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Where art and science meet! Admin by @TheLabArtist
Aug 27, 2018 62 tweets 16 min read
As part of my project, I gave a talk at the Institut Jacques Monod about Art and Evolution If you think about art history, there's a WHOLE lot more art about religion than there is about science.
Aug 23, 2018 14 tweets 11 min read
I want to talk about HOW to make science comics. To do so I'm going to start by going through the Ten Simple Rules for Drawing Scientific Comics - a paper that myself, @MCeeP, and @y_bromberg wrote this year journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/a…

Let's start! 1/n @MCeeP @y_bromberg Rule* 1: You don't have to be. good at art. Well, what we meant is that you don't have to be traditionally good at drawing to convey the concepts you want to convey [*these are not rules - but suggestions that we thought were helpful] 2/n
Nov 4, 2017 9 tweets 6 min read
Hey! @FlyingTrilobite here.
If you want to know more about #sciart and hiring a science illustrator for your #scicomm, here's a thread. So You Want to Hire a Science Illustrator - by @FlyingTrilobite for @Symbiartic back when we were on @sciam: