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Apr 25th 2023
Important THREAD on UK’s Black woman MP @HackneyAbbott’s letter to @theobserver/@guardian and White Britain unleashing opportunistic attacks on the MP.
Buckle up🧵
#DianeAbbott #Racism #Antisemitism #WhiteSupremacy #WhitePrivilege #BlackLivesMatter #HierarchyOfRacism #CRT British Black MP Diane Abbo...
White British establishment has been way too racist and harsh towards #DianeAbbott (“DA”) among #BlackWomen—not denying many of their points—compared to others. Issues of DA erasing #GTR or #Holocaust memories or not—not denying the importance of it—is a separate issue than… 2/ Tweet from Siobhan Miller (...
…the main topic pointed out in the subject of the letter: White #HierarchyOfRacism that exists to date. Having worked as a London-based banker who was involved with diversity, I’ve seen Black was 9x more, Muslims up to 8x more discriminated at institutional & security levels…3/
Read 16 tweets
Sep 22nd 2022
Scholarship so good, that disagreement is impossible.

#RobinDiAngelo #WhiteFragility
Like a lot of other “Race Scholarship”, there is always an explanation of why somebody doesn’t agree with their ideas. (Willful ignorance, internalized oppression, false consciousness, privilege-preserving epistemic pushback, white fragility, didn’t engage...
with the text, etc.). All the explanations involve mind-reading a person’s true intentions.

The notion that a person can 1) read the material; 2) understand the material; and 3) disagree with the material is outside their reach.

True scholarship doesn’t play games like this.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 22nd 2020
This series just keeps getting better.

Great conversation around the intersections of #mentalhealth #stigma and structural #racism and bring our whole selves to our work as mental health professionals

Definitely worth watching the whole 40 minutes but highlights for me... 1/7
1:40 - 2:15

"I'm more of a them than I am an us"

The "us and them" dichotomy in #mentalhealth professions.

4:55 - 5:35

"It was a sharing culture"

On a workplace that supported the sharing of #livedexperience and it's impact on the well being of staff.

Read 7 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
Anyone check out the #RVAProtests "112 Days" show on @CBS6 last night? You can watch it on MSN (linked below), but I did so you don't have to. Two big thoughts:
#Thread 1/…
First, the doc not great on repping protestors. Some efforts to give voice to protest, but probably not central figures. I get it - it's hard to parse, there's no "President of the Movement," and lots of folks probably didn't want to talk
But still - why so much freakin' Mark Holmberg? Why let him complain that protestors marched at Lee Circle but not Gilpin Court- and then ignore multiple anti-eviction actions?
Read 9 tweets
Jul 25th 2020
ATTENTION! There is a new definition of racism. The old definitions—by Webster, Cambridge, Collins, Oxford, etc.—are now OBSOLETE. Superseded. Please retweet to raise awareness about White Fragility and Critical Race Theory’s new definition. #CRT @HPluckrose #WhiteFragility Image
New definition of RACISM:

Prejudice + Power + Pumpkin

®️ = 😡+⚡️+🎃

Prejudice backed by collective Power, but only if the person is holding a Pumpkin.🎃

If he/she is not holding a pumpkin, then it is Prejudice but not Racism.

Retweet. Raise awareness about #CritcalRaceTheory
Read 3 tweets
Jul 11th 2020
Just finished #WhiteFragility, and among other comments, my most pressing question remains "Are those most invested in this interpretation of society attempting to sublimate their actual feelings of white supremacy into a type of racial noblesse oblige?" /1
At a certain point, it becomes difficult to see the difference between those who insist that white people have the advantage at all times and in all places and should acknowledge that privilege, and those who simply believe that white people are superior to black people. /2
The hairs on the back of my neck begin to stand every time I hear someone say "Even though I grew up [in a trailer park, poorly educated, in a dysfunctional home, etc.] I always knew I was at least better off than being black." /3
Read 5 tweets
Jul 10th 2020
When #race & #racism become the top priority for the church, preaching the gospel inevitably takes a backseat.
If your pastor is preaching or recommending the book #WhiteFragility - about how white people are #racist from birth / socialized into #racism from childhood & cannot ever truly rid themselves of that racism - it's time to find a new church.
Pay attn to what your pastors are preaching. Is it the word of God or the word of man?

Jesus died for ALL our sins - that includes #racism! To preach racism is the one sin white people can't be redeemed from is dangerously anti biblical.

