Julie S. Lalonde Profile picture
Au revoir ✌️ See you in the streets ✊ 🟦: JulieSLalonde Bystander intervention trainings : https://t.co/kzlotiqmkr Contact me : https://t.co/tNLz1JQlwW
Aug 10, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
I cannot even begin to tell you how the memes of this woman's terrible breakdancing have been the highlight of my week. Nonstop howling. What a gift.
Nov 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The two main reasons why teaching kids proper anatomy helps prevent sexual abuse (1/4) Using slang or "family terms" for genitals only (& not like, your elbow) teaches kids that genitals are shameful & things we only whisper about.

Abusers feed off shame because it puts the onus on the victim & lessens the likelihood that someone will snitch on them.
Jun 19, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Stood at a booth for 4 days this week teaching people how to intervene when witnessing street harassment. GIANT anti-harassment messaging on the booth.

Lots of amazing conversations, AHA! moments and commiseration.

But here is a sampling of whacky shit men said to me : - "Since #MeToo, Every time I talk to women at bars, they say it's harassment. HOW IS THAT FAIR?!"

My dude, the issue isn't #MeToo. It's your lack of rizz.
Jun 9, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
So many of the attacks on Trudeau are misogynist-adjacent. They mock him for being "pretty", for having been a drama teacher, for crying in public, for dressing well. And he's a straight cis white man! Such a reminder of why women hesitate to seek high profile leadership. When people argue that women voted for Trudeau because he's "hot":

1- They show how little they know of Canadian politics. You don't vote for Trudeau unless you're in his riding, idiots!

2- They show how little they respect women voters.

3- They frame femininity as unserious.
Jun 27, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Seeing a depressing amount of US physicians tweeting versions of "Now I have to watch women die."

No, you don't.

Canada views abortion as healthcare because Dr Morgentaler, a Holocaust survivor, ignored the law, performed abortions anyway & dared the government to stop him. If you won't break the law, then quit your job or specialize in something other than emergency care / gynaecology / obstetrics.

Otherwise you are complicit.

Is that harsh? Yes. But by your own admission, people's lives are in your hands! You should act accordingly.
Jun 24, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
I have so many things I need to do today but instead, I'm debunking anti-choice nonsense and misinformed pro-choicers all day. Oy vey.

Here is a quick list of clapbacks for Canadians to use with the Devil's Advocates in your life : "We need a law".

No, we don't. "Abortion is health care" is not a snappy slogan in Canada. It's literal. Leaving it up to the courts to decide means *we could literally create the conditions that Americans are facing today.* We need ACCESS not laws.
Jun 24, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Pro-choice people pushing for an abortion law in Canada need to take a breath.

There's a reason no major reproductive rights organization in Canada is pushing for this. In actual fact, the only people really organizing for a law are anti-choice. Abortion is a medical procedure. Abortion is healthcare. We do not have laws around miscarriage. We do not have laws around heart attacks. We do not have laws around facial reconstructive surgery.

"Canada needs a law" is treating the US reality as our own. It's not.
Mar 28, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Seeing a lot of hot takes on what happened between Chris Rock and Will Smith at #Oscars and I GET IT.

It is the most intense thing to ever happen on that stage.

But the whole incident, from top to bottom, was toxic masculinity. Neither of those dudes are the good guy here. Chris started by making a sexist joke about Penelope Cruz, referring to her solely as Javier's wife & how she would be mad if he won.

Then he made a joke about Jada, knowing she has a medical condition.

Then Will slapped him & cussed him out.

Loser energy, from top to bottom.
Mar 27, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
I loooove fashion and live for a red carpet.

But in my view, the #Oscars2022 red carpet looks are a bit of a dud this year.

I feel like the tailoring on most of the dresses is... off? Like, weird hemlines, verrrry weird boob/chest cutouts and .... wrinkled? Such a bummer. I love this woman. Period. She is also a major style icon for me. 9/10, I love her looks.

But I can't get over how bad this dress is. The tailoring up top is terrrrible. The waist/hemline are not cooperating. It straight up looks like it doesn't fit properly.
Sep 27, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I've worn glasses since I was 12.

I'm now 36 & own 4 different pairs : For every day, for outside, for computer screens, for reading. My disability makes it essential to my health.

If you've never had to live without glasses, you truly can't imagine how horrible it is. Also, great that we're fighting for the eye care of kids and elders but we ALL deserve eye care!

