It is a crime for a citizen to shrink from service to one's society #CNP #ALECexposed #DEVOSexposed #TBATs #FlintWaterCrisis #SaveCitizenGovt #Veteran #OSINT
Erik Prince, former #Blackwater CEO, whose f-up caused #Fallujah, brother to Betsy DeVos, has reportedly resigned from "Frontier Services Group" via Hong Kong outlet.
He had SEVENTEEN front companies in 2007 when he was outed by @JeremyScahill's research & book.
Hong Kong outlet reporting resignation of Erik Prince from Frontier Services Group appears to be "Zhitong Finance APP News"👉… No 2nd source yet. #DEVOSexposed
He's resigned before, it's the #Amway family traditional dodge.
DeVos Clan crap NEVER stops 🙄
Apr 16, 2021 • 5 tweets • 7 min read
Mike Shirkey: "very proud" & "not backing off one oz." on 39 #VoterSuppression bills on call w #ALEC front-group NFIB (National Federation of Independent Business).
THREAD: "Michigan Witches Against Patriarchy" rally in Lansing to call for an END to "abusive language" & "attacks on fem elected officials" (Gov Whitmer, AG Nessel & SOS Benson and others) by #MIGOP misogynists Shirkey & Weiser.
|@grist: Leaked calls show #ALEC’s secret plan to fight Biden on climate: NEW working group is promoting long-shot tactics like Nullification & a Constitutional Convention (of States or COS)…#ALECexposed#ALECideas=Make ALL Federal actions "null & void"
"The call (attained by @EXPOSEDbyCMD) was 1 of 2 so far as part of #ALEC’s new "Functional Federalism Working Group", which exists separately from a longstanding ALEC task force on federalism & int'l relations." #ALECideas= #CovidDenial Kill us fast. #ClimateDenial Kills us slow.