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Don't get discouraged: this is a long-distance race | #COVIDisAirborne | #SaferIndoorAir | 🇪🇸 🇨🇭 🌐
May 29, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
🧵Thread of countries and regions which have updated their ventilation regulations as a COVID-19 response with one or both of the following measures:
- Mandatory CO2 limit indoors
- Mandatory CO2 meters

#SafeIndoorAir #covidCO2 I have discarded those in which there are only recommendations or pre-pandemic CO2 values. Please let me know if I miss some or if something is wrong, thank you!
May 28, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
"Take schools. They are chronically under-ventilated, according to the Lancet COVID-19 commission. A study of 100 American classrooms found 87 with worryingly low ventilation rates."
1/7… "The problem extends well beyond classrooms. Many people spend more than 90% of their time indoors. Researchers have linked under-ventilated spaces in buildings to a range of ailments."
May 27, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
“Before this pandemic it was completely socially acceptable to come to the office coughing, sneezing, spreading viruses around,” says Dr Morawska. “No one would say anything—even people educated to understand how infections are transmitted.”
1/6… "That insouciance must be corrected. The @WHO must acknowledge the need to control airborne pathogens and governments must agree and enforce comprehensive standards for indoor air quality that keeps people healthy."
Jan 7, 2021 25 tweets 18 min read
@mvankerkhove: you can not ignore this any longer.

Please read and face the replies you have to this post, from HCWs, scientifics, engineers, citizens from all over the world, advocating for preventive measures to mitigate airborne transmission route.

#COVIDisAirborne 🧵

1/25 @WHO has a duty to communicate all relevant and available scientific information to the world.

Its influence on public health authorities must be used to shift practical guidance toward educating and mitigating the risk of airborne transmission.

Nov 15, 2020 10 tweets 6 min read
THIS will be recorded in history:
In 2020:
👉@WHO does not listen to science
👉WHO rejects aerosol transmission EVIDENCE
👉WHO downplays the role of ventilation
👉WHO neither explains WHY ventilation is needed
👉WHO doesn't retract, neither move
1/ February 7, 2020
Donald Trump knew: "it goes through air, Bob"
But for 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 reason (politics, economy, not interest at all in public health, all together, who knows...) he didn't mention this in public
Sep 29, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
🧵Authorities said where it is safe or not. Theoretically, schools, public transport and workplaces are safe.
I want to know what people think about.
Here a questionnaire related to this picture, to all the people around the world living in areas with local transmission
1/4 ❔🌆Do your workplace (I assume indoor) have good ventilation, few people, distance, staff with well-fitted mask, and short meetings? is it in the🟩zone?
Sep 28, 2020 8 tweets 7 min read
Sep 17, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
🇬🇧 #COVID19 recommendations

🇩🇪🇲🇫🇮🇹🇪🇦 below 👇 ImageImage 🇩🇪 #COVID19 Empfehungen
Quelle ImageImage
Aug 16, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Imagine the following scenario:

You're at an amusement park.
You see a roller coaster, and somehow you don't find very safe. The data says that accidents are on the rise and the company in charge does not take measures to prevent them from happening.

🧵 Image Now, they force you and your family to go up. Because everyone does, because you have to think about the economy of the family that runs that roller coaster, the economy of that amusement park, which is also yours. Also, there are people who say it's the safest in the world
Aug 14, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
If Switzerland continues this way, in one month the hospitalizations will increase, in two the deaths.

But here the most surprising thing: every single infection, even one, could be avoided.
It should be avoidable. But there are other interests, they prefer you continue to be the consumer machine, in that normality that has led us to this.
It is advantageous that you continue with your normality, spending, working, among clouds of cotton, lest the creators of panic stress you, poor you.
Aug 8, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
Situación en el SESCAM:

Suben los casos, pero el personal sanitario no se entera por medios oficiales, se enteran porque hablan entre ell@s.
El personal sanitario sigue sin instrucciones, sin protocolo, sin nada.

@SanidadCLM @Regina_Leal_ @jfdezsanz @wikiCR El equipo (de calidad) que tienen es porque se lo han comprado ell@s.
➡️@Regina_Leal_ @jfdezsanz que estáis haciendo con el dinero destinado a combatir la pandemia?
Test realizados al personal sanitario de baja calidad: no interesa ver que TOD@S se han contagiado? verdad?

Aug 7, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
On 17 January 1966 ocurred the Palomares incident: a B-52G bomber of the United States Air Force's Strategic Air Command collided with a KC-135 tanker during mid-air refueling at 9,450 m over the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Spain

🧵 Image Mid-air refueling is a dangerous process that should not be done over populated land.
All four men on the KC-135 and three on the B-52G died.
Four crew members of the bomber managed to parachute to safety. Image
Jul 22, 2020 25 tweets 6 min read
Esta carta del 29 de Marzo no debería pasar al olvido.
El autor es un profesional del Hospital General Mancha Centro.
Anónimo por miedo a las posibles represalias (que las hay).
@Regina_Leal_ @garciapage @jfdezsanz @SanidadCLM

Abro🧵 *⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣*⃣

"SOS desesperado del Hospital de Alcázar de San Juan

La situación de hoy domingo 29-3-2020 es ésta: 350 ingresados, 100 esperando en Urgencias. Ayer por la tarde estaba yo solo, con residente de TRA, con 36 pacientes
Jul 4, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Why I will not go out tonight?
Why I don't make party since March?

#AbroHilo ⬇️ Image 1. It is possible to make party in the place you live?

Yes, it is possible.
In Switzerland public and private events of up to 1,000 people have been permitted. Bars and pubs are open.