I don't have health benefits, OHIP doesn't cover eye care and my glasses cost about 900$ each and I literally cannot function without them.
Sep 23, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I got my first death threat online in '11.

I was doxxed last year & the police told me to flee my house & ideally, move.

For months, I got threatening phone calls every night at 2am, 3am & 4am. For months.

What Bern*er is doing to journalists is an affront to democracy. A few years ago, I presented at a conference in Vienna on online harassment & its impacts on democracy.

Sitting with journalists from around the world, we talked about the way online harassment pushes good people out AND makes marginalized folks self-censor.

It's gotta stop.
Sep 22, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read

I am so touch starved that I just burst out crying during a massage.

Please take the goddamn vaccine so we can go back to a life of physical contact! Covidiots are fucking out of control. Shutting down this thread now as the hive descends.

Sorry for forgetting that the word "vaccine" is the Beetlejuice of our time. Image
Aug 11, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
This is a sincere suggestion that you limit your exposure to Covid news & focus on nesting so that the fall/winter is as bearable as possible.

Rather than read the umpteenth article about the Delta variant & anti-vaxxers, think about how you can make your space cozy & safe. I talked about the Covid doom & gloom with my therapist this week & left there determined to focus less on what I'm losing & more on what I can do to ensure loneliness & despair doesn't suck me under as we round year 2 of this disaster.
Jul 6, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
As an advocate for sexual assault survivors, this is my advice for parents :

- Don't conflate nudity with sex
- Teach them the proper names for their body parts
- Teach them the difference between a "secret" & a "surprise". Adults should NEVER make kids keep secrets. - Teach them to prioritize feeling safe over being nice
- When talking about sex, prioritize pleasure. ESPECIALLY if you have daughters
- Teach your sons how to handle rejection
Jul 5, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
The worst part about driving a vintage car isn't the fact that my car is unreliable. It's the fact that every. time. I. Park. I have to listen to some old man mansplain my car back to me. Just today :

Him: 66?
Me: 74.
Him: Diesel?
Me: No.
Him: You sure?

Another errand. Another dude.

Him: I saw you roll down your window. No power windows? LOLs.
Me: *eye roll*
Him: I guess electricity wasn't invented in 67!
Me: It's a 74.
Him: Honey, I'm just teasing.
Jun 10, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
I refuse to amplify media that uses his name but media is reporting that the terrorist in London was "frighteningly angry" after his parent's divorce and took it out on his mother.

The relationship between misogyny & xenophobia is so real. The terrorist that attacked a mosque in Quebec City a few years ago was very active in misogynist online spaces AS WELL as Islamophobic/xenophobic spaces.

So many young white men are blaming women and people of colour for all their problems and the result is deadly.
Jun 9, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Ghomeshi's lawyer has a memoir coming out so prepare yourself for a deluge of "But it was super feminist of her!" commentary. The only person whose commentary on her I want to read is Anne Kingston and she is no longer with us, so I guess that's it for the rest of you.

Jun 8, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Seeing a lot of well meaning folks saying "They'll never win." And you're right.

But you're missing the point!

As someone who has been threatened with these kinds of lawsuits, it's terrifying to be dragged into a high stakes fight you didn't want.

cbc.ca/news/canada/to… When I was 23, Carleton president threatened with a libel suit for saying "CU has a problem with sexual violence."

When I was 32, OC Transpo threatened to sue me for saying "A lot of people are harassed on the bus."

Knowing I would win didn't minimize the fight I was up against
Jun 8, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Construction workers say misogynist things on their own podcast.

A woman in the industry criticized their comments for the sexist drivel that they were.

She is now being sued for 15 million dollars.

cbc.ca/news/canada/to… In case you're unsure why I work to end street harassment : Image
Jun 7, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I am begging the Canadian media to once again remember that these losers want infamy; they want their manifestos and rotten ideas to proliferate. They want to recruit.

Do not give them the platform they so desperately crave. You cannot shame someone who is proud to be shit.
May 18, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Hi 👋

I was invited by the Royal Military College in '15 to train their cadets on bystander intervention to end sexual violence & they harassed me the whole time, sent me threats when I reported it & it was a national news story that brought on more death threats.

I told you. PROFOUNDLY uninterested in seeing people defend RMC period but particularly, defending the dudebro culture at RMC as "boys will be boys".

The year I was there, they had 3 sexual assaults & 2 suicides.

RMC needs to be demolished & rebuilt from scratch.