Bitch is still my Superhero Name (Julie) Profile picture
Juvenile product of the working class. #BroochWarfare #FashionWatch #JewelryWatch She/her/they. #CRPS
Apr 29, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
So I’ve been a little wild on the stationery and art supplies, and I made a discovery y’all might want to know about.

I love fountain pens, but they’re fussy as hell, right? Image Except I tried one of these because it was engineered in Japan and meant for kids just learning to write. They should be good, right?

The Pilot Kakuono. Image
Mar 30, 2024 28 tweets 13 min read
Today we're going to do a #JewelWatch thread that's kind of also a #RoyalWatch. It's one of those "I thought you knew that" kinds of things.

Look out, there's history.

The Delhi Durbar parure. Image It is so named because after Queen Mary took the throne with... whoever she married... George V, right. (I know the queens because they wore the jewelry. No joke.) Anyway, when they took the throne, they decided to also be crowned in India, in Delhi. Image
Mar 1, 2024 29 tweets 8 min read
Okay y'all. Starting a new tag, #RoyalWatch

This is all speculation, I'm not saying otherwise. But it smells.

Right, so Christmas Day, Kate Windsor did the walk from Church that's traditional.

It's the last time anyone "public" has seen her. Image There are rumors that an ambulance was seen leaving where she was staying, sometime in the next few days. Rumor. Entirely rumor.
Dec 30, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
There were some questions about the liquid organdy dress - the dark blue, very shiny, full skirt, corset waist. And I mentioned that the next time I was on my computer (where the fashion images live) I'd post some more photos. #FashionWatch

Armani, 2021: Image As I said before, it's made of some kind of high tech fiber, and silk. It's very short on details so I assume proprietary tech is involved.

Guo Pei, 2016. Image
Sep 11, 2022 20 tweets 14 min read
Today's #DesignerSeries installment is going to be on a favorite of mine, Stephen Webster. #JewelWatch

He was a wunderkind when he was younger, now more of an elder statesman. I've actually watched some interviews with him, and he's chill, articulate, and talented.

He also got a knighthood.
Sep 9, 2022 19 tweets 12 min read
Today's #DesignerSeries choice is Suzanne Syz, a woman of beauty and humor who apparently doesn't want much data out on line about her, so we'll respect that. #JewelWatch

She's based in Switzerland. Image She works with an art business model, mostly. Meaning she produces individual pieces that are one of a kind, and sold at those prices.

In some cases artists also have a manufactured line that they design for, we'll be seeing both.

This is the piece that got my attention. Image
Sep 8, 2022 57 tweets 22 min read
Okay all, a #BroochWarfare stream of consciousness.

First, if you're new here, or confused, have what's left of the original saga, available here,… And for the more amusing, blurred out for vulgarity (HA!) version,…
Jan 11, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
"Seward [royal watcher/boot licker/minion]: People look at Duchess Kate and ‘see the perfect queen, young & beautiful’"

Kate is forty. QE assumed the throne at age twenty-six. "Meghan must be so mad to see Kate looking like the ghost of a Confederate widow."

Jan 10, 2022 32 tweets 27 min read
Bracelets! Bracelets are so much more diverse than you'd imagine. Well, some of you. So yeah, let's do something other than brood and eat ice cream. #JewelWatch

First? The bangle. Thin/narrow, circular, and often worn in multiples. No bending allowed. Wait, am I naming jewelers on this? Bottom row up there is Koulis, left, and Amrapali right.
Jan 10, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
Okay, yeah, we're gonna do it. Let's look at Kate's "best" ten outfits. #FashionWatch

Via British Vogue.… Look one, Jenny Packham in 2011.

