Jennifer Lee Rossman #SAVEDStarTrekProdigy Profile picture
watching Stargate season three and Farscape season four. Bisexual and non-binary, autistic, wheelchair user. 🏳️‍🌈 Real Star Trek fan 🏳️‍⚧️ they/them ᐰ
Apr 1, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
It is officially #AutismAcceptanceMonth and I thought I would make a thread of my most stories with #ActuallyAutistic characters. I am autistic. Technically self diagnosed, which is totally valid. I went through an assessment and they I didn't have enough records from my childhood to officially make a diagnosis.
Mar 31, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
It's #TransDayOfVisibility which means you can all see me! Hi! I don't know what I am, but I'm not really a girl most of the time.
But I am an author! And here is a thread of my stories featuring trans and non-binary characters! Velocirapture features lesbian velociraptors, one of whom is trans, who save the world…
Mar 21, 2021 258 tweets >60 min read
I'm going to start season two of the Mandalorian, or as I call it RELUCTANT SPACE DAD
#JenLiveTweetsMovies Here's season one, if you want to catch up
Nov 18, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
OK so I have two ideas for this Christmas horror story.

The basic idea is that the main character is too busy for Christmas and love but she comes back to her hometown for Christmas and needs to save the Christmas pageant because all the kids are getting eaten She discovers that her tendency to overwork is based on growing up believing in the Yule cat, a lorge boy who eats children who are lazy.

And I want it to be like a romance movie. Like all of the beats of a romance, but horror instead

Here is where I have options
Nov 18, 2020 9 tweets 1 min read
Hopefully going to watch more/most of labyrinth tonight. And I should figure out what movie to do next.

I have: netflix, prime, hoopla. Let me go through them and see what is interesting… My main criteria for movies are:

🦋 Science fiction or fantasy
🦋 movies I haven't seen since forever
🦋 movies everyone else in the world has seen and somehow I missed
🦋 I am gay

A movie should get at least two of those points
Nov 18, 2020 51 tweets 4 min read
By popular demand, it is time to watch Labyrinth #JenLiveTweetsMovies I am a 30-year-old queer person who has never seen Labyrinth and it's time we change that.
Nov 17, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Oh shit I have idea for this Hallmark channel Christmas movies horror story thing.

OK so. The main character is a workaholic who doesn't have time for love or Christmas, but she goes home anyway and that's where she meets the Yule cat. The Yule cat is a kitty from Iceland. And he is an absolute unit.

Like. He protec, he attac, he eat children as snac. Except without the protecting part
Nov 17, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
So I'm thinking of writing like… all the story beats of a classic Hallmark channel Christmas Romance movie. But instead of a ruggedly handsome Love interest, it's a monster. Like. Not even like the monster is disguised as a human or anything. Just… Lady goes to her Christmas hometown for Christmas at Christmas time, because you know… it's Christmas
Nov 16, 2020 25 tweets 6 min read
Going to write a story for Hellmark, the "small town Christmas movie but with monsters" anthology. Which requires research into Hallmark Christmas movies.

No, I am not watching any. You can't pay me enough LOL

But I will give commentary as I look at the Hallmark website Oh dear. How many of these people do you think are famous country singers i don't recognize? I am 99% sure the sparkly lady in the middle is someone. I think she's in commercials for stuff.
Nov 16, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Did I tell y'all about the SNAIL ADVENTURE DRAMA the other day? I have a 20 gallon fish tank, divided approximately in half with plexiglass because FISH DRAMA.

I have three fish in this tank.
Feb 4, 2019 13 tweets 2 min read
Writers beware. A magazine called "Strictly Fiction" emailed me this morning to see if I wanted to submit to them. Checked the website, and they charge $3 reading fees. [cont.] I emailed them "Please remove me from your mailing list. I do not support magazines with reading fees."

Their reply?