Kashif Chaudhry Profile picture
Proud girl dad. Husband. Cardiac Electrophysiologist. Human Rights activist. Views are my own. #EvidenceBased 🔬 #HumanityFirst 🕊#BeInRhythm 🫀
2 subscribers
Feb 17 6 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: Mordechai Brafman, 28, a pro-Israel fanatic, fired 17 shots at a father and son in Miami Beach, injuring both. Believing he had killed them, he smiled and told police, “I killed two Palestinians.”

Where was he radicalized? And where are the congressional hearings to address this rising hate against Palestinians and Arabs?Image
Ironically, the victims were Israeli tourists. And right after being shot, they took to social media chanting 'Death to Arabs.' You can't make this up.

This is the result of anti-Palestinian hate & indoctrination that sadly runs deep in Israel and pro-Israel communities in U.S. Image
Jul 8, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) kindness to animals. A thread. Image "We saw a red bird with two young ones. We caught them & the red mother bird started beating the earth with its wings. In the meantime the Prophet (pbuh) returned & said,

“Who has put this bird to distress on account of its young? Return them to her immediately.” (Riyadh S)
Apr 25, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
A thread on performance of Imran Khan's govt over last 3 years. I looked at various performance indices to try to separate the fact from fiction.

To make it clear, I have no horse in the race. Just wanted to see for myself how much truth there is in the claims floating around. 1. Corruption

Mar 5, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Cardiac Arrest 35,000 feet in the air.

Earlier today, on our flight to Phoenix, a young lady in her 20s passed out. Screams of panic by onlookers was quickly followed by announcement of a medical emergency. 1/ I reflexly ran to her seat. She was unresponsive, slumped over, eyes rolled back.

I checked her carotid & radial pulses, she had none. We carried her on to the aisle & started CPR immediately. 2/
Dec 5, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
In my space today (recording shared in last tweet), I issued an open challenge for anyone to show me ONE example from Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) life where he ordered ANY punishment for blasphemy, let alone KILLING.

Here's your chance to win 10,000 dollars. Don't miss it. I appreciate the enthusiasm to win 10k. @ArshiEjaz1 is first contender, sent two names:

1. Ibn Khatal
2. Asma Bint Marwan

Ibn Khatal was guilty of TREASON & MURDER.

Asma story is NOT authentic. Controversial.
Dec 5, 2021 25 tweets 5 min read
Mr. @UmarShahzadKhan promotes the view that "blasphemers" deserve to be killed. To make his case, he cites examples from life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) where executions were allegedly ordered for his opponents for merely mocking him.

I refute these examples one by one. Thread. To start, Hadhrat Aisha (ra) relates, "The Prophet (pbuh) NEVER took revenge for his own self in any matter presented to him...." - (Bukhari)

He rose above insult & enmity & was a "mercy for the whole mankind."
Dec 5, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Holding a space tomorrow on Islam’s stance on blasphemy. Anyone who thinks Islam prescribes ANY earthly punishment for blasphemy, let alone death, is free to come & make their case.

The Quran & practice of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) make it abundantly clear this is not the case. The Quran describes the believers as those who “walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant people address them, they say: ‘Peace'” (25:63).

Peace, not violence.

Emphasis is on turning away from the ignorant.
Dec 4, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
So much misinformation in this one tweet by @betterpakistan.

1. Pakistan’s blasphemy laws prescribe death only for insulting Islam/Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), not for any other religion.

Thread Image 2. Ahsan Sahib, name the antisemitism law in the USA?

Ask him to cite to this magical antisemitism specific law.

There are laws banning incitement to violence against a protected class (including Muslims), but nothing remotely close to blasphemy laws.
Nov 14, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
The perception that male surgeons are more “competent” than female surgeons is so common that even I have wondered in the past if there was any truth to it.

So here is a thread comparing physicians of the two genders. 1/5 This sizable & well conducted retrospective study found slightly better surgical outcomes (4%) when the surgeon was female.

At the very least, this should clarify that women surgeons are no less competent than their male counterparts. 2/5

Sep 18, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
A Pakistani Sunni mob harassed 3 Ahmadi Muslims at a “love for all” stall in Derby (UK) today. When requested to stop curses & threats, they replied:

“Our prophet taught us to stop anyone attacking our religion.”

