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The all-in-one solution for exploring, researching, & accessing the Cosmos & beyond 🚀 An open, community maintained Web3 Wiki & more! Built by @Sparkibc ⚛️
Oct 24, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read
1/9) Interchain Info aims to solve the final piece of the #cosmos puzzle, one of unification & ease of access.

If you're seeing this, and you feel you have a passion for anything in the GREATER interchain, please reach out, we need your help!

What do we mean by "greater"?
⬇️🧵 2) Interchain Info aims to be the Go-to hub for information, exploration, and utilization of the Greater Interchain.

This means we are aiming beyond the core #cosmos ecosystem, including things like #BSC, #PolygonNetwork, #Kadena, and even #DASH.