Justine Bateman Profile picture
Filmmaker, Author | LOOK film out soon | VIOLET film, FIVE MINUTES & PUSH shorts, FAME & FACE books. | IG: _JustineBateman_
Nevada S. Huaute 🇺🇦 UNION Witch, Resisting Profile picture AnnaMarie Piersimoni Profile picture Sherry Minson Profile picture 6 subscribed
May 19 5 tweets 2 min read
I hope people are understanding what’s being said by Sam Altman, the lunatic to whom everyone is capitulating their lives. He is lying that #AGI is “inevitable.” It’s like saying the pouring of sugar over everything you eat is “inevitable,” because he benefits from the pour. 1/ This quote is supposed to refer to OpenAI’s “safety issue.” It also reflects Altman’s refrain, insisting we need some dumb algorithmic formula to pretend to “think” for us. “Life’s too hard, you have to have #AI do it for you.”
Complete nonsense. 2/ mashable.com/article/openai…
Nov 12, 2023 29 tweets 5 min read
#SAG Actors, I want to make you aware of some of the language in the #AI portion of the tentative SAG agreement.
Though SAG leadership made much effort to protect members in AI, there are many issues you should look at. I have saved the most serious issue for the end. 1/ If a “digital double” is made of you during a film, they must get your consent and inform you of their intentions for its use, EXCEPT "when the photography or sound track remains substantially as scripted, performed and/or recorded.”2/
Oct 1, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
On the eve of the AMPTP #SAG negotiations resuming, I want to remind actors, particularly the most famous of you, of what’s at stake in #AI. As the AI advisor to the SAG talks, I won’t be able to speak as freely once the negotiations resume. 1/ As of now, there are no entertainment union restrictions on generative #AI models ingesting 100 years of films/series, slicing and dicing them, and then popping out patchwork spoonfuls of all that work.
I assume the AMPTP is going to try to pattern-bargain that on SAG. 2/
Sep 6, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
“Don’t Touch the Art.”
My @FastCompany Op-Ed on the CEO’s neglect of 100 years of film/series, and how the term “content” came to be. fastcompany.com/90944082/justi… “The museum staff equivalent in the film business are the CEOs & executives at studios and streaming services. They are charged with protecting the art of film/television series. But at this moment, it does not feel like this particular “staff” is looking after this art at all.”
Jul 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The most offensive use of #AI I have seen so far. This is what “no consent” looks like, @sagaftra.
Salvador Dalí did not consent to his likeness being used like a circus hand puppet. The disgraceful and disrespectful treatment of him by @TheDali Museum is astounding. 1/ .@thedali Museum shows no understanding of art or any knowledge of how to respect artists. Completely shameful.
This is what the studios/streamers want to do with #SAG actors, via #AI.
Jul 15, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Want to give you background on the word “content,” as related to Film and Series. 1/ In the late 1990s/early 2000s, everyone had a website. Your lawyer, your hair salon, your dry cleaner, etc. And there was a lot of talk about “getting people to come back to your site.” 2/
Jun 4, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
I’m a very proud #DGA member, but I wonder about #AI-related details of the new AMPTP deal.
I believe directors will be dealt with in the same way as @Teamsters drivers: AI won’t replace us; there just simply won’t be a use for us in AI films.
dga.org/News/PressRele… Image And I would like to see language related to prohibiting directors’ past work being used to train LLMs and inform the style of #AI films. The current style-theft in user-gen AI trailers is creatively violating.
May 21, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
The first time I remember hearing the word “content” was around 2005, in reference to material one would put in a website to increase traffic. Your dry cleaner, for example, would get a website and supply “assets” (logo, location photo, etc), 1/ But they then realized they needed something on there to get people to come back and keep them there. That stuff was “content.” A video, a poem, a blog post, it didn’t matter. Now why your dry cleaner needed to keep people on a website is a mystery, but they wanted it. 2/
May 13, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
I want to talk about AI and how it will affect you.
I’m a former SAG Board Member and former SAG Negotiating Committee member.
I’m also WGA and DGA. 1/ As a coder and someone with a computer science degree I want to tell you where I believe AI is going. 2/
Feb 18, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Here’s my theory: Art is ALL going to go AI. All film, all music, all animation, etc. And soon. A friend of mine’s been messing around with AI animation on his IG acct. Another friend who’s an actress has been scanned more than once for films, where they can just use her image if she can’t make it to reshoots or something.