1/ In case we needed more reasons for building better cities, the evidence is growing that #mentalhealth is significantly affected by #urbanplanning and #urbandesign ... whether for the better or the worse is up to us ...
2/ Exposure to natural light is linked to better sleep, reduced stress, and better work/school performance bit.ly/2ORgMiw. A well-designed city ensures access to natural light on sidewalks, in public spaces, and inside homes and offices.
Dec 31, 2017 • 15 tweets • 17 min read
Sometimes it's the little things, the pilot projects & experiments that have the biggest city-building impact. In no particular order, here's a thread of #coollittlethings the City of #HamOnt did in 2017 ... and a shoutout to my staff who made them happen
1/ Special loading zones for musicians outside concert venues as part of our #MusicCity strategy #coollittlethings#hamont (thx to staff in Culture and Parking)