Jesse Zeman Profile picture
Big fan of BC's biodiversity. Research interests: sustainable resource management, non-market valuation, and confronting trade-offs. Opinions my own.
Aug 6, 2022 21 tweets 7 min read
“Fisheries official denies coverup allegations over research into endangered B.C. steelhead”

Will comment after blood pressure goes down.

Thanks @winstonszeto for covering this.

#EndangeredSpecies #steelhead #managingtozero #speciesatrisk… So here are some of the related documents with regards to this issue. The reader can decide whether there is a coverup or not.

1) A "deemed refusal" of an ATIP on steelhead where the OIC office indicates the options are to take DFO to Federal Court to get the records. ImageImage
Jul 21, 2022 32 tweets 6 min read
A thread about record low #endangered Interior Fraser #steelhead. The intent of this thread is to educate people on the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada's consistent habit of both destroying these fish while simultaneously editing/hiding science.

#BCpoli #CDNpoli
Steelhead pops in the two best monitored systems (Chilcotin and Thompson rivers) have gone from thousands to an estimated 19 (yes, 19) and 104 respectively. These are all-time record lows.
Jul 8, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
An unpopular thread on B.C.s raging forest fires.

Much of B.C.'s interior is a fire maintained ecosystem.

Tree ring research shows fire intervals of 5-20 years in much of it which fire suppression starting 100 years ago and getting really good starting in the 1950s.

Our plants, trees and wildlife all evolved with fire. Fire rejuvenates grasslands and plant communities and is an essential part of functioning and productive habitat for native species such as , moose, elk, mule deer and sheep, plus the growing list of #endangered species.
