Liberty Empath 🔔⚖🌺 Profile picture
An Empathetic Unreal-Libertarian from America's high-five. quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Aug 5, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
I dreamed that a number of us bought a ship and hired a crew and captain and went to sea. We called her the State. And a great storm arose and she began to make heavy weather of it, till at last there came a cry “All hands to the pumps—owners and all!” We had too much sense to disobey the call and in less time than it takes to write the words we had all turned out, and allowed ourselves to be formed into squads at the pumps. Several emergency petty officers were appointed to teach us our work and keep us at it.
Aug 4, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The evolution of engineering and technology in weapons is moot.
When our founding fathers enumerated the right to bear arms most people owned weapons equivalent to the military.
So, relatively speaking they enshrined our right to purchase F22s and M1MBTs if they choose. Secondly:
Our constitution doesnt give me or anyone else a single right at all.

I was born with all of my rights including the right to defend myself in whatever way I feel necessary(NOT what others THINK is necessary).
Sep 10, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
I had a number of thoughts the night President Trump was elected. I hoped and prayed the campaign was a shtick and he would surprise me by being a much better man while holding office. The next thought I had was that if that failed(which I presumed it would) that a strong primary challenge would be undertaken in '20
Jul 16, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Every single election cycle good, honest, humble #Americans whisper that they believe the #Republicrat monopoly(sometimes stylized #TheDuopoly) is detrimental to America and that things need to change. "We need more options' they say. 'We need more strong parties than just these two' 'We need independents holding state and federal offices' etc. etc. etc. These self same brothers and sisters of mine always conclude to the contrary though.
Jun 16, 2019 4 tweets 4 min read
It is time that we as #Americans take a long hard look in the mirror. The #Republicrat #duopoly has and is failing us. How long do we suffer oppression voluntarily under their thumb? Have we no self respect? No sense of self worth? If we vote lesser evil over and over and are continually failed by those sworn to represent us do we continue to vote in the same way or do we 'throw off such government' and 'alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government'?
Jun 15, 2019 7 tweets 5 min read
We as #Americans are facing down a terrible and destructive enemy. An enemy that knows no bounds, plays by no rules and is concerned only with driving a wedge into the staggering partisan divide in the #USA
That enemy is the @GOP @TheDemocrats #Republicrat #Duopoly 'But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. '
Jun 14, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
I must plead with my fellow American brothers and sister to not cast a single vote ever out of fear.
This is how we ended up with oppressive Republicrat monopoly we face today.
#Revolution I saw today in the comments section of an article about @justinamash someone said 'Dont split the anti-Trump vote' in regards to the prospect of an Amash run for the presidency.
Jun 8, 2019 12 tweets 5 min read
'You have spent the last two years failing to do your job, which is to directly represent the popular will of your constituents.' - Anna Timmer at townhall 5/28/19
@justinamash responded: "My job is to uphold the Constitution."
Lets discuss this... In a @YouTube vid Ms Timmer cites Encyclopedia Britannica 'The House of Reps shares equal responsibility for lawmaking with the U.S. Sen. As conceived by the framers of the Constitution, the House was to represent the popular will, and its members were to be directly elected.'