42 tweets 9 min read
Fish oil & Omega-3s.

Most fish oil is worthless and some potentially harmful.

Why most sources, including fish oils are a scam and how to get your quality omega-3s instead: Image The global fish oil industry is a booming market and is valued at around 2- 3 billion USD worldwide.

This is expected to double in the coming years.
Jul 18, 2023 31 tweets 6 min read
Sunscreen & Sunglasses.

You've been lied to about the harms of sunlight.

Why sunscreen is a waste of money and how to protect yourself instead: Image We'll touch on:

➖Concerns people have
➖Negative effects of sunscreen and sunglasses
➖Health benefits of sun exposure
➖What to do instead
May 19, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
More than 1 billion people worldwide are obese, and this is expected to double in the coming years.

7 science-backed tips to reduce appetite/hunger and control your weight: Image Fighting your appetite and hunger with willpower alone is a losing battle.

Instead of fighting against our biology & hormones, we need to take control of them.
May 18, 2023 23 tweets 5 min read
Poor sleep is killing you.

21 science-backed tips to fix your sleep without spending thousands on sleep aids.

A Thread: Image First, let's look at why you need sleep.

Deep sleep takes care of your physical health, cleaning you up and repairing any damage that's been done.

While REM sleep takes care of your emotional well-being and cognition.

Low-quality sleep has been strongly linked too:
Apr 13, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
How shining red light on your skin can DRAMATICALLY improve your health:

Red light therapy is a cheap, do-it-at-home therapy backed by over 6,000 scientific articles. Despite this, few people are using it: ImageImage Red light therapy has thousands of articles proving its numerous and POTENT benefits for health.

Yet so few people are regularly using it.

After trying it myself my initial skepticism quickly faded and now I'll tell you all you need to know in this 3 min read.
Apr 11, 2023 27 tweets 5 min read
Modern life is completely DESTROYING your gut.

Depression, anxiety, autoimmune conditions, and even Alzheimer's are ALL linked to it.

I've gone through the research and this is how you REALLY heal your gut: Every single organ in the human body depends on the health and integrity of your gut.

Gut deterioration/dysbalance is linked to:

➖Auto Immunity
➖Heart Disease
➖Chronic Pain

And many more.
Feb 8, 2023 18 tweets 6 min read
A little-known therapy with MAJOR benefits for your health.

You need to try Red Light Therapy.

The science: Solid
The benefits: Major

Give it a read and I'll convince you.

A Thread 🧵👇 Image When a therapy has thousands of scientific articles demonstrating its efficacy it's worth looking into it.

Especially when so few people are using it.

I'm here to change that.
Jan 25, 2023 17 tweets 7 min read
YOUR magnesium CHEAT SHEET 🦹

If you take one supplement for mental & cardiovascular health

Make it magnesium

Read about: below 👇👇
✅The facts
✅Health benefits
✅Own experience
#health #sleep #mentalhealth
@_atanas_ @_INPST @DHPSP @ScienceCommuni2 Image 1. Some Facts

Magnesium is an ESSENTIAL cofactor(helper) for every single cell in your body

Involved in over 350+ enzymatic processes in the body

50-75% of the population does NOT meet the required daily intake of 400-420 mg for men & 310-320 mg for women