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Jan 1st 2023
I report violations of the #IndianArtsAndCraftsAct on #Etsy and #ebay. Thing is, some of the worst offenders belong to #FakeTribes that have managed to swing State recognition. The retailers, & the āšŖļøs who buy from the #pretendian sellers, either don't understand, or don't care.
So when they display their "enrollment" info... look up the "tribe" they claim. If they even name it. Some just say "Cherokee" or worse, "Cherokee descent". Ask for the specific tribe and look it up. Some state-recognized are real, but many are not. #IndianArtsAndCraftsAct #Fraud
It's no coincidence that āšŖļø people give tons of money to other āšŖļøpeople who are playing Indian and selling fake Native bling, regalia, even fake medicines. These #pretendians make way more money at this than real #Natives. Just read their reviews & see who writes them. #Racism
Read 4 tweets
Dec 13th 2022
Indigenous People Experienced Holocaust on the Turtle Islandā€”What is now Modern #Americaā€” Even Long Before it was Coined. #NativeTwitter #IndigenousPeoples #Palestina
So it omes as no surprise for Indigenous Landers to see #LeonardPeltier behind bars for Over 46 years, for a crime he never committed.

Many now believe that #FreeLeonardPeltier will ease the Historic Trauma. #Clemency
Read 3 tweets
Nov 7th 2022
Calling my non-Saami followers, non-Finnish followers, #NativeTwitter, any and all journalists, anyone watching.

Prime minister @MarinSanna has, in spite of the pleads from the indigenous Saami people, not yet brought the Saami Parliament Act to parliament.

Please help us. šŸ§µ Image
@MarinSanna Time is running out in a matter of days.

If the prime minister @MarinSanna does not resist the racist misinformation perpetuated by the Finnish Centre Party @keskusta, the law that would secure Saami self-representation will fall through for the third consecutive time.
@MarinSanna @keskusta If this happens, Finland's supposedly feminist, pro-human rights goverment will have given its stamp of approval to the ongoing, years-long rights violation against the Saami.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 31st 2022
As promised, hereā€™s my advice for Native grad students navigating a pretendian professor, based on my own experience šŸ§µ #NativeTwitter #pretendian #AcademicTwitter
1. Prioritize self-care: Native students (current and former), you are who Iā€™m most concerned about. First and foremost, take space to heal, acknowledging that there is real harm perpetrated by Indigenous identity fraud.
You may have to process gaslighting or work through performative displays of Indigeneity that perpetuated stereotypes. Now is a good time to lean on a safe, supportive network outside the institution where this transgression of your trust occurred.
Read 25 tweets
Oct 26th 2022
The firestorm around the #SacheenLittlefeather allegations has had me glued to Twitter for the last few days with a sense of creeping dread. I finally saw the tweet I knew was comingā€¦ one directed at me and people like me, who have been displaced, adopted out or disconnected (1)
There are people who believe that people like me, who are reconnecting to community and culture, should sit down and shut up, that we should not show leadership, that we donā€™t have the lived experience of indigeneity. This is false. We are Indigenous and we are alive (2)
Displacement and interference in our connection to culture IS an Indigenous experience. The last residential school closed in Canada in 1996. What happens to us in our lives and what takes us back to culture are important and should be talked about. We are survivors and our (3)
Read 11 tweets
Oct 22nd 2022
I was one of Liz Hoover's Native graduate student advisees at Brown and this is what I want people to know about the harm that false Indigenous identity claims cause Native people like me (Thread 1/6) @indianz #lizhoover #pretendian #NativeTwitter #Nativeā€¦
1) I was recruited to do Native American Studies research in Brown's American Studies PhD program (both the university and dept are great, btw). My enrollment, however, occurred under the false promise that I would have a Native advisor to see me through: Liz Hoover.
At the time, Liz was the only Native faculty member in the department and I simply would not have attended an institution without the ability to be mentored by at least one Native professor.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
The US banned Hawaiian language, poisons our water, destroyed our universal healthcare, stole our land, erased our history, and abuses Hawaii to this day. My mother's hands were broken for speaking Hawaiian in school. #IndigenousPeoplesDay
Since the US banned our Hawaiian language & culture, it nearly went extinct. Less than 100 kids spoke it in the 80's. Kids are STILL punished for speaking Hawaiian today. The US also stole our land, imprisoned our leaders, and is poisoning our water.
Happy #IndigenousPeoplesDay Image
Many Americans think that Hawai'ians lived in huts prior to colonization. The US actually de-industrialized Hawai'i. Before 1898, Hawai'i already had electricity, mass transit, railroads. Iolani palace had electric lights before the White House. ImageImageImageImage
Read 20 tweets
Sep 28th 2022
An empire arrives on your planet to eradicate and plunder. Heal the land and people, prevent erasure of your native language & culture, and confront the invaders before it is too late! #indiegames #scifiart #scifi #adventuregames
IndigiStar is a game by a Native Hawaiian (me) about the poisoning of water, military occupation, language and culture erasure are based on real world experiences of us Hawaiians, and countless other indigenous people around the world.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 15th 2022
An empire arrives on your planet to eradicate and plunder. Heal the land and people, prevent erasure of your native language & culture, and confront the invaders before it is too late! #indiegames #scifiart #NativeTwitter #INDIGENOUS
IndigiStar is a game by a Native Hawaiian (me) about the poisoning of water, military occupation, language and culture erasure are based on real world experiences of us Hawaiians, and countless other indigenous people around the world.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 12th 2022
1/11 It is important to note that with the Queenā€™s recommendations, there is NO insistence on ā€œcardā€™s onlyā€ in #indigenous verification processes. In fact there is an acknowledgment that institutions need to develop processes that DO NOT rely on what some refer to as ā€œcolonialā€ā€¦
2/11..And/or ā€œrace-basedā€ cards. So why are some folks suggesting that there is? Perhaps they are more put out that the report suggests that it isnā€™t ethnical to go back to ā€œnative ancestorsā€ born centuries ago and that a person taking up an #indigenous position should atā€¦
3/11..Least have a grandparent who lived as an Indigenous person? But what I donā€™t get is the rhetoric that is supporting the notion that Indian status/status card = colonized = bad. Letā€™s pause for just a second and consider that Indian statusā€¦
Read 11 tweets
Apr 11th 2022
Friendly Reminder, #NativeTwitter

