Kousik Sarathy S 🇮🇳 Profile picture
Faculty- @IITHyderabad | Neuroscientist | Biomedical Engineer | IONM | Movement Disorders | https://t.co/NOMR8iL9HM | https://t.co/tgMFjZEvfi |
Apr 19, 2020 16 tweets 12 min read
#Thread #COVIDー19 #StatePerformance
Authors: @MohanRaghavan8 @yashaswinimr23 @KousiksarathyS - @IITHyderabad
CC: @AyushmanNHA @ICMRDELHI @PrinSciAdvGoI A state-wise analysis
- Underlying dynamics of the epidemic, the human factors and interventions that have resulted in the trends for each state - 10 states covered in this thread
- Reading the plots
Apr 15, 2020 15 tweets 7 min read
#Thread #WuhanVirus #COVIDー19 #StatePerformance
How do you calculate the real fatality during the course of an ongoing epidemic?
Authors- @MohanRaghavan8 @KousiksarathyS @yashaswinimr23 @IITHyderabad
CC: @AyushmanNHA @ICMRDELHI @PrinSciAdvGoI That’s easy, some say – it is the fraction of the deceased over the infected!
Not so fast, hold your horses! So, it turns out the amount of time it takes for patients to progress from ‘confirmation of infection’ to ‘recovery’ or ‘deceased’ states is not the same!
Mar 22, 2020 32 tweets 15 min read
#Thread #WuhanVirus #LessonsForIndia #Strategy #COVIDー19

@IITHyderabad @BMEIITH
@MohanRaghavan8 @yashaswinimr23 @KousiksarathyS
CC: @PrinSciAdvGoI @IndiaDST @DBTIndia #WuhanVirus Where's India headed? Are spread rates normal? State-wise analysis. Can our healthcare system take it? What are our options? Strategy to tackle #WuhanVirus for India? & more