#ProgressiveTheology is bad theology.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 10th 2020
@DalPres I want a public apology. I have waited 3 years and have dealt with on going repercussions for being an anti racist student from @DalhousieU. I am now a @Dal_Alumni it is time you own up. I do not want a subtweet. Stop dehumanizing me. #WhiteFragilityCanKissMyASS
This is ONE example of the types of harm I encountered. Because @DalhousieU chose to discipline me for challenging white supremacy and made white students feel uncomfortable due to their #WhiteFragility now you’re encouraging students to read this book @DalStudentLife @DalPres Image
Even after your disrespectful subtweet apology I met with student affairs and nothing came of it. @DalPres you need to deal with this. Florizone and a bunch of other admin out you in this position. I would suggest you correct it. If you don’t it’s clear you uphold white supremacy Image
Read 4 tweets
Jul 6th 2020
#FalseConsciousness & #WhiteFragility

”Joe, you hate Black people.”😡
–“No I don’t.”😯
”Yes you do, Joe. But you are UNCONSCIOUS of it.”😡
–“What a bunch of BS. I’m getting angry.”
”Anger is EVIDENCE of your Fragility."
–“F*ck you!”😡
”You are emotional. End of discussion."🤣
Apparently, this method is supposed to bring racial healing. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
”Joe, you hate your mother.”😡
–“No I don’t.” 😯
”Yes you do, Joe. But you are UNCONSCIOUS of it.”
–“What a bunch of BS. I’m getting angry.”
”Anger is EVIDENCE of your Mother Fragility."
–“F*ck you!”
”You are emotional. End of discussion."🤣
Read 3 tweets
Jul 2nd 2020
This is finna be a thread on the pushback against White Fragility.
As books on racism take over the bestseller lists, there’s inevitable debate about which books make it there & whether they deserve it. I commented on the critique re: “How to Be Antiracist” a few days ago. Now let’s talk about White Fragility.
I am a clinical psychologist, as is Robin DiAngelo. Never met her but admired her work for a good 15+ years. She’s been doing it since before it was profitable or popular.
Read 20 tweets
Jun 30th 2020
Soooooo much #whitefragility #whiteurgency #whiteexpediency Some have heard of #whitefragility.... let’s learn about white expediency ...1/
White expediency is the quality of being convenient and practical despite possibly being improper or immoral, resulting in differential risks, barriers, burdens, and benefits. Now what is white urgency... 3/
White urgency is the quality of being important that requires swift action that advantages white people and those proximal to whiteness while simultaneously disadvantaging and harming Black people and those amplifying Blackness. Now what happens when you combine WF+WE+WU 4/
Read 5 tweets
Jun 27th 2020
White Fragility: New York Times #1 Bestseller. Racism is a serious subject that deserves serious attention and a serious theory. White Fragility is not a serious theory. Retweet to raise awareness. @jondavidchurch @HPluckrose @ConceptualJames @GadSaad #WhiteFragility #Whiteness Image
Maybe @HueyFreeman3241 will read this paper and we can have a serious discussion 🤔 without ad hominems 😬and accusations that I'm a White Supremacist. Would be nice. 😀
If anybody is interested in reading the entire paper, it can be found here:…
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Jun 26th 2020
The New York times #1 Bestseller. Racism is a serious subject. White Fragility is not a serious book. Retweet to raise awareness. @jondavidchurch @HPluckrose @ConceptualJames #WhiteFragility #Whiteness #WhiteWomensTears Image
And another. Image
And another. Retweet to raise awareness about this illiberal, illogical, non-nonsensical, dangerous and divisive book. Image
Read 3 tweets
Jun 25th 2020
The Video Breakdown - #LaineyLui Confessional

(or how we can justify #LaineyGossip horrible past).

The bizarre McIntosh/DiAngelo lexicon used is intentionally meant to obfuscate and craft their own narrative.

I'll go through the video and translate what is going on...

At 1:00 pm the show goes on as "RECORDED EARLIER"

i.e. All Questions and #LaineyGossip Answers are carefully written out ahead of time.

This allows for many takes to get a perfectly crafted interview.

(hypothetical conversation in brackets below)


Melissa Grelo: At The Social, we do not shy away from difficult conversations....

[Holy crap, we have to do this because everyone now knows what a two-faced terrible person #LaineyGossip is.]

Melissa Grelo: (Lainey, go ahead and read your scripted statement.)
Read 32 tweets
Jun 12th 2020
Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism - New Discourses…
#WhiteFragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves.…
In dit draadje; De achtergronden bij #BlackLivesMatter   en #WhitePrivilege. Alternatief is dit?
Read 4 tweets
Jun 12th 2020
@V8POW Robin DiAngelo is an #ethnomasochist nobody who got a frivolous PhD in "multicultural studies" at age 47, and is known for her "notable idea" of White Fragility,

but she is (was) so obscure that her wiki was near deletion in both 2018 and 2019:

#RobinDiAngelo #WhiteFragility
@V8POW On #WhiteFragility:

The WHITE FRAGILITY concept / phrase / meme / endzone-dance / soft-blood-libel.

2011: coined;
2010s: made rounds on academic-left-fringe;
2020: broke through with George Floyd riots.

Using Ngram and Google Trends data and more. Story in 21 parts (thread).
@V8POW (1.) The term "White Fragility" was independently 'coined'/used many times, and makes sporadic appearances in the 1990s/2000s in NGram but with all kinds of meanings.