@jfkeeler uses accounts who havenā€™t blocked her as Trojan Horses to find her way into the mentions of people sheā€™s blocked and actively harassing to continue attacking them: ImageImage
She canā€™t stay out of:

ā€¢ Other Tribes and Communities she doesnā€™t have ties to,

ā€¢ Other Tribal Rolls and Family Trees she doesnā€™t belong to,

ā€¢ Graves and Obituaries of people who arenā€™t her family,

ā€¢ The Mentions of people sheā€™s first Blocked, then relentlessly attacks.
She exploits Misogyny against her Native Woman victims, uses accusations of it to shield herself from accountability, and partners with known Abusers, Rapsits, and Unreformed Felons to attack Native Women and their Children.

Her ā€œworkā€ itself reinforces Misogyny.
Read 10 tweets
Aug 3rd 2021
1/9 This ordeal has been so personal and emotional for me and my family. Can you imagine moving to a new city, being introduced to ā€œan Elder from your home territoryā€ who is this man? Canā€¦
2/9 Imagine realizing quickly that this man was not Ojibwe but was a non-native man appropriating your language, your art, your familyā€™s stories of intergenerational trauma related to IRS and the Sixties Scoop? Can you imagine the years of work my family & other families...
3/9 have had to commit to to quite literally piece themselves back together after decades of settler colonial brutality aimed at breaking our family/kinship ties and our connection to our homelands?...
Read 10 tweets
Apr 26th 2021
"I mean, yes we have Native Americans but candidly there isn't much Native American culture in American culture"
#Republicans idiocy is real.. here's why.
#NativeAmerican #language & #culture named half our states.

