Joy Henderson Profile picture Lakota, Black, Queer, Disabled and tired of your nonsense.
Jan 1 23 tweets 4 min read
Hello darlings, and @RutgersU Here is a tale of weirdness of the Willettes, particularly Auriel Willette on behalf of his wife on New Years Day. Starting with a letter to everyone, but the actual institutions I am involved with.

I'll paste the… Just as a note to trolls. I barely pay attention to LinkedIn, so probably not best to go off that.

I also believe silence is violence, so I will call your shit out publicly.

And since Auriel is jumping on that old racist pretendian train, who claims you buddy, what nation?
Dec 25, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Real talk time for Israel supporters in Canada.

Our chants and protests should make you feel very damned uncomfortable. Discomfort doesn't mean you are unsafe.

The fact that you see discomfort as danger, points to how privileged you are. You are no more in danger here in Canada than any Black, Indigenous, racialized, 2SLGBTQ+ or disabled person and arguably less so. You have almost every lawmaker and law enforcer ready to do their utmost to ensure you are not only good, but you *feel* good.
Nov 22, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
I was at a conference last last weekend and I was listening to some of the speakers and thought about how awesome it would be if people in my community could hear the words. No shade on those organizing the conference, because it was awesome and filled my heart... ...But it got me thinking, how do we get this knowledge and thoughts and discussions beyond academia?

How can a single disabled racialized mother in Scarborough access this information?

Because not only does it serve as knowledge, but inspiration and connections and networks.
Jun 13, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Let's just remove all the problematic things about police being in schools for a minute.

Police are not trained to work with kids, let alone kids in schools.

To be a Child and Youth Worker/Practitioner, it's minimum 3 years of training. Our jobs are literally building relationships with young people and their communities. There is a lot of theory, practice and training that goes into this. Many people do not complete this program because it's goddamned hard.

And 3 years barely prepares you.
Jun 12, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
The more I talk to these "gender critical" folks, the more I'm convinced they know nothing about teenagers & schools.

Your teens/preteens are 10X more likely to be "confused" by the aggressively hetero, cis gender cultures of their peers than learning that 2SLGBTQ+ people exist And this is coming from someone who lives and works in TORONTO.

Have y'all ever tried to tell a teenager how to identify? How about how to dress? What to eat? When to sleep? To be on time? Clean their room?

Hell, I can't get *my* kids to put on a warm coat in the winter.
Jun 8, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

You're real fucking tools.

Almost all of what you claim in this community was built by 2STQ+ Black & Indigenous folks. The rights, the culture, the few fucking privileges we have, the parade that you've corporatized.. ...the neighbourhoods you gentrify, the grassroots community services you complain about, the brick and mortar spaces you use, the fucking land you occupy! and pay your cops to oppress the rest of us.
Jun 8, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Non-profit edition. Stop asking me to do presentations/workshops etc. For a nominal fee. A 30 minute workshop is hours of work of research, dissemination and putting it together.

If you want me to do a workshop, you can pay me my going rate. Stop using interns, youth fellowships, volunteers for jobs that need a salary. A GOOD salary.

That is super shady.
Jun 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Here's the thing politicians and their strategists need to understand about "winning" Scarborough.

Show the fuck up.

#Scarborough #ScarTO #Toronto #TOpoli Like the bar is so fucking low that all the Ford's have to do is have an event a few times a year.

What does that say about YOUR campaigns?

That you're being outmaneuvered by dipshits because they make appearances a few times a year?