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General Khan: Pashtun ~Barakzai ~ Displaced Settler on unceded unsurrendered Mi’kmaq Territory.
Oct 20, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
Today marks 3 years since I was forced to public because @DalhousieU chose to discipline me over a personal FB post. Every year for the past three years I’ve been asking for a public apology from @DalPres because they chose not to apply race as a lens to mitoagate the situation. @DalPres @DalhousieU backed up white students who felt Uncomfoterble with my anti racist stand point. They felt uncomfortable that not only was I a visible Muslim student leader I also used #s such as: #whitefragilitycankissmyass #yourehiteyearsarentsacredthislandis
Oct 16, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
Enough is enough. Settlers of Mi’kmaq territory you should be ashamed. I am ashamed of all the racialized settlers who remain silent. We have come to this land with the audacity to think that it is ours?!? It is NOT. This is UNCEDED UNSURRENDERED MI’KMAQ TERRITORY. #Mikmaki 1/5 EVERY benefit we reap from this land is due to the Mi’kmaq nations generosity. WE ARE IN DEBTED TO THEM! THE LEAST YOU CAN DO IS SAY SOMETHING ABOUT ABOUT THE WHITE SUPREMACIST TERRORISM THAT IS HAPPENING IN Saulnieville. #ModerateLivelihood #Mikmaki 2/5
Jul 10, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
@DalPres I want a public apology. I have waited 3 years and have dealt with on going repercussions for being an anti racist student from @DalhousieU. I am now a @Dal_Alumni it is time you own up. I do not want a subtweet. Stop dehumanizing me. #WhiteFragilityCanKissMyASS This is ONE example of the types of harm I encountered. Because @DalhousieU chose to discipline me for challenging white supremacy and made white students feel uncomfortable due to their #WhiteFragility now you’re encouraging students to read this book @DalStudentLife @DalPres Image