How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App sent me a DM blaming it on a freelance designer, and said they settled on a "new design," assuring me they are not Nazi sympathizers (it's unclear if the redesign was prompted by someone noticing the Nazi logo, or they just wanted something fresh) refresh your memory, the study randomized 112 papers into 2 groups, 1 group which gets tweeted about by the Thoracic Surgery Social Media Network (TSSMN), and a control group that gets no tweets :( (2/n)'t forget that our former campus police chief "fostered an atmosphere of hostility, retaliation and unethical behavior.” these clowns are gonna discover you get an even BETTER fit to the data if you loess-smooth with an alpha of 1e-10 far-right regularly appropriate and misinterpret these results to legitimize scientific racism, full stop. Perjoratively painting anyone who reacts in opposition to this outcome as a "pearl-clutching leftist" is counterproductive. the 450 or so tweets about the preprint of this work that came out last October, ~22% were from accounts connected with white nationalist networks.'s #InternationalDogDay, so let's start with a paper about dogs! Just skim those tweets on the Altmetric page and let me know what you think.