Herberto Dhanis, PhD Profile picture
Biomedical Engineer and PhD in Neuroscience from @EPFL_en | Hallucinations in Parkinson's | dynamic fMRI Neurofeedback #LongCovid and creator of @LC_ontheshort
Jan 5, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
The FND society president, a man who supports biopsychosocial hypotheses papers with no evidence, thinks the longitudinal #LongCovid muscle biopsy paper is not good enough. With these comments, did you open the paper?

As a patient researcher, this is insulting and needs to stop. Since the boom of #LongCovid, Alan Carson and others routinely post ridiculous papers arguing LC is mediated by experiential, psychological, social factors, and chronic stress. What does that mean?
Sep 24, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
When I talk about what should hypothetically become criminal fraud, this is what I am talking about. This trash paper.

You don’t need biomarkers. So many biological abnormalities have been found in #mecfs and #LongCovid. There are very elegant mechanisms proposed for both! People like Alan Carson will try to tell you it’s catastrophic thinking or some other BPS non-evidenced based hypothesis. They have peddled that notion for decades. It doesn’t work. It’s nothing better than some diagrams with arrows. Get out of your bubble and read the literature
Sep 2, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Here's a form of fraud and attack on patients that many psychiatrists, neurologists and cognitive neuroscientist choose to perpetuate.

If you work in this functional bubble and think this is science then you are part of the problem!


journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/20… This paper purposefully dismisses the most important pathophysio findings in #LongCovid, goes on to say LC is "poorly understood" (it's not, you just don't read the literature) and then purposes that a HYPOTHESIS BASED ON A THEORY THAT HAS NO CAUSAL EVIDENCE is somehow better
May 12, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
I always knew there were diseases we had no cure for, but developing #LongCovid opened my eyes to a world of suffering I had no idea existed. I didn’t know what #MECFS was, and with this name, I could have never imagined such suffering.

#MEAwarenessDay #MECFS in its very severe form is probably one of the most debilitating diseases in the world. It is particularly cruel because it considerably limits energy and “punishes” those who step out of their energy limits by worsening symptoms, sometimes permanently
Sep 24, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
We just got another great paper by the team of @Dr_B_Hohberger. The correlations they have been showing between retinal vascular density and LC are impressive. Absolutely recommend people read this and see it together with other relevant publications

medrxiv.org/content/10.110… The opinion of her team is that these findings reflect widespread impairments of microcirculation (the retina is just a window into the body). Is there compelling evidence that this is the case? Yes. See for example:

Aug 29, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
There’s been a lot of talk (and evidence of course) about neurological dysfunction and neuro-inflammation in #LongCovid. So I though I would do a thread on an upcoming phase II RCT with Temelimab in LC patients with neuropsychiatric symptoms. 1/14 The trial is lead by @GeneuroO and the Hospital of Geneva @Hopitaux_unige, 1st to have an LC clinic I think + Swiss Gov granted 6.7 million CHF. To be clear I am not involved in this I just thought to share. I learned about it through @LongCovidCH some time ago. Let's start 2/14