UK authorities should take this extremism very seriously. 1/3 Ahmadi Muslims regularly hold conferences/seminars to clarify the teachings of Islam to western audiences. To characterize these as “an attack on religion” & harass/threaten Ahmadis should not be allowed in the West. Hundreds of Ahmadis have lost lives to such extremism. 2/3
Apr 21, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Great points. Lets have a public discourse on this. I think you misunderstand me.

1. - I believe homeopathy works but I remain a skeptic on many levels. I can’t prove it works & my mind seeks rationality & objective truths & so I crave scientific research in this field. 2. I disagree that being skeptical of homeopathy makes one a lesser Ahmadi. Such judgments are far more dangerous than expressing skepticism. I don’t expect this from you Tahir Bhai. The biggest skeptic I know of homeopathy was my role model the 4th caliph (ra).
Mar 24, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
3/23 UPDATE: ALARMING speed of rise in # of #COVID19 cases in the US. Some of this could be due to increased testing, but even if we account for this, the actual # out in the community is far more than this graph shows. This is a huge disaster in the making. 1/4 When I first compared data of the two countries (03/13), we were 10 days behind Italy. Today, we are just 3 days behind. With this speed, we're looking at crossing Italy in ~ 2-3 days. We are failing at "flattening the curve," & I worry for what is to come in the coming days. 2/4
Mar 16, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
I just superimposed Italy's #COVID19 case data onto ours here in the US. Take a look at this closely. We are following the EXACT SAME trajectory as Italy, just 10 days behind. 1/3 Italy instituted a lockdown on 03/09. For the US, this would be Thursday 03/19. However, Italy found out this was too late to effectively #FlattenTheCurve. If we are to change our path & dampen the effect of this crisis in the coming days, we might have to lockdown earlier. 2/3
Mar 15, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
"I am young & healthy, why should I stay isolated?" Here is your answer.

Thread 👇 Fig 1: In Italy (green), authorities only tested patients with symptoms & most were elderly folks.

In South Korea (red), broader testing identified MANY 20-29 year olds who were infected with COVID-19 and silently transmitting it to others.
Aug 27, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
Looking at various economic indicators comparing India vs Pakistan over last 6 decades.

1. Pakistan & India had same amount of exports in the 1960s. But then the lines diverge quickly. The gap today is huge. 2. Foreign Exchange Reserves: The two countries also had similar foreign exchange reserves till the 1970s. But then, India just took off. No comparison today.
Jul 14, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
07/14/1903: 116 years ago today, Sahibzada Abdul Latif Shaheed (1853-1903), Islamic Scholar & Royal Advisor to King Abdur Rahman Khan & Habibullah Khan of Afghanistan, was stoned to death for becoming a disciple of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as).

The first Ahmadi Muslim martyr. The Afghan govt asked him multiple times to leave Ahmadiyyat & be spared. His response:

"I am carrying the chains, shackles & handcuffs for the sake of Prophet Muhammad & to me they are like ornaments. I'm walking briskly because I am impatient for a rendezvous with my Master."
Jul 10, 2019 8 tweets 5 min read
Extremist Sunni cleric @MuftiTaqiUsmani spoke at an anti-Ahmadi hate conference in Birmingham this weekend.

He engaged in vitriolic hate speech against the persecuted Ahmadiyya community. Not long ago, an Ahmadi Muslim was murdered in the UK because of such incitement/hate. The event was hosted by the Birmingham Central Mosque. Ironically, in an age of rising Islamophobia, this Mosque chooses to spread hatred and bigotry against other Islamic communities. This is dangerous, authorities must take note of such religious extremism.
Apr 27, 2019 20 tweets 7 min read
Thread: My message to those tweeting #قادیانیت_اک_فریب (qadianiyat - pejorative for Ahmadiyya Islam - is a fraud), if you are so certain it’s fraud, lift the bans/censorship, urge your Mullahs for public dialogue with Ahmadi Muslims & let the fraud expose itself.

Why so scared? Ahmadi Muslims are banned in Pakistan from printing their literature, unspoken censorship on mainstream media (when was the last time you heard from an Ahmadiyya representative when the community is attacked), websites blocked, preaching criminalized.

Why so much fear? 1/n
Nov 19, 2017 36 tweets 12 min read
Today, I attended a hate rally organized by fringe ‘Islamist’ groups on U.S soil. SHOCKING experience. I summarize the main points in this thread, until I publish a comprehensive piece tomorrow. 1/34 First, let me make it clear that the majority of American Muslims (of all sects) condemn such hate groups. We call them out. They do not represent, but defy, the values of Islam. 2/34