💧Sandi Keane 🔥 Profile picture
Former editor Michael West Media, Independent Australia. Investigative journo focussing primarily on Big Mining. Member Accountability Round Table.
Glen Schaefer Profile picture Mick Lawless - Planetary Patriot 🌏 ⏳ 🐨 🇵🇸 Profile picture Julie 🇵🇸 🌿🐝💦🔥 4*💉#CovidIsNotOver Profile picture A-LeiSh-A Profile picture 5 subscribed
Mar 23, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
My investigation unravels the true facts for the 1st time about the Staindl v Frydenberg case including my interview with the star witness on Hungarian citizenship law whose mysterious disappearance at the time cost Staindl the case. ##voicesofkooyong theaimn.com/staindl-v-fryd… Questions for Frydenberg:
*Why did Tony Abbott meet with mate the Hungarian PM just days after you were served with Petition?
*Why didn’t you fill in form sent by the Hungarian Embassy back in 2017 to clarify doubts about your dual citizenship? Hung parliament the real problem?
May 19, 2020 22 tweets 13 min read
A Thread: SATANISTS RULE THE WORLD says QAnon nutter & ScoMo's bestie, Tim Stewart. Crikey today: "Morrison’s focus on China’s handling of coronavirus has garnered support of Aust's leading proponent of QAnon, Burn Notice, @burnedspy34." Read here: tinyurl.com/yabj9pca ScoMo's mate Tim (@burnedspy34) and his son Jesse (@jesse_onya_m8) support many disturbed QAnon people. Lynelle and Tim are Morrison's besties. Lynelle and Jenni were each other's bridesmaids. It was the Stewarts they holidayed in Hawaii with. Lynelle worked at Kirribilli House.
Jan 9, 2020 15 tweets 7 min read
Budgets and Bushfires: has government cost-cutting hindered firefighting? @MichaelWestBiz does some much-needed digging. The truth will shock. Bad enough to be saddled with a climate-denying gov but cost-cutting is the main reason why this inferno is now out of control “How come we only had 4 trucks to defend our town?” pleaded distressed resident of Cobargo to Prime Minister Scott Morrison. “I’m not going to shake your hand until you give the RFS more funding,” another woman from Cobargo, Zoey, told the PM. Little did they know the truth.
Dec 4, 2019 6 tweets 5 min read
#29Leaks: A THREAD
GLOBAL EXCLUSIVE: @MichaelWestBiz and CrikeyINQ have received 100s of 1000s of documents leaked from Formations House — 15 years of data — now in the hands of a worldwide media collaboration dubbed #29Leaks. Teams of journalists, including the Michael West Media and CrikeyINQ authors – @MichaelWestBiz, @suzipeep & @Kim_Prince – have spent months combing through the data using the latest software available.
Nov 19, 2019 19 tweets 10 min read
A THREAD - #MateGate
When Scott Morrison added the word "ritual abuse" to his apology 22/10/18, it was at request of notorious Satanic Ritual Abuse conspiracy theorist Fiona Barnett via his good friend Tim Stewart. This is the 1st time much of this evidence has been published @eliahi_priest was asked to set up an encrypted Zoom conference between Tim & Jesse Stewart, Isaac Kappy (now dec.) and Fiona Barnett so that Barnett could discuss how to get Morrison to include "ritual abuse" in his speech. Here are the screen shots from that conference:
Oct 6, 2019 12 tweets 6 min read
#QAnon #QAnonMateGate #MateGate. Does anyone else find this headline in The Guardian odd:

'Revealed: the QAnon conspiracy theorist who is friends with Australian PM Scott Morrison'

Except that the identity of the conspiracy theorist WAS NOT REVEALED! Should it? True public interest investigative journalism usually reveals the name of the leading actor, ensuring, of course, you don't defame them. Perhaps The Guardian had some kind of deal with @burnedspy34 to elicit a response?
Oct 5, 2019 5 tweets 4 min read
A thread. #QAnon #QAnonMateGate #MateGate ScoMo's mate Tim Stewart (@burnedspy34) and his son Jesse (@jesse_onya_m8) support many disturbed people, one of which is Fiona Barnett and her outrageous slurs against many high profile pollies (mostly Labor). @threadreaderapp unroll Here's some weekend reading for you to start with. Fiona's latest book 'Eyes Wide Open' guaranteed indeed to open those eyes and have you asking "how does she get away with this scurrilous defamation of highly respected politicians like Paul Keating?

Oct 5, 2019 10 tweets 6 min read
A thread: Here's more weird stuff to ponder on when you get to questioning PM's judgement. His mate @burnedpy34 is a mate of notorious hoaxter Fiona Barnett. She's variously accused President Nixon, Walt Disney (who BTW died before she was born) and a string of Labor PMs as pedos Check her out on YouTube being interviewed by OOTG 77. Title: "In Bed With Fiona Barnett"! Seriously.... it's all there... CIA spies at Bond Uni, Paul Keating, Nichole Kidman. Oh, and of course JESUS - the imagined friend of many disturbed people.
Aug 18, 2019 18 tweets 3 min read
A thread: Pls RT!
The Assange Stitch-Up: spelled out by award-winning journo Mark Davis, present at negotiations with Guardian and NYT in 2010. A summary:

"I was there. I stuck to him like glue, and when he went to the bunker, I went too. His idea of starting work was midnight. "Theirs was to start at 9am and go home at 5pm. So every moment that Julian was there, I was there. So all those books, reports, articles from those journos about how they had integrity and Julian didn't, is a complete lie. I was a witness to it!
Jul 30, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
#grassgate - a thread on importance of native grasses from an article I wrote for Town & Country Farmer:
Years ago, my partner and I bought a farm near Mansfield, Vic. BECAUSE of its native grasses: Microlaena stipoides, Austrodanthonia spp., Themeda Triandra & Bothriochloa macra The facts on the loss of our biodiversity in Australia are alarming. In the last 30 years, we have cleared millions of hectares of native vegetation in Australia. Victoria has lost 3/4 of its wetlands and less than 2% of Australia’s native grasslands remain undisturbed.
Jun 24, 2019 6 tweets 4 min read
Hey @InsidersABC: Here are some ideas if you're short of questions for the government:
1. Why is Australian wage growth stagnating? Records show Oz now in worst wages slump – relative to total earnings – since records were first published in 1959. 2. Economy: What is this talk of global headwinds? Australia scored 2nd strongest GDP growth in 2009, at 1.92%. Only Poland was higher, at 2.82. That was 2nd year of the #GFC Now, those were headwinds! By contrast, first quarter 2019, Australia's OECD ranking had dropped to 18th!