Khronicle Genealogy Profile picture
Professional family history research services, including archival & digital research, genetics, writing & education. AGRA Associate. Tweets by @ScientistSoph
Jun 26, 2021 11 tweets 8 min read
A big hello and welcome to my new followers this week. With the current flurry around #THEGenealogyShow2021 it's been a busy time.

One of my favourite resources to use in #genealogy research is MAPS. So here's a little thread of #maps to get your weekend off to a good start... Extract from the first ordnance survey map in 1801, showing The previous map (& here) is taken from the first ever Ordnance Survey (OS) map, produced in 1801 for the Kent.

And why Kent? The clue's in the name: ORDNANCE refers to artillery or weaponry; these maps were made with military defence in mind, just prior to the Napoleonic Wars. 1801 map extract showing Greenwich, at that time in Kent