Kiros Auld Profile picture
Pamunkey (25 USC 18). Founder&Mod: r/IndianCountry, the largest Native American community on Reddit. Follow/Like/RT ≠ Endorsement.
Jun 10 8 tweets 5 min read
On last week’s Canadaland ‘Pretendians’ podcast I came forward about the harassment of my family by Pretendian Hunters rebranding Jim Crow for the Digital Age.

I’ve since received heartbreaking testimony from Native Woman SA Survivors they’ve targeted.

Shared with permission:

“It’s disgusting to claim that the Pretendian list is anything like Me Too when Keeler + some of the men in her orbit have dedicated themselves to stalking and harassing professional Native women, including survivors.


[#MeToo, #MMIW, @InsideEdition, @Portland_State]

Oct 27, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Killers of the Flower Moon introduced mainstream audiences to modern systemic murder and (ongoing) theft against the Osage, Osage Women. #MMIW.

Now “Pretendian Panic” changes the subject and ignores modern theft of Native Children.

“Can you find the wolves in this picture?” Why would colonizers want to attack Buffy?

Because doing so has the major benefit of muddying the waters and absolving them of their crimes against Native Children, Families, and Nations.

Especially if it’s by one child who grew up to be a hero to First Nations, Indian Country.
Aug 5, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
It’s safer for a “White Native” to claim their Blackness than for a Black Native to exist.

Seeing that at work has had me reeling in recent months.

Especially from people who disenroll Black Natives, but when they get their turn, they’re suddenly one also.

There are receipts. That isn’t to say we’re even talking about acts compliant with Tribal Law, so much as people doing what they do because they can get away with it and have their asses covered after the fact.
Aug 5, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
“East Coast Tribes were lighter-skinned!”

Ok, let’s make a deal:

I won’t obscure my Blackness to appease anyone’s postcolonial insecurities if you won’t obscure your whiteness with FUCKING VIKINGS for the same transparent reasons.

We all know THAT exercise isn’t about facts. Those Viking Princesses are something else.
Aug 4, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Amazing what is found when one isn’t looking.

Signed and sworn by a Rez Elder in the mid-90’s, back when we were enrolled.

“Who claims you,” indeed.

Bittersweet in the extreme.

Will have to ask them about that Rez Lynching Story after I die; helluva thing to drop on people. Image Maryland expected this and related information, back when I was a teenager.

(The county had me as “White,” somehow, but that’s another matter.)

And NO, I’m not giving that Elder’s signature and PII/data: People abuse enough of that already.
Aug 4, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Found a harsh reminder from Michigan that Jim Crow did not have a monopoly on Eugenics Movement horrors. Again, Eugenics was not divorced from race, it violently reinforced prejudices under the guise of “Race Science.”
Jun 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
If we’re being honest, a real and pragmatic answer on violence is:

“Your likely inability to inflict violence to realize your desired outcome on an effective and decisive scale without counter or retaliation makes it not the answer. For YOU.” Imagine thinking the colonies that became America weren’t founded on settler-colonizer-slaver violence.

Violence sure as fuck was a foundational answer.

We’re just fantastic about whitewashing and obscuring it until a man (in uniform or not) is on top of you.
Jun 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Setting mine back for 100 years.

People are just itching to bring back the Racial Integrity Act.

And I’m not joking:

We’ve seen people trying to replicate Jim Crow Virginia’s Indian Policy and apply it across North America. I’ve said we’re lucky that the people doing it in Indian Country don’t have the same backing of state power.

The Supreme Court edged towards proving that wrong.

Jun 25, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
<Long Inhale>

NoooooOoooOooOoooOooOoooooOoooOoooOooOooOooOoOooOoOoOoOooOoooooOo—break for mandatory observance of The Protocols—oooooooOooOooOooOoooooOooooooOoOooOoooOooOoooOoOooOoOooooooooooOoooOoOooOooOooOoooOoOoooOoooOoooOooOoOoOooooOoOooOoOoOooooooOoOoooOooOoooOoooooOooooooo YES:…
May 4, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Fuck Midichlorian Quantum

Fuck Skywalker/Palpatine Descent too It’s not about meritocracy or Force Sovereignty if the focus is on warring hegemonies, blood, or being born to the right family.

