Dr. J Robson Profile picture
*Government-funded* Associate Prof, AKC, Carleton Teach: policy. Research: social policy & poverty
Miranda Gray Profile picture Dr Norlaine Thomas (She/Her) Profile picture Peter Bleyer Profile picture 3 subscribed
Mar 22, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
I have been thinking about this. I know most eyeballs have been on the major retailers, but I’ve wondered if major manufacturers of store foods might be pursuing price over volume.
I got intrigued after listening to @TheStalwart & @tracyalloway talking about US firms. Here’s the podcast: podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/odd…

As a break from my actual work, I chased down the most recent quarterly reports from 4 big, publicly traded food manufacturers that do a lot of business in Canada: Maple Leaf Foods, Kraft-Heinz, Saputo & Highliner.
Dec 7, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
It’s 10:15pm and I’m finally putting eyes on the AG’s report today on COVID benefits & vax distribution.
I’m not doing another deep-dive tomo. This is not a thing. Enjoy it while you can. I spent much of first few months of the pandemic trying to explain, in plain lang, what benefits were & who qualified for what.
Government was v slow to catch up.
Dec 6, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
No, YOU’RE up at midnight reading SK legislation to create a new tax agency.

Ok, it me This legislation (Bill-122) is…. interesting. The drafters have borrowed heavily from CRA’s enabling legislation, with some notable adaptations/differences.
Oct 6, 2022 24 tweets 9 min read
Pull up a chair.
Let's talk about the heart-stopping share of Canadians supposedly '$200 away from insolvency'.

Apparently, I have to keep giving this talk because there's a quarterly clickbait survey that sometimes gets eyeballs.
FML #cdnecon #cdnpoli If you want to re-read the OG thread from 2019 here's a link:
Sep 14, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Is an enhancement to the GST credit likely to be inflationary?
First Q (ht @kevinmilligan) is it big enough, proportional to nominal GDP, that this could sway things? Here's annualized change to nominal GDP forecast for Canada from the OECD. Yes, it's a forecast. And latest monpol report from the Bank of Canada is broadly consistent with trend in projections. Note relatively small footprint of government spending in contributions to change.