One from 2004 refers to the 1994 OJ Simpson ex-wife murder but not related to the late 2010s/2020 meaning:
Read 36 tweets
Jun 8th 2020
I'm thinking about all the kinds of support people relatively new to 'race talk' actually need.
One of the biggest steps that white people and anyone else new to conversations about racism can do is to examine #whiteness.
Of course, it's important to read and hear from Black people. But attention to grasping the comprehensive power and influence of #whiteness on our whole society may often be overlooked.
So here's a thread of resources by white and Black folks talking about this very topic! A great starting point is the podcast series #SeeingWhite. It's impossible to go wrong here.
Read 9 tweets
May 31st 2020
Peep this 4 part serious I wrote on #whitefragility in education and what we can do to build antiracist schools.

Here’s part 1:…
Part 2, What School Leaders can Do about White Fragility…
Part 3, A white leader’s reflection on addressing white fragility…
Read 4 tweets
May 31st 2020
I've been having the heartbreaking conversation with so many Black people who are dreading tomorrow and the Zoom calls or the ”How are you?” -

Your Black leaders and employees are not OK.

It's triggering to ask ”How are you”
I hope CEO’s & Executive Sponsors for Black ERG’s and other ERG’s

Head of Diversity and Inclusion have reached out and connected with your Black ERG leaders and your Black employees.

At the very least ensure all mandatory meetings have a ”No Video Requirement” please
The #Emotionaltax Black employees are going through right now is through the roof.

Many I've spoken to are feeling rage, fear, anger, resignation, exhaustion, defeat and more.

Be uncomfortable, put #Blacklives BEFORE your feelings @RachelCargle

It's the HUMAN thing to do.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 9th 2020
The way to win an argument by cheating is to willfully misrepresent an opponent's view to something objectionable. #DignidadLiteraria challenges systemic racism in the publishing industry but racism apologists insist we are mad at a white woman writing Mexican characters.
First of all, you are late. POC settled THAT argument years ago. Anyone can write anyone, but you need to:
which Jeanine Cummins didn't do+this is why we are in this mess.…

@djolder (previous tweet) wrote about it in 2104.

I weighed in in 2017.…

@alexanderchee added this in 2019…

Once more for the racism apologists: no one is saying white people can't write POC characters.
Read 17 tweets
Aug 17th 2019
In clear prose, @BriannaWu takes us through the birth of today’s culture of public harassment which helped normalize Trump’s “politics” of the personal attack in @NYTimesOpinion

#gamergate was FIVE years ago
“I meticulously documented all of it — the death threats, the rape threats, the identity theft... I waited for law enforcement to prosecute the men who had threatened to murder me and other women... I waited for justice. I am still waiting.”
I missed that there was an impotent FBI report in January 2017. It’s not like there was nothing ELSE going on that month. *cough*…
Read 14 tweets
Jun 26th 2019
Robin DiAngelo and other critical race scholars consistently cite the fact that intent does not mitigate impact. Because we are a product of our times and our socialization, we may do and say things that are horribly racist and not understand why.
Folks invoke “intent” to negate the harm that individual and structural racism causes. Sorta like, “I didn’t mean to run over your cat, I was just pulling out of the driveway.” E.g. “get over it.”
Based on DiAngelo’s work, talking about “intent” is also a way of shifting the focus onto the folks who are identifying racist acts and away from taking responsibility for one’s participation in upholding white supremacy.…
Read 13 tweets
Apr 11th 2019
Yesterday I had the pleasure of listening to #RobinDiAngelo, scholar in critical racial & #socialjusticeeducation. How cool is it that I used one of her slides for my students the day before her talk! For my presentation, I had an additional pic (re: @fordnation cabinet). Image
Still amazed I got to meet an idol of mine at @CIECYR1 Equity Symposium.😱 Her talk on #whiteprivilege, #whiteness & #whitefragility was on point, esp w/ the pillars underwater that uphold white racial narratives and calling out folks who ask the ignorant Q of “Now what I do?” ImageImageImageImage
A little sad there wasn’t a Q&A, as I had a ton of Qs, but I get logistics. Still wondering: Since #whitefragility functions as bullying, how do we shift to those convos from one day of #InternationalDayofPink? How do system leaders ensure accountability among frontline workers?
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Sep 13th 2018
We all would do well to sit with Robin DiAngelo's #WhiteFragility and absorb sentences like this: “I believe that white progressives cause the most daily damage to people of color.” Great piece @xwaldie for @NewYorker.…
This: “The most effective adaptation of racism over time is the idea that racism is conscious bias held by mean people.” I've been thinking a lot about this false binary thinking in the context of #MeToo: the notion that there are "good" and "bad" men. We're complex.
Pair this with @MaggieHagerman 's outstanding new research on the stories affluent white parents tell themselves about how they're raising their kids... and why. Definitely the thing I struggle with the most here in #Seattle.…
Read 7 tweets

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