Dr. Karen Grépin Profile picture
Associate Professor, School of Public Health @HKUniversity, economics and health systems. 🇨🇦🇺🇸🇭🇰
Oct 27, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Not to adulate too much following Merck's announcement that they will share their COVID-19 drug royalty free in LMICs, but I think their longstanding philanthropic leadership in global health deserves a bit of recognition. Have you ever seen this statue in real life? Image The statue is called the Gift of Sight. It depicts a young boy leading an older blind man – once a common sight in parts of Africa due to onchocerciasis, or River Blindness. One of my first jobs was to develop strategies to treat disease like trachoma and River Blindness.
Feb 27, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
A thread: We are now about a month into the massive social distancing experiment Hong Kong introduced to mitigate impact of #COVID19. I thought I would share some thoughts for other academics about the effects it has had on my life. #AcademicTwitter As the world prepares for a pandemic, many are asking what they should do to get ready. Yes - buy facemasks, hand rub, and extra food. But academics also need to prepare for the possibility that universities and other schools close for weeks on end.