Give me a story from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, not the entrenchment of today.
May 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
“WHO CLAIMS YOU,” rudely demanded the person without authority or entitlement to ask or be answered.

Don’t waste our breath if you’re not even from the Tribe or Community you’re screening for.

If your blank, ignorant expression is a response to the answer, don’t ask. Normalize people staying in their goddamn lane.
May 3, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Lots of rewarded predation on short memories and bad civics in my timeline, with NO ACCOUNTABILITY for the same false equivalence that’s reigned since Election 2000.

“20/20 Hindsight” means jack shit if your collective memory is tethered to memes. “Vote Blue, no matter who” was sixteen years late in 2016.

Do motherfuckers even know who John Roberts is, let alone his jurisprudence or branch of government?

(Hint: It’s not fucking Congress)
May 3, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
So according to Keeler “logic”:

1. If her kids don’t marry Navajo,
2. Her grandkids won’t make BQ,
3. No Navajo Enrollment,
4. So #MMIW wouldn’t apply to them.

It’s “Missing and Murdered INDIGENOUS Women,” not “Missing and Murdered FEDERALLY ENROLLED Women.”

There’s NO bottom. There’s NO PLACE for this kind of gatekeeping in the face of violence.

Enrollment status of victims does NOT make Indian Country safer or more just for the vulnerable.

May 3, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
Basically, her and her company are Wannabe Experts.

Think Office of Federal Acknowledgment, but WITHOUT:

• An Office
• Trained Expertise
• Accountability
• Legal or Subject Matter Authority
• Transparency
• Tribal Consent

Oh, but unlike OFA they employ FELONS. Being a FORMER FELON isn’t a bar to Federal Employment, *but* if you haven’t actually been reformed, good luck getting through the background check.

Fresh warrants, rape allegations, and live restraining orders mitigate against that, but Keeler’s apparently fine with those.
Apr 12, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
Wild that Culling Indian Country is a family tradition there.

Here I laughed when Native Mascotry Defenders insinuated “the Keelers” would go after Natives next. Guess there’s no substitute for the real thing.
Apr 12, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Now this is a chip that you don’t bite right away, no.

You gotta stick out your tongue.

Let that chip rest on it.

And Riiiiiiide that SIZZLE. Gotta rub it on the roof of your mouth.

Flip it with your tongue, if you have the dexterity.

If you’ve done it right, the chip won’t be soggy yet.

It’ll have a few good crunches left in it.
Apr 11, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Friendly Reminder, #NativeTwitter

@jfkeeler uses accounts who haven’t blocked her as Trojan Horses to find her way into the mentions of people she’s blocked and actively harassing to continue attacking them: ImageImage She can’t stay out of:

• Other Tribes and Communities she doesn’t have ties to,

• Other Tribal Rolls and Family Trees she doesn’t belong to,

• Graves and Obituaries of people who aren’t her family,

• The Mentions of people she’s first Blocked, then relentlessly attacks.
Apr 11, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Is it wrong to criticize Jacqueline Keeler for disrespecting the dead family of her victims when she doesn’t respect her own dead?

She shifted her dad’s demographic description for clout a little over a month from his passing.

Shamelessness ain’t a virtue, @jfkeeler #Karendian Image Don’t take my word for it. Here’s her race-shifting the man, in her own words: Image
Mar 19, 2022 19 tweets 5 min read
Happy Birthday, Grandma.

A correction: She was enrolled at Pamunkey in her lifetime, not just a “descendant.” #StopDisenrollment and Anti-Black Racism in Indian Country are hard for people to wrap their heads around, but it takes understanding both to begin having an honest conversation about Grandma.

Pan-Indianism doesn’t understand or translate for that.
Mar 9, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
This illustrates why solely relying on Ancestry .com to police Indigeneity is amateurish and disqualifying: ImageImage I deferred on reading this book because I’ve lived, researched, and been raised among so damned much of it: Image