Liberteur Profile picture
Budding Christ-centered Quaker, apolitical, firm believer that all roads in Science lead to God, Denver Broncos fan.
Aug 21, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
3 new ivermectin papers!

White paper on Ivermectin as a potential therapy for COVID-19… Antiviral Activity of Ivermectin Against SARS-CoV-2: An Old-Fashioned Dog with a New Trick—
A Literature Review…
May 9, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Connecticut has had 2874 deaths and only 65 recoveries, according to their numbers.
Pure absurdity that goes completely unquestioned by the “fact checkers”. Image Nebraska has had 92 deaths and only 22 recoveries.
Virtually impossible. Image
Apr 23, 2020 267 tweets >60 min read
Dr. Glanville’s antibody cure is coming in September.
Ivermectin is working right now.
The pandemic is over people! ImageImage
Apr 16, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Look at the numbers some States are reporting.
If you take the active cases + deaths, the totals are real close to, or equal to, the total cases.
That would mean that nobody’s recovered in those States... since the beginning of the outbreak!
#BooksCooked… Image
Apr 11, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Here’s a novel idea.
Quarantine the sick and those most susceptible to the virus, and let the rest of society get back to normal.
This promotes herd immunity while protecting the most vulnerable and not destroying people economically.
Problems? Noted epidemiologist says the same thing.
#QuarantineTheSick #ProtectTheWeak #ReturnToNormal #NullifyTyranny…
Apr 4, 2020 22 tweets 6 min read
The fact that corporate media is not pushing this story speaks volumes about their agenda: keep the fear pandemic going.
This is a cure and they know it.
Once this drug is out there, the pandemic ends and so does their fear monopoly.
They have blood on their hands. More evidence that the SARS-CoV antibodies will neutralize SARS-CoV-2.…
Apr 1, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
They have just found a cure for #COVID19!
If you know anything about microbiology, this is about as surefire as it gets. Skip ahead to 11:40.
This should be breaking the internet right now. They have mutated SARS antibodies to neutralize #SARS_COV_2. #CovidCure