Lana Payne Profile picture
National President of Unifor - a union for everyone! Trade Unionist. Activist. Feminist. Mom. Spouse. Believer: A better world is possible. (She/Her)
Jan 6 12 tweets 2 min read
🧵Public life and public service are not easy and I want to sincerely thank Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau for his service to our country.

Despite everything, it is indeed a privilege to serve Canadians and Canada. 1/ #cdnpoli A few thoughts on some important progress made over the last decade for working Cdns, the moment we are currently in and the very big challenges ahead.

Also to workers, you can count on Unifor to provide the kind of leadership that will be needed in the days and months ahead. /2
Dec 16, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
It’s been a day in #cdnpoli

But for those still tuning in, I have some thoughts on the moment we are in and the Fall Economic Statement.

First we are facing an existential threat to Cdn workers and their jobs. And we need singular attention to this /1 As Canada rapidly approaches a potential trade war with the U.S., it’s vital that elected representatives at all levels & from all political stripes unite to protect Canadian jobs. We demand a coordinated strategy that puts the interests of workers & the nation first. /2
May 5, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Time for a 🧵on unions and democracy.

Since this message and article from @PierrePoilievre came out, plenty of people have tried to say 'me too!'

My message: welcome to the party.

Unions have been here for over 150 years, doing the hard work of organizing. /1

#cdnpoli #canlab Organizing workers. Organizing in our communities. Organizing collectively to actually deliver the real goods for workers.

Our strength is in our numbers, our solidarity and our ability to organize for change and build worker power.

And we have big numbers. We are organized /2
Jul 17, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Not one word. Not one about the real problem. It’s not wages. It’s soaring profits that are the problem. Come on: workers wages have not kept pace and the one chance to catch up and central bankers coaching biz not to raise wages too much! #cdnpoli… In June, @CntrFutureWork warned this would happen. That workers would pay the price for inflation padding corporate profits:… And here we are! /2
Jul 16, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
10 paid sick days.

Decent and safe work.

These are our demands for all the time, not just during a pandemic. @fordnation we can’t wish this virus away. People are still getting sick everyday.

Workers need 10 permanent sick days, instead…/1

@fairwagesnow #PaidSickDays The measly 3 paid sick days introduced during the pandemic will expire July 31.

3 days are not good enough and soon they will be gone.

Time to step up @fordnation

More than 43,500 Cdns have died from this virus and more than 4M Cdns (underestimate) have had the virus. /2
Jan 31, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
As a lifelong trade unionist who has spent a lot of time on picketlines and at protests, it's not lost on any of us how the police have been used to suppress democratic trade union rights and bust strikes /1 #cdnpoli #canlab Indeed, often police forces are used to enable the transport of scabs across picket lines. In other words they act as a agent to help capitalism suppress working people's legitimate charter right to a union and all that this should entail /2
Jul 28, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Dear Canada:

All eyes should be on Alberta right now.

The UCP govt has declared war on workers rights (Bill 32), on public not-for-profit health care (Bill 30).

And so much more.

Enthralled with American Republicans, Kenney and the UCP are bringing this nastiness north /1 It isn't an incremental attack or a slight erosion of trade union and worker rights. It's a full court press.

Health care and education: important public goods that help share the wealth and give everyone a fighting chance are also getting the Kenney Republican treatment /2
Mar 25, 2020 16 tweets 4 min read
Some thoughts on Canada's Employment Insurance system.

In the best of times, it's inadequate, failing 100,000s of workers - precarious workers. During a pandemic, it is 10,000x inadequate. It's an example of how eroded safety nets come back to haunt us during tough times.

Some of the troublesome features remaind from the early 1990s when govt, specifically the Chretien/Martin Liberals, hacked away at EI. Unemployed workers were labelled cheats and therefore the system needed harsh penalties to encourage ppl to find work /2
May 28, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Things Conservatives get away with.

1. A premier of a province where wildfires are raging runs off to another province to campaign for his federal buddies.

2. That same premier proclaims that he is empowering workers by slashing their wages and overtime pay. /1

#cdnpoli 3. Is this the same kind of empowering process engaged by Doug Ford? You know where firing 3,000 teachers is supposed to make kids more resilient.

4. Saying that a job is the best medicine to combat poverty, while slashing minimum wages.