Okay, yeah. This one was fabulous.
Sep 20, 2021 88 tweets 24 min read
2021 Emmys. #FashionWatch

A few words since there's been some discussion and confusion. First, I don't watch TV, movies, much or pop culture, and am on YT for watercolor. I don't know who most of these people are. Blind reviews are both good and bad and I acknowledge that. There was a comment in the Met Gala thread about false breasts; I had meant artificial as in costuming, not a boob job. My goal is not body-shaming and if it comes across that way I apologize. It is not my intent. But I often don't know who these folks are at home, so to speak.
Sep 16, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Epik now using prayer against #Anonymous. They'll enjoy that. “You are in our prayers today. We are grateful for your support and prayer. When situations arise where individuals might not have honorable intentions, I pray for them,” Monster added. “I believe that what the enemy intends for evil, God invariably transforms into good.”
Sep 16, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
Another #DeepDive on the Epik hack because I'm curious as to what exactly's going on. The people I know who know about this stuff are too busy screaming. "The 180 gigabyte trove of data could shine light on some of the internet’s most odious corners."… "...“a decade’s worth of data from the company” has been obtained, including all domain purchases, domain transfers, and unredacted website registration data that could shed light on individuals and groups behind extremist or hate sites."
Sep 16, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
Right y'all, a quickie #DeepDive on this registrar hack.… This isn't just A website, it's the person who registers and hosts websites for a large number of right wing nutjobs on the 'net.
Sep 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Kid just told her science teacher their common ancestor was a single-celled organism. New folks, she’s in cyber school and the mic was off.

Apparently she had also never heard the term “primordial soup”, because she’s repeating it in different voices and laughing. “Primordial SOOOP!”
Sep 14, 2021 192 tweets 55 min read
#FashonWatch This year's Met Gala was "THE AMERICAN LEXICON". (I'd thought it was Glamour, my bad.) Okay, so hold that in your head as we slog through ten million photos. A M E R I C A N. I would guess American influences in fashion.

So we start with Rihanna in Balmain. France. Honestly, A$AP Rocky with her in the quilt/afghan is more American in terms of fashion. How often will I say THAT. Image
Aug 29, 2021 84 tweets 23 min read
Okay y'all, gather up some snacks, get a drink (new folks, we do a silly drinking game, I usually have tea, it's all in fun and no booze required, I don't drink myself), buckle up, because I found us a doozy.

-clears throat- Moschino RTW fall/winter '20/'21. #FashionWatch

I know I usually avoid ready-to-wear but this is high end RTW like you get at Nordstrom, not fast fashion from H&M.



Hold on to your butts.
Aug 26, 2021 18 tweets 6 min read
Okay. Remember last night I said I’d send photos when I got home? This is the cover of “McQueen: Savage Beauty”, one of three museum catalogs I own. (Other two are Guo Pei and JAR.) One of his collections was a lot of McQueen tartan. ImageImage
Aug 12, 2021 109 tweets 40 min read
So, pearls. #JewelWatch

Y'know how English has 1066 (French/Norman invasion of England), and textiles have 1856 (invention of synthetic dyes)?

Pearls have 1893. The first cultured pearl. It wasn't until the 1920s that they got the whole thing to be 'commercially viable', but that was the day the entire pearl market was thrown into chaos, and when it became all about the tech.

It was Kokichi Mikimoto who invented them.
Mar 3, 2021 18 tweets 9 min read
#BroochWarfare So there's a current tempest in a teapot (planted by someone royal, I will bet you) involving the Duchess of Sussex wearing earrings gifted from Saudi Arabia.… The big fly in the accusatory ointment is, the earrings aren't hers. They belong to the Crown, and were LOANED to her. Further, they weren't from anyone in particular, just the Saudi royal family.…
Mar 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Oh. OH! The Narcan Saga, part the next. (New folks, I'm a pain patient on... a significant amount of narcotics.) I'm at the pain clinic today, cruising my record for inaccuracies, and what do my wondering eyes behold? A Narcan prescription. That I do not have in hand. So the PA, I'm like, 'uh, what's with the Narcan?' and she's like 'we prescribe it to all patients on a major drug load, just to be safe, not meant as an insult, etc' and I explained no, I was in favor, I had just never gotten the last Rx. So she re-sent it.