@SmithsonianNMAI walk, it's close #ricksantorum

Alabama: Alibamu for ā€œclears the thicket.ā€
Alaska:ā€œAlakshakā€™ which means peninsula.
Connecticut: ā€œquinnitukg-utā€ which means ā€œat the long tidal river.ā€
Hawaii:ā€œHavaikiā€ or ā€œHawaiki,ā€
Idaho: Comanche ā€œIdahiā€, Shoshone ā€œee-dah-howā€ ā€œGood Morningā€

Educate yourself #ricksantorum
Illinois: ā€œilhiniwekā€ or ā€œilliniwekā€. ā€œIlliniā€
Iowa: Ioway Indians.
Kansas: Kansa Indians.
Kentucky: meadow lands, cane and turkey lands, or dark and bloody ground.
Massachusetts: ā€œabout the big hill.ā€
Michigan: Chippewa for ā€œMichigamaā€ meaning ā€œlarge lake.ā€
Read 9 tweets
Mar 6th 2021
no para dar crƩdito a la posibilidad de k el US Empire y sus infanterƭa STDistas logren su objetivo genocida, pero incluso si logran finalmente anexar la tierra de la k han robado tanto, no se desesperen. #PatriaNueva #PRFree #PuertoRicoLibre #PRLibre #PatriaYVida #FreePuertoRico
los borinqueƱos somos fuertesā€”siempre lo hemos sido. Ā”descanse bien sabiendo k lucha por la voluntad de los espĆ­ritus de sus antepasados! āœŠšŸ½šŸ‡µšŸ‡·šŸ’š

tambien, tenga en cuenta una serie de hechos: (1/
1) tanto la isla, como la diĆ”sporiqueƱos, han mantenido durante mucho tiempo la creencia sagrada en la independencia (592,671 votos en their beloved rEFereNDuM)ā€”asĆ­ k incluso si roban nuestra tierra, Ā”nunca podrĆ”n robar nuestra historia! #PRStrong #PatriaNueva #PuertoRicoLibre šŸ’š
Read 12 tweets
Nov 24th 2020
Itā€™s pretty disappointing to see the people on #NativeTwitter who were posting about #BlackLivesMatter for exposure just a few months ago remain silent when thereā€™s literal apartheid going on in some Indigenous Nations in this country. Freedmen deserve equality and we deserve
to be heard and respected. Right now, our petition only has 261 signatures, even though a pro-Freedmen person in the Secretary of the Interior position could really make an impact in Indian Country in Oklahoma. We need someone to hold these discriminatory tribes accountable.
It really only takes a few minutes to sign and share a petition but a lot of yā€™all would rather scroll past this. Please sign and share. I donā€™t want to have to go another year of having to tell my family we donā€™t qualify for citizenship in our tribes.ā€¦
Read 5 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
Yes, Native Americans in the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee, Seminole, and Creek Nations owned slaves. Yes, members from these tribes fought on the side of the Confederacy in the Civil War. Yes, the Chickasaw and Choctaw Nations continued to own slaves until 1866.
The Creek, Chickasaw, and Choctaw Nations deny the descendants of these documented slaves citizenship rights to this day. The Seminole Nation only allows for the descendants of their slaves to have partial citizenship rights.
This needs to be at the center of discussions of anti-Blackness in the United States. There are still four sovereign nations that we allocate federal funds towards that discriminate against the descendants of their slaves. And no one ever seems to mention this on national media
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May 13th 2020
1. Dear people in Alaska: You are not immune. MT State officials recommend masking up, but for some Alaskans, itā€™s not happeningā€¦
2. Last year's record visitor numbers were great for Alaska's economy. The aren't all locked down like most other states. They may be mislead that they are somehow immune. But I think they are just coming out of a period of isolation. Their low testing numbers won't hold if they
3. don't act. In the coming months, hotels and cruises will bring the visitors back to Alaska. This is a transmission source missing since March. Luck kept the early clusters out unlike Seattle, Boston and the big one, NYC/NJ. Nobody should presume that they won't catch this.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 8th 2020
Updates from throughout #IndianCountry re: #COVID19. I lament the racial divide in our nation & condemn all threats of racial violence against POC. I also condemn all acts of racial bias by local, state & federal gov. in testing, treatment & disbursement of funds. #NativeTwitter
Two pueblos in New Mexico have some of the highest infection rates in the United States. The numbers are stark. Zia Pueblo has 31 confirmed positive cases with a population of 900 people. And San Felipe has 52 cases with a population of 2,200.ā€¦
The Navajo Department of Health announced 42 new confirmed cases of #COVIDćƒ¼19 on Tuesday, April 7 and 2 additional deaths, bringing the Navajo Nationā€™s cumulative total to 426 and 17 confirmed deaths related to the #Coronavirus.ā€¦
Read 4 tweets
Jan 27th 2020
This is the first year that the American Indian Library Association's Youth Literature Awards will be announced at ALA along with the Caldecott, Newbery and all the other awards. Here's the committee! #ALAyma #NativeTwitter #IndigenousTwitter Photo of the American India...
I'm watching the Livestream. Here's the Facebook link to watch:ā€¦
Here we go! AIYLA's awards next!
Read 13 tweets
Jan 7th 2020
Excited to share our recent work (& last chapter of my PhD) in #ISMEJ on #Symbiodiniaceae functional diversity, niche partitioning & isotopes in #corals across a rapid light-attenuation gradient (a thread..) @GatesCoralLab @himb_soest @uhmanoa @DonahueLab
@GatesCoralLab @himb_soest @uhmanoa @DonahueLab Corals depend on their symbionts (Symbiodiniaceae) for food, but #heterotrophy is also important--especially during periods of stress and low autotrophy (low light). But these symbionts show differences in autotrophic capacity and some (#Durusidinium spp.) may be opportunistic.
@GatesCoralLab @himb_soest @uhmanoa @DonahueLab Isotopes are a great way to understand nutrition and trophic ecology in ALL living things. We used isotopes and physiology metrics to understand how a single Hawaiian coral species (Montipora capitata) dominated by 2 different symbiont species were balancing auto- & heterotrophy.
Read 16 tweets
Nov 19th 2019
#NativeTwitter & allies.

I'm asking for your help. You may or may not know, @YouTube recently unveiled stories.

You need 10,000 subscribers for this option, so that's what I'm aiming for.

You Tube Native Storyteller @VinceSchilling

Please subscribešŸ¤“ā€¦
@YouTube Thanks so much! @Native_Orchid @convsys
@LifeOfCherelle @AmySommers1 @rowan1980 @darlingdarling ... every single person helps ...

I appreciate it.
@YouTube @Native_Orchid @convsys @LifeOfCherelle @AmySommers1 @rowan1980 @darlingdarling Thanks to everyone for your AMAZING support!

Please follow me on YouTube - my goal is 10,000 subscribers! I know we can all do it!

"@VinceSchilling is the Native Guy in a Vest and Tie"

Read 3 tweets
Oct 13th 2019
1/ A few thoughts about this defense of Columbus Day/attack on Indigenous Peopleā€™s Day.ā€¦
2/ The argument is familiar enough: European ā€œcivilizationā€ (cast here as ā€œdemocracyā€) is superior to the ā€œsavageryā€ of Indigenous people.
3/ The argument depends on a strawman: ā€œColumbus didnā€™t bring cruelty to peaceful, benign peoples. The indigenous people were also cruel to one another.ā€ True there is some popular culture/new age romanticism, but scholars, including Native scholars, donā€™t think this.
Read 10 tweets
Aug 30th 2019
The parfum company @Dior has just released "Sauvage" with a Native dancer and Native music in a video ad - Johnny Depp is the voiceover.

I hesitate to call a person out for working for a living, but using Sauvage (French for Savage) is very problematic.

Thoughts #NativeTwitter?
@Dior So according to @Dior's press notes, as reported in the Salt Lake Tribune, they worked with several Native folks ā€“ including Americans for Indian Opportunity ā€œin order to respect indigenous cultures, values and heritage,ā€
@Dior Johnny Depp is trending - I am hardly surprised .. Image
Read 8 tweets

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